Welcome to Hemyock Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:12 am UTC

Search Results

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1.Hemyock Parish Council
19/00244/FULL | Change of use of agricultural land to allow the siting of 5 residential pitches, 1 transit gypsy and traveller pitch comprising 6 touring caravans, 3 day rooms, sewage treatment plant, hardstanding with new access and associated works | Lot 3 Shuttleton Farm Castle Hill Hemyock Devon The parish council does not support ...
2.A303 Ahead Survey
A note from County Highways.... The A303 is one of two main routes into the Westcountry and has been the subject of campaigns to improve the route for many years. The Government commissioned a study by the Highways Agency into improving the entire road, which is due to report in ...
3.MDDC Local Plan Review
H emyock P arish C ouncil MDDC is reviewing its Local Plan for the district to cover the period 2013 to 2033. Options for planning strategy and potential development sites have been drawn up and published for consultation. A ‘call for sites’ was carried out by MDDC in 2013, inviting ...
4.Hemyock Parish Council
  The parish council has nominated the Catherine Wheel as an Asset of Community Value.  
5.Repair Cafe
Next Repair Cafe - Saturday 26th May 10-12 noon 
6.Temporary Traffic Order
Click here for details of traffic order 12th - 19th December Tanhouse Farm - Flashford Bridge
7.Hemyock Parish Council
Have you visited Hemyock Turbary recently? The parish council has just finished creating a hard standing area for parking to improve access to the turbary. Many thanks to Councillor Nick Moon for overseeing the project. The pc is hoping that Mid Devon District Council will agree to install a litter ...
8.National Vintage Tractor Road Run - Devon
Dear Parish, The East Devon Tractor & Vintage Machinery club are coordinating the Devon National Vintage tractor road run 2016, with all proceeds going to Devon Air ambulance; St Luke’s hospice & Devon Freewheelers in Honiton. The one of a life time’s event, is to be held on Easter Sunday ...
9.Village Car Park
Please note the village car park (adjacent to the Baptist Church) will be closed to the general public and instead will provide parking for those attending the Doctors' Surgery flu jab clinic on Saturday 3rd October 8am - 4pm and Saturday 17th October 8am - 4pm.
10.Bus Service 20
Several parishioners have contacted me about Bus No 20.  Somerset County Council is withdrawing its subsidy from the service.    I have contacted Somerset County Council who has told me . . .  There is only a slight change to service 20 as a result of the withdrawal of our ...
11.Hemyock Parish Council
Hemyock Parish Council opens new play area at Longmead. The new play area at Longmead is due to open this afternoon (21st October). Due to COVID-19 is would not be appropriate to have a large official opening/gathering so instead please see pictures from the parish council. We hope you enjoy ...
12.Hemyock Parish Council
Wow!! Well done everyone for the tremendous efforts you have made in decorating your properties with Christmas lights - what a fantastic spectacle. For many years the Parish Clerk and I have driven the various judges around the Parish for their assessments and selections for the prizes the Parish Council ...
13.Mary Waldron Trust
Left Uffculme School? Going on with Education? The Mary Waldron Trust may be able to assist you financially in vocational and further education (including Richard Huish College) with purchases of books and equipment, including computer requisites.  Those applying should normally be resident in Hemyock or Clayhidon and must have received ...
14.Clayhidon Definitive Map Review
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 requires Devon County Council to keep the Definitive Map and Statement of public rights of way under continuous review and to make modifications where it appears that routes should be added, regraded or deleted. A review is currently being undertaken in the Parish of ...
15.Hemyock Parish Council
South West Water - Work at Longmead - Monday 19th October South West Water need to replace the sewer main from the pumping station to the treatment plant. This will involve digging two pits in the corners of Longmead field. The work will commence on Monday 19th October and last ...
16.Hemyock Parish Council
The parish council has nominated the Post Office as an Asset of Community Value.  
17.Temporary Traffic Order
Road closure on 3rd March Road to Whitehall
18.Temporary Traffic Order
Temporary Traffic Order - Sunday 28th February
19.The newly elected Hemyock Parish Council
Hemyock Parish Council
20.GP Surgery rated as outstanding
The Blackdown GP Practice in Hemyock has been given an overall rating of "Outstanding" by the Care Quality Commission after an inspection and a survey of patients.  In answer to the questions "are services safe and effective?" the CQC recorded a verdict of "Good". The three other questions the commission asked, whether ...
21.Road Closure
Circumstances and weather permitting on behalf of Devon County Council, SWH will be carrying out the following works under a road closure as shown below: Type of Works: Drainage Location: Five Bridges Cross to Madford Cross Hemyock - click here for map
22.Temporary Traffic Order
Temporary Road Closure  Castle Park 5-7 October
23.Hemyock Parish Council
Footpath 35 Proposed Diversion Oxenpark Farm - click here for more information
24.Queen's 90th Birthday Celebration
Happy Birthday Your Majesty! Sunday 12th June 2.30  p.m. Parish Hall and Recreation Ground Celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th Birthday weekend and help us to purchase heart defibrillators for Hemyock. Bring your own picnic. Drinks, tea and cakes available for purchase. Raffle Entertainment   See You There!
25.Connecting Devon & Somerset
Connecting Devon and Somerset Update Phase 2 Procurement In July Connecting Devon and Somerset partnership (CDS) issued its open tender to extend the superfast broadband scheme in phase two. £39.5m of public sector investment will deliver Next Generation Access broadband services (a minimum of 30 Mbps) and ultrafast broadband (of ...
26.Road Closures for resurfacing
From the 30th June 2014 South West Highways will be closing a section of the B3391 Main Road Hemyock for resurfacing & Patching works on behalf of Devon County Council; these works should be completed by 2nd July 2014 The diversion will be B3391, A38, Monument Road, Wellington Hill passing ...
27.Temporary Traffic Order
Click here for details of road closure Prowses 6-7 December 
28.Introducing Free Money Advice Service across Mid-Devon
Introducing Free Money Advice Service across Mid-Devon Click here for poster Fuel poverty in Devon is above the national average, with 1 in 5 rural households classed as fuel poor in the county. In recent years there has been a focus from central government to reduce fuel poverty by making ...
29.Temporary Traffic Order
Traffic Order 24th-28th August Lickham Cross - Gypsy Cross click here 
30.Housing Needs Survey