Welcome to Hemyock Wednesday, July 03 2024 @ 09:32 am UTC


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This Friday,  26th September , Harvest Festival will be celebrated at the Parish Church at 7pm.  The guest speaker will be the Rev. Tony Grosse - a past Rector. 

St Mary's has been supporting the local Foodbank in recent months  and you are invited to bring along donations of tinned or packet food to either this service or the 11.15  Harvest celebration on Sunday.  Gifts may also be left in the box at the back of the church.  Please ensure all donations are within date.  At present there is a shortage of UHT milk - rice pudding - biscuits - fruit juice- tinned fruit  but all contributions ( including dog food) are welcome.

We look forward to seeing you

Quiz Night Tickets Now On Sale at the Post Office

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Tickets for Hemyock Cricket Club's Quiz Night on Saturday 27th September are now available from Hemyock Post Office. The Quiz starts at 7.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Tickets are priced at £30 for teams of four, five or six members, which includes food. There is a licensed bar and raffle, and a cash prize of £100 for the winning team.

Meeting cancelled

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 Embrace has cancelled the meeting scheduled for 10am on 18th September.

Please see email below 

Good Morning All,

We are sorry for the short notice, however we are going to postpone the meeting scheduled for tomorrow, at 10:00. We have taken on board your feedback and we will shortly be sending out some information in answer to the questions or concerns you have raised. 

We are currently looking at some dates for an evening or weekend meeting which we will advise you of ASAP. Please can you let anyone else know that the meeting tomorrow has now been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience and we will be back in contact shortly.


Kind Regards.

Lauren Moore

PA to Gill Holt, Director of Specialist Education & Childrens Residential Services, Childrens Services



New Members Welcome for Community Land Trust

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Applications are currently being invited for membership of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd. Membership confers voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and other general meetings of the Trust.

The Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd is an open membership, not-for-profit organisation – anyone who lives in the Hemyock/Clayhidon area can apply to join the Trust. Applicants must agree with the Rules of the Trust which may be found on the hemyock.org website at http://hemyock.org/article.php/20120813100859798 . Applications will be considered by the Trust's Directors.

Membership costs £5 (which purchases five shares with a nominal value of £1), and there is an annual subscription of £5.

Application forms are available by emailing neilpunnett@aol.com.  

In order to attend the Trust's Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday 9th October, applications must be received by the Company Secretary by 22nd September 2014.


Thank you.

St Mary's Church

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September is always a busy month at the Parish Church which begins on Sunday 7th with a short Family Service followed by a Patronal lunch.

The following Sunday Heritge weekend is celebrated with Morning Prayer following the Book of Common Prayer and in the afternoon the Friends of St Mary's will be organising a display titled All Our Yesterdays, and of course there will be delicious teas for sale.  The display will be of 1960's items - if you have anything you would like to offer please phone 680436 asap.

Holy Communion will be celebrated on 21st September at 11.15a.m.

The end of the month sees the village Harvest Festival being enjoyed. FRIDAY 26th is the date for your diary with a service at 7pm when the talk will be given by Rev Tony Grosse,a past Rector of our local churches .This will be followed by a bring and share supper in the Church Room..

The Harvest theme continues on Sunday 28th with the blessing of produce at the 11.15a.m. service.

We do hope that you will be able to join us for some, if not all ,of these special events

Embrace Group - Children's Home

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 Please click here to see letter from Embrace Group informing of its intention to open a specialist children's home in the New Year in the village.  They will be holding an open meeting on 18th September at 10am in the Parish Hall.

Church Doors

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Your Parish Church is seeking donations to install a Memorial Door for the porch at St Mary's and to upgrade the access path.  We are delighted with the response so far and are over halfway to the £10,000 needed but we still need your support to reach our target  Further details are on page 27 of the August/September Parish Pump or inside the church if you would like to make a donation.

Agenda for meeting on 8th September

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Committee Meeting on Monday, 8 September, 2014 at 1900 hours
Longmead Pavilion
1 Apologies for absence
2 Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
3 Finance
4 Heating
5 Longmead Environmental Area
6 Any Other Business
7 Date of Next Meeting

Hemyock Cricket Club Close in on Promotion

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With three matches remaining it loks almost certain that Hemyock's cricketers will win promotion from Division 5 of the West Somerset Cricket League. This is the club's third season in the WSCL and, after missing promotion by just two points last year, the team are determined to succeed this time around. They have won eleven of their fifteen matches so far this season with two others rained off. It hasn't been quite as easy as those figures suggest though. For instance, their victory over Milverton last Saturday was achieved by the skin of their teeth. Having dismissed their opponents for just 101, with Richard Drew taking three wickets for eight runs, Hemyock had lost eight wickets before scoring the winning runs, having their captain John Hurley to thank for an excellent innings of 61 not out.

Hemyock need another sixteen points to be certain of promotion and they may come this weekend when they visit Kilve. If not they have two home matches to complete the season versus Crowcombe on Saturday 30th August and Stoke St. Mary on Saturday 6th September. Both home matches start at 2.00 p.m. and spectators are always welcome at the Recreation Ground. That final match could be the championship decider if results go Hemyock's way.

Congratulations on what you have achieved already, and good luck for the final run in.