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Culm Valley YFC News Update May 2015

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Culm Valley Young Farmers have had a very busy couple of months starting with a flower arranging class held at Kentisbeare Village Hall. The evening saw thirteen girls learn table decorations and buttonholes from Helen Williams and Laura Reed. Thanks to the Laura Persey Trust for their kind funding of the evening.

Next Michelle Batting, Mark Snell, Charlie Cunningham and Gavin Jackson competed at East Devon Stockjudging Day – they had a successful day winning lots of prizes between them as well as the Overall Club Points Cup. A special well done to Gavin who won the Senior Points Cup.
Members also competed at Devon YFCs Outdoor Activities Day with Brett Troake and Keiran Palfrey coming 1st in the Block Laying, Brett Troake coming 1st in the Clay Pidgeon Shooting, Gavin Jackson coming 1st in Senior Dairy Stockjudging and Michelle Batting coming 1st in the Intermediate Dairy Stockjudging. The Mens TOW came 1st and will be competing at the South West Area round in June while the Ladies TOW team came 3rd and the Junior TOW team came a close 2nd.
On 8th May, the Club held their 68th Show and Sale at Exeter Market, the day was a great success with members of all ages taking part! Congratulations to James Westcott who won the Supreme Championship with his four Suffolk X ewes and lambs as well as to Charlotte Alfrod who won the Reserve Champion with her Limousin beef heifer.
We have also been doing lots of promotion of the Club with James Westcott and Michelle Batting giving a talk at Hemyock Annual Parish Meeting and members attended Halberton Fete to promote the Club and raise money for the Exeter Leukaemia Fund.
Coming up we are busy preparing for the Devon County Show where members will be exhibiting their stock and items in the YFC tent. We will be having an evening learning the basics of shearing, a cake decorating course, as well as a trip to Sheppys Cider.
For any information about the Club, please contact Chairman James Westcott on 07850940132 or Secretary Michelle Batting on 07738114113.
Michelle Batting

St Mary's Church

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This Sunday, 10th May the church will celebrate Rogation.  Starting at the earlier time of 10.30am the service will include hymns, readings and prayers as the congregation walk around the perimiter of the building and along St Catherine's stream.

A special informal afternoon service will take place on Sunday 17th May as part of Christian Aid week.  The service will start at 3pm and be followed by tea and cake. Please come and join us

Nepal Appeal

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Following the horrendous devastation left by the earthquake in Nepal St Mary's Church are organising an appeal to pay for a Shelterbox.  The Church Council are to donate £100 and a retiring collection will be taken at services for 3 weeks.  If you would like to make a contribution to this appeal but are unable to attend a service please contact David Bawler (07773579809) or leave at 4 South View ( at the bottom of the Recreation Field).  The more we raise the more Shelterboxes can be purchased.  Please support.

St Mary's Church

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A glorious afternoon spent at Hemyock Parish church for a service of thanksgiving when a new oak/glazed porch door,wooden churchyard seats and trumpet organ stop were dedicated by the Bishop of Crediton. Cream teas were served after the service. Many past church members and
church friends had travelled from as far afield as Exmouth, Berkshire, Dorset,Exeter, Plymouth, Warwickshire and Shropshire joining those from the more local area and parishioners as friendships were remembered and renewed.  Long standing residents may remember some folk who had ties with the church  a number of years ago these  included Margaret and David Llewellyn -Jones. Ron Cork, Ruth and Judith Hannaford, Ann and Sue Matthews, Ann Turner and John Northam  who had all travelled some distance to be at the service

Commons Management Group Meeting

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The parish council is looking at the possibility of creating a community orchard/environmental area/allotments.

Neil Dixon, from The National Allotment Society is a guest speaker at the Commons Management Group meeting on Thursday 23rd April, 7.30pm Longmead. 

Come along and find out more.


Hustings Event - Wednesday 29th April at 7.30pm Forbes Lounge, Parish Hall

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Hemyock Parish Council 

You are invited to attend to hear   


Prospective Parish Councillors make short presentations on 


 Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 7.30pm  


to be held at  


 Forbes Lounge, Hemyock Parish Hall  


This is an opportunity for you to hear from the candidates for Hemyock Parish Councillors who choose to attend and who are standing for election



Blackdown Hills Transition Group Hustings

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The Blackdown Hills Transition Group invites you to

2015 General Election Hustings

Live Debate

Question your Parliamentary Candidates for

Tiverton & Honiton


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Click here to see the Statement of Persons Nominated for election as a parish councillor for Hemyock.

Please make sure you come out and vote.