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721.Parish Hall News - February 2009
The Parish Hall Management very reluctantly decided that unless the vandalism to the Hall roof was halted the razor wire on the east side of the building would have to be re-instated.
Following the excitement of the Red Devils "dropping in" to the Summer Fair their leader talked about the opportunities for trying Tandem sky-diving with them.
723.Keyboard Wanted
St Mary's Church, Hemyock are in need of a portable keyboard - mainly to be used for Choir Practices. If you have one spare or hiding away unused please contact Ron White 681020 or revron@btinternet.com
725.Tennis Mix & Match Tournament a Success
Despite heavy drizzle for the start of the event, Hemyock Tennis Club's autumn Mix-and-Match tournament went ahead on the afternoon of Sunday, October 28th.
726.St Mary's Christmas Fayre a Great Success!
The Christmas Fayre was opened by David Bawler, recently retired Churchwarden, who was presented with a buttonhole by Isabelle Cole. The fayre, in conjunction with Culm Davy Chapel, was held at Hemyock parish hall, and raised over £1309.
727.Twinning Association Visit to France May 2010
This year it was our turn to visit our French Twinning partners over the Spring Bank Holiday. 50 Upper Culm residents enjoyed a weekend of French hospitality.
728.Thank You
Alice Leighton would like to thank everyone for their support over the few weeks. She has been overwhelmed by the support, card, kindness and generosity shown by so many people.
729.Political Autonomy for the Blackdown Hills? Parish Councils ...
The way in which council services are provided in Devon look set to change and residents across the county have never had a better opportunity to influence this change to meet the needs of their local community. The Boundary Committee has been asked by the Government to see if a ...
730.Have you been Confirmed?
There will be a service of Confirmation at St. Mary's Church Hemyock, presided over by the Bishop of Crediton, on the evening of Sunday 24th of May. The service is about 'confirming' our Baptism promises or those made on our behalf when we were infants.
731.Hemyock History Group
At the Meeting in May there was an ongoing display of old local photographs on a digital photo frame............
732.Hemyock Under 12 Report
Hemyock 4 Sidmouth Warriors 6 On a glorious Saturday these two teams gave everyone watching an exciting game. The first half was dominated by Sidmouth scoring three goals with no reply. They were helped by some very poor defending from the Hemyock boys who were finding it very hard to ...
733.Thank You
We have now retired from running the stall at the Saturday morning market for the Blackdown Support Group in Hemyock. We have done this for nine years including the odd Garage Sale and raised over £9,000.
734.Armistice Day
A short commemoration will be held at the War Memorial Friday 11th November at 11.00am to remember all who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
735.Alchohol in the Parish Hall
The Parish Hall does carry its own Licence but anyone intending to bring alcohol into the Parish Hall does have to apply in writing to the Honorary Secretary six weeks before the event.
736.Scrabble Club
Is continuing on the 4th Tuesday in each month at 2.30pm at the Back Room of Hemyock Baptist Church. The dates for October and November are as follows: 27.10.09, 24.11.09.
737.Twinning News - August 2007
9th June - what a superb afternoon for the Annual Boules Event! About 40 people joined the competition, with many others just going along to spectate and enjoy the delightful gardens at "Oxenpark". The holders of the trophy were Ann & Philip Monks, but this year they were knocked out ...
738.Chocolate Morning
It's that time again when we will be holding our annual Chocolate Event. March 14th in the Forbes Lounge will be the venue for all things chocolate. Come along and enjoy the company of friends and buy all your Easter Chocolates. There will be a cake stall, chocolate tombola, chocolate ...
739.can you help?
Many will have read the latest issue of the Parish Pump where there is an appeal for Christmas Shoeboxes for adults and children in Moldova in Eastern Europe. who otherwise are unlikely to receive any gifts at the festive season. If you would like to contribute to this annual appeal ...
740.Diamond Jubilee Sunday
As St Mary's will be taking part in the Queen's Diamond Jubilee service at Longmead Field on Sunday at 11a.m. there will be no service that day at the Parish Church. There will however be a service of Holy Communion at St Andrews, Clayhidon at 8.30a.m. and All Saints, Culmstock ...
741.Under 15 Division 2 Hemyock 0 Feniton 1
On a raw Saturday morning and after their heavy defeat at Okehampton last week Hemyock were not looking forward to the physical challange that always comes when they play a very big Feniton side. With just the bare 11 players Hemyock knew they would have to work hard and that ...
742.Hemyock History Group News
On Thursday 14th February the Hemyock History Group met at the Church Rooms. Two members of the group, Brian Clist and Chris Dracott, gave a talk on 'List of Inhabitants' over the centuries concentrating on records relating to the Parish of Hemyock.
743.Salamanca Band and Bugles of the Rifles
A concert will take place on Saturday 11th July in St Mary's at 7.00pm
744.From Revd David Sherwood - December 08
For me, 'Silent Night' is perhaps the most evocative of all the Christmas Carols. There are others of course, but they are mostly 'busy' carols, echoing the world as it runs helter skelter through the festive season. And those bright and busy carols are the ones that we will have ...
745.The Saviour
Hemyock Singers perform THE SAVIOUR by William Lloyd Webber on Maundy Thursday 9 April at 7.30 p.m. at St. Mary's Church. Retiring collection for Children's Hospice South West.
746.Harvest Festival
Everyone is welcome to the Harvest Festival service to be held at the Parish Church of St Mary's on Friday 28th September at 7p.m. A supper will be held afterwards - there is a list of suggested food folk may like to bring at the back of the church - ...
It always amazes me the number of different Good causes/charities that are supported in Hemyock. If it were possible to keep track of all of them and add up the total money sent we might all get big headed or complacent so perhaps the Bible has it right that we ...
748.Hemyock Singers
Are you looking for something to do on a Monday evening? Want to blow away the winter blues and tune up those vocal chords? Hemyock Singers have just begun rehearsals for their concert to be performed at St Mary's Church on Thursday 5th April. 'Requiem' by Bob Chilcott is the ...
749.Friends of St Mary’s - June & July ...
We are planning to hold a Festival of Trees in St Mary's in Advent (15 - 17 December 2007). The festival will last for tree days and it is hoped that many of the decorations will remain for Christmas. Groups, businesses and individuals will be asked to sponsor and / ...
750.St Mary's Guild - April 08
The February meeting of St Mary’s Guild fell on Ash Wednesday. Members and friends attended the communion service at St Mary’s Church and then went accross to the Church rooms for a delicious frugal Lent lunch of various homemade soups, homemade rolls and cheese followed by tea or coffee.