Welcome to Hemyock Wednesday, July 03 2024 @ 10:25 am UTC

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691.Hemyock Tennis Men Win Through
The Hemyock Tennis Club Men's Team recently won the local Stones Winter League sponsored by Stones Solicitors.
692.Council Hedge Cutting An Expensive Option
Land owners in the Hemyock area are being advised to cut their hedges in the interests of road safety.
693.Parish Appraisal
If you still have an uncompleted Parish Appraisal form sitting on the sideboard at home and would like another day or so to complete it, please take it along to the Post Office in Hemyock by 10th February. If you have lost your copy please contact Heather Stallard today on ...
694.Village Takes Action On Speeding
Hemyock Parish Council is seeking volunteers to run a speed survey system in the village using the latest technology ‘speed guns’. Most of the village is covered by a 20mph limit whilst other areas within the Parish remain covered by the maximum 30mph limit. But locals complain that ‘thoughtless’ drivers ...
695.Hemyock Under 13 2 Colyton Under 13 6
Good match in difficult conditions
696.Upper Culm CLT Board of Directors Meeting 14 ...
Summary Notes of the Board of Directors Meeting held on 14 March 2013
697.Clean sweep on the courts.
Congratulations to three teams from Hemyock Tennis Club who have won in their respective Leagues this year. In the spring, the Men's Team won their Division of the Somerset Winter League for which they were awarded a rather smart engraved glass bowl, and just now the Mixed Summer Leagues have ...
698.New Bibles
Just as this edition of The Pump comes out we will be taking delivery of new Bibles for St Mary's. Many of these have been donated by people in the parish and we would like to say thank you to them for their generosity. The Bibles are in the New ...
699.Subs for write-access to Hemyock.org now due
Each organisation pays £10 per year (to cover costs) which give access to editing their space on hemyock.org, this website. This allows them to have and edit a Static Page as shown on the left hand bar; to be able to make a Calendar entry as shown on the right ...
700.Hemyock Tennis Club Open Evening
HTC are holding an Open Evening on Friday 17th May at 6:30pm and welcome everyone to come along.
701.Council Is Energised
The annual Parish meeting on 1st May at the Hemyock Parish Hall is the place to get up-to-date with what is happening in this vibrant rural community.
702.Parkinsons Day - Coffee Morning
Please support our coffee morning at 45 castle park on Saturday June 19th from 10:00am - 12:30am. Also an evening with Autumn (Jean+Ken), tickets £6 each from 7:00pm - 10:00pm please book tickets asap 01823 681298
703.Excavation at Playstreet, Bickenhall
The excavation of a Medieval settlement at Playstreet, Bickenhall, which had been delayed due to the wet weather, has been re-scheduled to start on Monday 15th September. There are spaces available for those who wish to join in the dig during the day, or bring the kids along after school ...
704.Medical Equipment Available
The Blackdown Practice, the Blackdown Support Group and the Violet Chapman Trust have purchased or been given various items of medical equipment e.g. walking sticks, zimmer frames, wheel chairs, an electric 'buggy', raiser/recliner chairs and beds.
705.Thank You
Burnett and Hazel Case would like to thank everyone who sent them cards and best wishes on the occasion of their diamond wedding. Thank you!
706.Footballers clear pitch ahead of games
Free roaming dogs are thought to be to blame for the increasing amounts of faeces being found on the village sports complex, especially the football pitch. This represents a health hazard to players and referees are ordering that a clean sweep of the pitch be made before play can commence. ...
707.Concert report
The Salamanca Band and Bugles of The Rifles were welcomed to Hemyock on Saturday (11th July) by a peal of bells rung by the ringers of St Mary's church where the band, conducted by Sgt Martin Wills, gave a concert to a large audience. Given in aid of the Friends ...
708.More Noticeboards for Hemyock
Hemyock is a thriving community with a large number of events, all of which need to be promoted. This web site and the village noticeboard are two of the means of advertising. However the single noticboard is proving too small and it is thought that a further one or two ...
709.Hemyock Singers News - Jan 07
Many thanks to all those who joined in the carol singing evening. A total of £113 was collected and donated to The Chestnut Appeal. Rehearsals for our Spring concert 'The Creation' by Haydn have just begun.
710.From Revd David Sherwood - February 09
At the beginning of January we all went around wishing each other a 'Happy New Year' and I suspect that, given the current climate, there was considerable feeling behind each greeting. The Credit Crunch is has now become a financial crisis and this country, as well as many others in ...
711.Another Good Night For Hemyock Under 15s
Hemyock 2 Honiton 1
712.Welcome to the new Hemyock website
We hope you like your new village website - if your club or organisation would like a page and be able to post news and events - just let us know. It really is a great way to promote your club or association, and it keeps you at the heart ...
713.What a night!
The Valley Arts and Social Society held a very successful Mediterranean evening on 28th September. Your WI was out in force to support this fantastic evening which took on a party atmosphere. The hall was decorated and looked like a mediterranean patio, the food was cooked to perfection, the entertainment ...
714.Hemyock Under 11's Make Plate Final
Hemyock Under 11's played in the Exeter and District Plate Final on Saturday 16th May and gave a good account of themselves.
715.Sausage and Mash lunch, back by popular demand
Back by popular demand is our delicious Sausage and Mash Lunch. This will be held in the Parish Hall on February 9th 2013 from 12 noon until 1.30pm. The cost will be £6.00 to include a two course lunch with homemade desserts and tea or coffee. Please see a member ...
716.Christmas Competition for residential and business premises
Local people are expecting to maintain the customary high standards as they prepare their properties for the annual Christmas decoration competition in Hemyock.
717.Hemyock Seeks The Advantages
The Boundary Committee for England is carrying out a structural review of Devon on behalf of national government.
St Mary's Church Council are to consider the best way to use parts of the church to enhance worship, serve the community, provide necessary facilities and meet the needs of all. An open meeting for any interested parishoners will be held at the church on Wednesday 13th June at 7.30pm ...
719.Application for Membership of the Upper Culm Community ...
Applications are currently being invited for membership of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd. Membership confers voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and other general meetings of the Trust. The Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd is an open membership, not-for-profit organisation – anyone who lives in the ...
720.The French Are Coming - Again!
We look forward to our friends from France being with us in May when we will formally seal our twinning arrangements after 11 years of relationship and visits. The signs at the entrances to our village will soon reveal that our Twinning activities have been officially recognised. Twinning is educational, ...