Welcome to Hemyock Wednesday, July 03 2024 @ 07:44 am UTC

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1.Hemyock Parish Council
19/00244/FULL | Change of use of agricultural land to allow the siting of 5 residential pitches, 1 transit gypsy and traveller pitch comprising 6 touring caravans, 3 day rooms, sewage treatment plant, hardstanding with new access and associated works | Lot 3 Shuttleton Farm Castle Hill Hemyock Devon The parish council does not support ...
2.Temporary Traffic Order
Click here for details of traffic order 12th - 19th December Tanhouse Farm - Flashford Bridge
3.Hemyock Parish Council
Have you visited Hemyock Turbary recently? The parish council has just finished creating a hard standing area for parking to improve access to the turbary. Many thanks to Councillor Nick Moon for overseeing the project. The pc is hoping that Mid Devon District Council will agree to install a litter ...
4.Village Car Park
Please note the village car park (adjacent to the Baptist Church) will be closed to the general public and instead will provide parking for those attending the Doctors' Surgery flu jab clinic on Saturday 3rd October 8am - 4pm and Saturday 17th October 8am - 4pm.
5.Bus Service 20
Several parishioners have contacted me about Bus No 20.  Somerset County Council is withdrawing its subsidy from the service.    I have contacted Somerset County Council who has told me . . .  There is only a slight change to service 20 as a result of the withdrawal of our ...
6.Hemyock Parish Council
Hemyock Parish Council opens new play area at Longmead. The new play area at Longmead is due to open this afternoon (21st October). Due to COVID-19 is would not be appropriate to have a large official opening/gathering so instead please see pictures from the parish council. We hope you enjoy ...
7.Hemyock Parish Council
Wow!! Well done everyone for the tremendous efforts you have made in decorating your properties with Christmas lights - what a fantastic spectacle. For many years the Parish Clerk and I have driven the various judges around the Parish for their assessments and selections for the prizes the Parish Council ...
8.Hemyock Parish Council
South West Water - Work at Longmead - Monday 19th October South West Water need to replace the sewer main from the pumping station to the treatment plant. This will involve digging two pits in the corners of Longmead field. The work will commence on Monday 19th October and last ...
9.Temporary Traffic Order
Temporary Traffic Order - Sunday 28th February
10.Temporary Traffic Order
Road closure on 3rd March Road to Whitehall
11.Temporary Traffic Order
Temporary Road Closure  Castle Park 5-7 October
12.Hemyock Parish Council
Footpath 35 Proposed Diversion Oxenpark Farm - click here for more information
13.Connecting Devon & Somerset
Connecting Devon and Somerset Update Phase 2 Procurement In July Connecting Devon and Somerset partnership (CDS) issued its open tender to extend the superfast broadband scheme in phase two. £39.5m of public sector investment will deliver Next Generation Access broadband services (a minimum of 30 Mbps) and ultrafast broadband (of ...
14.Temporary Traffic Order
Traffic Order 24th-28th August Lickham Cross - Gypsy Cross click here 
15.Housing Needs Survey

16.Hemyock Parish Council
Please note advance warning of a footpath closure. Week commencing 23rd September - the parish council intends to resurface the footpath at the back of Castle Park which joins with the footpath at the back of the Doctors surgery. It is anticipated that the work will take 5 days.   Please use an ...
17.Temporary Traffic Order
Temporary Traffic Order - click here Five Bridges Cross - Newcot Cross
18.Temporary Traffic Order
Temporary Traffic Order.
19.Chistmas Decorations Competition

20.Bus Service 20
Devon County Council has confirmed there is one other change to the Bus 20 Service. The following changes will take effect from Monday 25th July: - The service will no longer serve West Buckland, Somerset; - The 1700 bus from Seaton to Taunton will terminate at Culmstock at 1820 and ...
21.Hemyock Parish Council - Notice of Hearing
Notice is hereby given that an Inspector will be appointed by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to determine Devon County Council (Footpath No. 2, Culmstock (part) & Bridleway No. 38, Culmstock and Restricted Byway No. 1, Hemyock) Definitive Map Modification Order 2012 and will attend ...
22.Defibrillator Training

23.Temporary Traffic Order
Click here
24.Temporary Traffic Order
25.Hemyock Parish Council
Do you want to attend a free Emergency First Aid at Work training event on Saturday 3rd June, 9.30am - 4pm?
26.Temporary Traffic Order
Temporary Traffic Order Coombe Hill - click here
27.Election of Police & Crime Commissioner
Click here for notice reference Police & Crime Commissioner election.
28.Hemyock Parish Council
Cleaner Wanted  
29.Hemyock Parish Council
Statement of persons nominated & notice of poll Election of a Member of Parliament   click here  
30.Hemyock Parish Council
Defibrillator Awareness Session - This Saturday Saturday 27th April 10am - 12 noon free - everyone welcome