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BLACKWATER ROAD CLOSURE. The Parish Council has just heard that this closure could be in place for weeks or even months due to the build up of work at Devon Highways. Clerk Mrs D Evans, Park Farm, Dunkeswell, Honiton, Devon EX14 4RN Tel 01823 680968 Email clerk@hemyock.org
242.Quiz Night Tickets Now On Sale at the ...
Tickets for Hemyock Cricket Club's Quiz Night on Saturday 27th September are now available from Hemyock Post Office. The Quiz starts at 7.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Tickets are priced at £30 for teams of four, five or six members, which includes food. There is a licensed bar and ...
243.Remember Hemyock's Domesday Project in 1986?
The Domesday Project 1986 was made to coincide with the 900th year anniversary of the original Domesday Book. Many familiar local names occur in it. Unfortunately Domesday 1986 was done on rapidly obsolete computer technology and was nearly lost forever. It has now been put on the web here. You ...
244.Christmas Shoeboxes
There is just over a month before Christmas Shoeboxes need to be handed in at 4 South View. All boxes from those for the youngest to the eldest folk are gratefully accepted and will be distributed to the very poorest families in Eastern Europe by Christian Response to Eastern Europe ...
245.Meetings re the Future of Hemyock
Come along and help us plan for the future of Hemyock. Wednesday 14th October and Wednesday 21st October in the Parish Hall at 7.30 p.m.
246.From Ray Radford, Your County Councillor
It is that time of year again, we have just got over Christmas and the new year, and now we are in budget time, having to fix the Council Tax. As I am sure you already know, all Local Authorities collect the resources (Formula Grant), they need to run the ...
247.Hemyock Then and Now
The DVD of Hemyock Then and Now was sold out at the recent public screening when over 100 people attended over two sessions. We have now produced more copies of the DVD and they will be available at the Church Rooms at the Saturday morning Charity Shop. The Charity Shop ...
248.For one night only... The Hemyock Indian Take-Away!
On Friday 3rd April, at 35 Longmead, Hemyock, curry enthusiasts Simon and Jilly Ould are turning their house into an Indian take-away for the night! Choose one of 5 curries, rice, vegetable side-dish and Onion bhaji included in the price.Tickets available at Hemyock Spar, suggested donation of £5 per adult. ...
249.Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoebox Appeal.
‘ The Power of a Simple Gift’ is the heading on the leaflet sent out by this charity and how true it is.
250.Culmstock Bridge closed
It would appear that the bridge at Culmstock has been closed due to an accident on Thursday 18th May. Further details http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-18123457 If you find out what is happening, please contact me and I will update this. UPDATE: all open again now.
251.Invitation from Fred
Fred Bear will be visiting St Mary's Church on Sunday 5th June for a special short Family Service which will start at the later time of 11.30a.m. and he is inviting all local and visiting bears, cuddlies and humans to join him. Humans are invited to bring along a picnic ...
252.The Creation By Haydn - A Review
Following a concert at St Mary's church Uffculme when £275 was raised for the Karen Action Group Hemyock Singers returned to their own village the following evening to give a superb performance of The Creation' which raised £280 for St Margaret's Somerset Hospice New Build Appeal.
253.Hemyock WI - August & September Update
The June meeting was held in the Forbes Lounge on Tuesday June 5th. Cindy Jefferson chaired the meeting in the absence of Lyn who was unavailable. It was a lively meeting with Daphne telling members of the interesting county events, taking orders for calendars and diaries and gathering names of ...
254.Hurley Is Pick Of The Players!
In wintry conditions at Amory Park, Hemyock under-8s lost 5-2 to well organised Twyford. With the score at 3-2 Hemyock tried hard to get back into the game, but despite going close, left space at the back for Twyford to add to their tally and win in style.Joe Hurley scored ...
255.St Mary’s Fete
The organisers would like to thank all those who helped or supported St Mary's Church in any way to make the day a success despite the atrocious weather. £1663 was raised which was only £150 below last years figure.
