Welcome to Hemyock Thursday, July 04 2024 @ 01:19 am UTC

Remembrance Day service at St Mary's

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Archived Stories The parish church of St Mary's was filled when the village joined together to commemorate Remembrance Sunday. Led by the church choir and uniformed youth groups and villagers walked from the Parish Hall to the church where the service was conducted by Reader David Palmer.

Footballers clear pitch ahead of games

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Archived Stories Free roaming dogs are thought to be to blame for the increasing amounts of faeces being found on the village sports complex, especially the football pitch. This represents a health hazard to players and referees are ordering that a clean sweep of the pitch be made before play can commence. Owners are asked to keep their dogs on leads whilst in the area and clean up the mess.

Vandalism increase noted

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Archived Stories Hemyock has always enjoyed a low crime rate, but of late the number of acts of vandalism and anti-social behaviour are on the increase.

Relief as sewage works have start date

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Archived Stories For some time now residents of Longmead in Hemyock have warned that if an enhanced sewage system was not in place prior to the sales of new properties on the Churchill’s development, overspill into their pathways and gardens would increase with the resultant mess and health hazard.

Autumn Newsletter

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The weather has not been encouraging for tennis players this year but we have survived, and the patient ones have managed to find an occasional dry sunny day. Let’s hope we have more of those during the autumn as the “Men’s Sunday morning League” is starting up soon, we are continuing to have coaching with Dan Loftus and the Club sessions continue, with floodlights, if necessary.

Promotion for Hemyock Mixed Tennis Team

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Archived Stories Our mixed team who competed this year for the first time in the West Somerset League have successfully moved up to the 3rd division for the next season.  After finishing in 2nd place in the 4th division we achieved a convincing win, 7-1, against Taunton E in the play-off.  A big thankyou to all who played in the league and we hope to be able to enter a second team for next season if there is sufficient interest