Welcome to Hemyock Wednesday, July 03 2024 @ 07:25 am UTC

Road Closure

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Circumstances and weather permitting on behalf of Devon County Council, SWH will be carrying out the following works under a road closure as shown below:

Type of Works:  Drainage

Location: Five Bridges Cross to Madford Cross Hemyock - click here for map

VE Day celebrations 2005

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Came across the following today in a Parish Pump dated June 2005 -

Hemyock festivities for the 60th anniversary of VE Day - blustery weather - open air service for about 100 - bunting, balloons and Union Flag decorated the Parish Hall where service was held - wreath laid at the War Memoriall - bring and share tea - well loved music  with singing from the 1940's - dancing to the music of Glenn Miller - £150 raised for the RBL  WW2 Anniversary Appeal - medals glistened - eyes misted - but my goodness how those veterans stood straight and proud as the National Anthem was sung


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A special craft session for children will be held at St Mary's Charity and Coffee Shop (Church Room) on Easter Saturday 10 - noon. Have a browse amongst the stalls then enjoy a coffee and cake whilst the youngsters work on their masterpieces.  

Enjoy the early morning with a Sunrise Service at Grays Farm on Easter Sunday followed by a cooked breakfast  ( must be ordered) - see Parish Pump for details

At the parish church Easter will be celebrated with a service of Holy Communion at 11.15am.  Do come and join us

Palm Sunday

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Donkeys will lead the procession through the village this coming Sunday leaving the Parish Hall at 10.30am to  walk to the Parish Church for  the  Palm Sunday service . All are invited to join.   The service will include a dramatised reading. 



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Come on down to the Parish Hall tonight for the Parish Council's Annual Parish Meeting.

Meeting starts at 7pm

There will be displays around the hall from local clubs and organisations, presentations and ending with cheese and wine.  Everyone welcome, come along.

click here for agenda.




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Culm Valley YFC Easter Bingo!

To be held at Hemyock Village Hall.

Thursday 2nd April

Doors open 7pm, Eyes down 7.30pm

Raffle & Refreshments


Entry - Only £1

Everyones welcome, more the merrier!

In aid of Exeter Leukaemia Fund

For more information contact Maggie Palmer on 07531 341531.

Notice of Election

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 Please find attached Election Notices from Mid Devon District Council


Click here for Notice of Election - District Councillors 


Click here for Notice of Election - Parish Councillors


Click here - nomination pack




Sausage and Mash lunch

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The incredibly popular and delicious Sausage and Mash lunch is back!  Hemyock WI will be cooking on Saturday March 14th from 12 til 1.30.  The cost is £6.00 a head to include a main course, amazing home made desserts and tea or coffee.  Wine will be available. 

To book your space please ring Lynn Taylor on 01823680104 but be quick as this event is very popular.