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Upper Culm CLT Ltd: Applications for Directors Invited

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Applications are invited for the post of Director of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd.

The directors on the Trust’s board are appointed by members at the annual general meeting. All candidates for a board position must find existing members of the Trust to act as a proposer and seconder and then declare their intention to stand for the board by e-mail or in writing to the Company Secretary (neilpunnett@aol.com), by 9th October 2015.

Please note that Directors are subject to the Rules of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd. which may be found on the hemyock.org website http://hemyock.org/article.php/20120813100859798 .

Hemyock Singers

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Rehearsals for Hemyock Singers December concert start on Monday 14th September, 7.30pm at the Baptist Chapel.  All welcome - no auditions.  Why not simply turn up and see if it is  your type of thing.  Watch out for details of coffee morning when tickets for concert and meal will be on sale. 

Sunday 13th September

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Friends of St Mary's will be organising the annual Heritage Sunday display at the parish church next Sunday afternoon based on WW2. As always delicious refreshments will be available  Hemyock Castle will also be open. 

Anyone with any WW2 memorabillia they would be happy to donate to the exhibition is asked to contact 10823 680436


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St Mary's need to raise around £40,000 to to install a toilet and  carry out  various other work at the parish church.  You may have noticed that there are 3 flowering loo pans outside of the church and these have now been photographed and the picture turned into a postcard.  They will be on sale at the Charity and coffee shop and  are in the church - 50p each.  Bulk orders with discount from Ron White.

Clayhidon Definitive Map Review

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The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 requires Devon County Council to keep the Definitive Map and Statement of public rights of way under continuous review and to make modifications where it appears that routes should be added, regraded or deleted.  A review is currently being undertaken in the Parish of Clayhidon.