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WW1 Book Launch and Memorabilia Exibition

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For the last 6 months a number of people from the valley have been researching the family and service life of those people at the start of the last century who served in the Great War. A book 'The Upper Culm Valley before, during and after The Great War' has been produced and will be launched in the Parish Hall on Tuesday 19th August at 7.30pm. There will be an opportunity to obtain the book at an exibition on Saturday 23rd August, 2-5pm in the Parish Hall where further information and memorabilia will be on show. Refreshments available.

Parish Pump

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Due to someone leaving the area a new distributor of the Parish Pump will be needed from October to cover High Street/Fore Street.  If you feel this is something you can help with please contact me on 07773579809 asap.  Many thanks, David

Free Training

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Get Up To Speed! 

Click here to find out about free training which may be available to you from Cosmic Peninsula Consortium.

Station Road Closure

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South West Water is completing some essential works in Station Road commencing 28th July.  

Click here for details of the Temporary restriction on Station Road from Devon County Council.

Click here for some questions and answers from South West Water together with a contact number 



Road Closures for resurfacing

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 From the 30th June 2014 South West Highways will be closing a section of the B3391 Main Road Hemyock for resurfacing & Patching works on behalf of Devon County Council; these works should be completed by 2nd July 2014

The diversion will be B3391, A38, Monument Road, Wellington Hill passing Gidlands Cottage, Combe Hill, Road from Pen Cross to Withy Cross, Station Road, Fore Street, B3391 Culmstock Road.  In addition there will be two smaller local diversions as indicated on the attached map in green to maintain access.  

South West Highways would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused by these essential works.  We appreciate your co-operation in this matter and should you have any queries please contact me on 01805 622395.  

Yours faithfully 

T. Cook 

Trevor Cook 

Customer Liaison Officer, SWH Ltd (North & West)


St Mary's

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This Sunday is recognised as Rogationtide when thanks are given for land and various aspects of our community  The 11.15am service at the Parish church will include processing around the outside of the church where short readings will be given, a prayer said and a hymn sung at various stopping points.  Do join us.

Annual Parish Meeting

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 Just a reminder that the council is hosting the 'Annual Parish Meeting' in the Parish Hall at 7pm Thursday 15th May.

  • Find out about Culmstock's Parish Plan - Does Hemyock want its own Parish Plan?
  • Cosmic Ethical IT will be explaining about superfast broadband
  • Come along and meet your councillors.
  • Cheese & Wine

For one night only ......

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For one night only the Friends of St Mary's are holding a Puddings Evening.

When? - tonight, Friday 9th May, 7.30pm at the Church Room. Tickets £5 - allowing you to sample many different puddings as you wish

Scouting Awards

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There was warm applause from the large congregation at the service held at the parish church for St George's Day when 9 Scouts were presented with The Chief Scouts Gold Award and 11 Cubs the Silver Award. 

The Gold Award of a certificate and blue and gold uniform badge is the top award for Scouts showing that they are creative, fit, learning about the world and their communities, are taking part in outdoor adventures and have understood the Scout Promise.

Julie Betteridge, Cub Scout leader, was recently awarded the Chief Scout Commendation for services to Scouting.