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Parish Pump magazine

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Unfortunately the last page of the Around Hemyock item is missing from the Aug/Sept.issue of the Parish Pump so for your delight here it is!


We remember all those known to us who are unwell think very especially of Dr Mark Couldrick

By the time this issue has been distribte, David and I, like many, will have enjoyed a holiday. Cheyenne and Erika meanwhile will have been amongst a party of 10 Uffculme Academy students (including Johnny Atkinson from Culmstock) who have joined other students from around the country visiting China for 2 weeks. The Uffculme party will be in Beijing before moving to Qingdao. The itinerary includes visiting Tian'anmen Square and the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and walking the Great Wall as well as having Mandarin lessons (with exam!), visiting homes and taking part in sports activities.

Whether you are holidaying at home or away, or are visiting this area, we hope the time will bring you rest and enjoyment.

As has become the custom a cream tea afternoon brought many visitors to Prings Farm and a huge amount of money was raised for cancer charities. A warm thanks to the organisers and to all who supported the event.

Cream teas leads me back to Wimbledon (sorry non tennis fans) where Federer has just beaten Murray in the semi final and our house (well me really!) breathes a sigh of relief. Time to pack for holiday methinks!

The mellowness which we usually experience during September brings us Harvest Festival which is celebrated in our churches and school. A wonderful time for us all to get together and give thanks for "All good gifts around us" So to all those who work on the land or in any capacity to bring us food and goods a heartfelt thank you

Any news you would like to share would be welcome.




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This Saturday (11)  the annual church fete and Scout open afternoon will be held at the Recreation Field ( next to Parish Hall) from 2-5pm

The event will be opened by DR. DONALD McLINTOCK

Stalls, teas, bouncy castle,bar, face painting, BBQ  and lots of Scouting activities on offer - something for all the family

Himalayan Balsam Pull

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The Parish Council will be pulling some of the Himalayan Balsam opposite the flood bridge on Tuesday evening 7th July at 7.30pm.  Any volunteers would be welcome!

Click here for pamphlet giving more information.



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This coming Sunday July 5th - 10.30a.m. bring your favourite toy to St Mary's church for a short service to include songs, craft, refreshments and to help look  for the missing sheep - whatever your age do join us ......... and don't forget your toy!

Can you help?

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I send the Parish Pump to the sister of the late Elsie Board.  Her daughter in law is asking if anyone has photos of the Millhayes area from the 1920/30's  I could copy and send.  If you can help please phone 07773579809 or email  jbawler1947@hotmail.co.uk asap.  Thanks

Temporary Traffic Order

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 Dear Colleagues, (Click here for map)

 Circumstances and weather permitting, on behalf of Devon County Council SWH will be carrying out the following works under a road closure: 

Type of work: Surfacing 

Location:  Wheelbarrow Lane and Lemon’s Hill Hemyock 

Dates:  Thursday 2nd – Thursday 9th July 2015    

Details of the closure and diversion route are shown on the attached map. 

All affected properties will be letter dropped and we will endeavour to maintain access to properties within the closure, however there may be times when access is restricted/delayed, and South West Highways would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused by these essential works. 

If you have any queries please email, or call me on the number below. 


Joanna Cole   
Customer Liaison Officer

Gas Lane


01805 622395  |  Ext: 2017



01805 625159



01805 626327

EX38 7BB




