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661.Remembrance Services
There will be a short act of Remembrance at the village war memorial on Thursday 11th November at 11am. The Parish Remembrance Sunday service will be held at St Mary's Church at 10am. There will be a parade from the Parish Hall starting at 9.45am to which all are welcome ...
662.Culm Valley YFC Easter Bingo
Culm Valley YFC Easter Bingo! To be held at Hemyock Village Hall. Thursday 17th April Doors open 7pm, Eyes down 7.30pm Raffle & Refreshments LOTS OF PRIZES TO BE WON! Entry - Only £1 Everyones welcome, more the merrier! In aid of Devon Air Ambulance For more information contact Louisa ...
663.New Faces
No not the TV programme! Following the Annual Church meeting and subsequent Church Council meeting, we have some new people as points of contact for St Mary's and Culm Davy.
664.Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen
Brian Samuels would like to thank everybody who sponsored my Midnight Madness walk in aid of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen.
665.Advice on clearing snow
At a very opportune time comes this advice from Devon Association of Local Councils www.dapc.org.uk about the responsibilities and consequences of clearing snow from public areas. The Big Society has arrived!
666.Football Award Three Years Running
A football player from Hemyock has been awarded player of the year for the third year running.
667.Annual Church Meeting
Don't forget that as well as being the Queen's birthday, April 21st is also the day of the Annual Church Meeting for St Mary's. It takes place at 7.45pm and is the time to hear what has been going on in the various church groups over the past year. If ...
668.Thank You
From mid June to mid October David Palmer was absent from Lower Mackham Farm and Hemyock, but not forgotten! It seemed I could not go anywhere without people asking after him and arranging to visit, offering me help - from doing shopping, cutting the lawn, baking cakes, rounding up cattle ...
669.Parish Pump Thank You Tea!
The organisers of the Pump are sorry to have postponed the 'Thank You Tea' on 16th January because of the uncertain weather. We hope to have another date in the spring to which all distributors and prospective helpers will be invited. We did try to contact everyone involved by telephone, ...
670.Local Children Turn Green
Hemyock Kids learn about saving the environment at Church Holiday Club More than 80 children learnt how to care for the planet at Hemyock’s annual holiday club last week. Using Scripture Union’s Wastewatchers holiday club material the children learned how to look after their world through games, craft, music, drama ...
671.Palm Sunday at St Mary's
Palm Sunday, 16th March, will see the choir of the parish church of St Mary's, Hemyock lead the traditional procession from the Parish Hall to the Church for the morning service. They will leave the hall at 10.45am. All welcome Janice Bawler
672.Hemyock Under 11's Enjoy First Win of Season
Hemyock Under 11’s 13 Feniton Wasps Under 11’s 1
673.Friends Of St Mary's - Forthcoming Events
Wine Tasting With Supper in the Church Room, Hemyock Friday 10 October at 7.30 pm Sample 8 wines and enjoy a cheese/pate supper
674.WI News
After a short history of making pickles and chutneys from produce grown on the farm, members enjoyed guessing the many ingredients used in chutneys from Rumwell Farm shop for their April meeting.
675.Christmas Decoration Competition
It's that time of year for Hemyock Parish Council to have its Christmas Decoration Competition. So enter into the spirit of Christmas and help make the village look festive and cheerful. Click here for more information
676.Calor Village of the Year Competition
Representatives of the parish gave an excellent presentation to the judges when they came to hemyock in August.
677.Singers Latest News
It was reported at the annual meeting of Hemyock Singers that the amicable split within the group during 2008 had seen little effect on the Society. The group had enjoyed a successful coffee morning, a choral concert and supper shows. Janice Bawler, chairman, paid tribute to the work of musical ...
678.Parish Pump - Donations
Thank You for your donations so far this year, your contributions will help to keep the Pump on going, which means you'll continue to know what's going on in the village!
We have arranged junior coaching at the tennis courts again this summer. Lauren Curry (who did the coaching last summer and proved very popular) will be holding one-hour sessions for children of different age/ability on Tuesday mornings starting on July 24th and finishing on August 28th (six sessions in total). ...
680.Heritage Sunday - Sept 15th
Do go along to St Mary's church on Sunday next (15th) and enjoy the exhibition of art and photography from around the locality as part of the Heritage Sunday celebrations. The event will run from 2 -5pm and will include background music and the usual delicious refreshments supplied by the ...
681.Travelling In Winter
Devon County Council has issued its latest Travelling in Winter 2012/2013 brochure. Please click here to view.
682.Mozart's Requiem
The Hemyock Singers will be performing Mozart's Requiem at the Parish Churches of St Mary.
683.Coffee Morning for Parkinsons
As the Coffee Morning we held last year was so successful, we are holding the event again on Saturday June 13th, from 10:00am until 12:30pm. We are also having an evening event in Autumn, the tickets will be on sale from April 30th and will be £6 each.
684.Hemyock Singers Restarts
Hemyock Singers will restart on Monday 12th January, at 7:30pm in the Baptist Church.
685.From Revd David Sherwood - April 09
A few months ago the British Humanist Society paid for an advertising campaign on the side of the nation's buses which read 'There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life'. I was in two minds when I heard about this. On the one hand, I was concerned ...
686.Indian Takeaway
Thank You to all those who supported the Hemyock Indian Take-Away in April.
687.Thank You
A big "thank you" from the Culm Valley Players to everyone who supported the Pantomime of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs either by coming to see it or sponsoring it or both. We had great fun doing it and raised £1661.22 which was divided equally between Devon Air Ambulance ...
688.Notice Of Vacancy in Office of Councillor
Hemyock Parish Council NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a vacancy exists in the office of councillor for the above Parish Council. If within 14 working days of the date of this notice a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at ...
689.Sausage and Mash Lunch
A date for your diaries! WI will be cooking a sausage and mash lunch again in the Parish Hall on November 9th. Tickets will be available nearer the time but this event has been extremely popular in the past. Our Spring meal was so well supported that we had to ...
690.Hemyock Youth FC Members Receive Trophies
Hemyock Youth FC chairman, Mark Jordan, presented the trophies at the end-of-season awards night. Next year the club will run U8, U9, U10 and U12 teams in the Exeter Friendly League.