256.Culm Valley YFC News Update May 2015
Culm Valley Young Farmers have had a very busy couple of months starting with a flower arranging class held at Kentisbeare Village Hall. The evening saw thirteen girls learn table decorations and buttonholes from Helen Williams and Laura Reed. Thanks to the Laura Persey Trust for their kind funding of ...
257.Local Inquiry - Definitive Map Modification Order
Following a Definitive Map Review there will be a local inquiry on Tuesday 8th December at 10am in the Parish Hall. Click here for more details.
258.Band Hits Right Notes in Contest
A young band from Hemyock has narrowly missed a place in the final of a battle of the bands competition. Dicentra came third in heats for Somerset County Council's Battle of the Bands contest, held at the Somerset College of Arts and Technology, in Taunton, on January 6. The competition ...
St Mary's Church has been overwhelmed by the response to its appeal for donations to the local foodbank. Unfortunately a number of items have been out of date and will need to be destroyed as the foodbank will not permit these to be distributed. If you would check the date ...
260.Church Services
On Sunday 24th June a joint church service will be held at the Baptist Chapel at 11a.m. There will be no service at the Parish Church that day, Culmstock will hold a service of Holy Communion at 8a.m., Clayhidon a Family Service at 10a.m. and Evening Prayer will be held ...
261.Get up to Speed - free workshop
'Get Up to Speed' project runs free talks and workshops for communities and businesses to help boost digital skills in order that people can make the most of current or future faster broadband speeds. A free session on Google Apps is being run on Thursday 3rd December for local businesses ...
262.Serving those who serve since 1779
It was said of the Duke of Wellington that he was ‘more afraid of his own men than he was of the enemy’. Which perhaps makes his Presidency of the Naval & Military Bible Society in 1816 all the more understandable with its core aim being “to spread abroad Christian ...
263.Hemyock Parish Council Christmas Decoration Competition
H emyock P arish C ouncil Christmas Decoration Competition The council is having its annual 'Hemyock Christmas Decorations Competition' There will be prizes for both the best seasonally decorated house and business premises. So enter into the spirit of Christmas and make the village look festive and cheerful. Judging will ...
264.Applications for Directors of Upper Culm CLT
Applications are invited for the role of director of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust. Applications must be received by the Company Secretary by Saturday 8th September 2012. Please request a copy of the Application Form from neilpunnett@aol.com). Directors are subject to the Rules of the Upper Culm Community Land ...
265.From Councellor Ray Radford...
Forgive me if you are familiar with the Boundaries Commission, but that is the most talked about topic within DCC at the moment. The Boundaries Commission asked DCC and MDDC to put forward their views on Unitary Council. This means that a Unitary Council would provide all the services that ...
266.Life at St Mary's
St Mary's Church was buzzing with visitors as it celebrated Heritage Sunday when a display of needlecraft had been arranged by the Friends of St Mary's. Intricate cross stitich pictures, tapestry, knitting, embroidery, quilting and crochet were amongst the items on show with demonstrations of lace making and teddy bear ...
267.House Martins
For several years, I have been collecting information about house martins in this area. Such information includes date of arrival and departure of the birds; number of nests being used; address of the site etc.
268.St Mary's Annual Meeting 2008
Reports presented at the annual church meeting of St Mary’s Hemyock with Culm Davy Chapel showed them to be lively forward looking communities. The buildings including the Church Room are in good repair and the interior of St Mary’s is to be redecorated during the summer months. Architect plans for ...
269.Embrace Group - Children's Home
click here for letter from Embrace A new meeting has been arranged for 23rd September at 6pm.
270.Jobs are at risk says County Councillor
Letters from 13 key businesses were presented at a recent Parish Council meeting in Hemyock demanding action on the need for passing places on Pencross Hill to the North of the village. As the village has grown, there has been a marked increase in the number and size of commercial ...