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Singers Latest News

  • Wednesday, March 11 2009 @ 10:53 am UTC
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Archived Stories It was reported at the annual meeting of Hemyock Singers that the amicable split within the group during 2008 had seen little effect on the Society.

The group had enjoyed a successful coffee morning, a choral concert and supper shows. Janice Bawler, chairman, paid tribute to the work of musical director Ron White and pianist Nigel Atkinson which brought warm applause from the meeting and thanked the committee giving special mention to Monica Smith, secretary and Jeremy Batchelor, treasurer.

Pavements – we need them, but who owns them?

  • Friday, March 06 2009 @ 07:26 pm UTC
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Archived Stories Hemyock Parish Council has negotiated with some residents to give up property frontage in order to make way for pavements. This ongoing project is proving successful and very popular. It has also become normal for planners to make the provision of pavements outside properties part of their consent on major works where this is reasonable. An example is the recent new builds along Station Road. But an interesting planning question has arisen; “who then owns the pavements?”

Hemyock History Group

  • Wednesday, March 04 2009 @ 10:02 am UTC
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Archived Stories The next meeting of the Hemyock History Group will be on Thursday 12th March in the Church Rooms at 7.30pm.  The speaker wil be Mr David Pugsley, past leader of the MDDC and from Exeter University Law School.  The subject will be “Sir William Follett of Culm Davy who became MP and Solicitor General in the 19th Century.”

Hemyock.org celebrates three years of activity

  • Wednesday, February 25 2009 @ 07:09 pm UTC
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Archived Stories It really has been 3 years on Saturday since hemyock.org went live.  Since then we have had around 48,000 visitors and have even had a local newspaper ring up to ask if they can use one of our pictures.  

Hemyock.org was created by Paul Steed and Matt Clements on the basis that it was better for 100 people to do 1% of the work, than one person do 100% of the work, and that is still our motto. 

Chocolate Morning

  • Wednesday, February 11 2009 @ 07:06 pm UTC
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Archived Stories It's that time again when we will be holding our annual Chocolate Event. March 14th in the Forbes Lounge will be the venue for all things chocolate. Come along and enjoy the company of friends and buy all your Easter Chocolates. There will be a cake stall, chocolate tombola, chocolate fountain, Chocolates for Chocoholics and a grand draw. Of course if you don't like chocolate you will be able to have tea or coffee! If you would like to order chocolates but can't make it on the day please contact Lynn Taylor on 01823 680104 who will be pleased to show you the catalogue. If you have a problem with transport give Lynn a ring and she will sort something out.

Another Great UCTA Event

  • Monday, February 09 2009 @ 09:26 pm UTC
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Archived Stories
The Upper Culm Twinning Association (UCTA) enjoyed a great fund raising Burns Night Supper at Hemyock recently. The Haggis was ‘piped in’ and the ceremonial provided by members of the traditionally dressed Caledonian Demonstration Dance Team. The event was sold out with a 5 course dinner being served by members of the UCTA committee, and catering provided by Karen Pinder. "UCTA events are fast becoming the trend setter for social occasions in the area" said one of the revellers.

Phone A Friend

  • Friday, February 06 2009 @ 08:53 am UTC
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Archived Stories The Blackdowns look great in white, but maybe you know someone who is living alone and for whom you might have safety concerns. There are elderly people living alone in the Hills around us and your Parish Council is suggesting that we should all be good neighbours and phone a friend.

New Walkway in Sight

  • Thursday, February 05 2009 @ 07:07 pm UTC
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Archived Stories For some time now the historic raised walkway which links the Millhayes area of Hemyock with the main village has been falling into disrepair. A responsibility of the Highways Department of DCC, the County Council are not willing to spend money in order to repair and upgrade it to modern standards of health and safety. Concerned parishioners have raised the issue of its continuing deterioration and dangerous condition with Hemyock Parish Council who regrettably have decided to ask DCC to remove it.

Around Hemyock - February 09

  • Thursday, January 29 2009 @ 10:57 pm UTC
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Archived Stories With all the decorations safely packed away for another year, Christmas and all it's celebrations now seem far away but what enjoyment we were able to get from them - Christmas Fairs, parties, discos, sporting activities and a variety of services at St Mary's and the Baptist Chapel. It was good to see so many children and young people taking part in the services. As always the school carol morning was a delight (and as someone said it wouldn't be Christmas in Hemyock without the 'Innkeeper's Song' sung so enthusiastically by the youngsters), the Christingle afternoon an absolute joy, the Crib service full of warmth and it was standing room only for Papa Popov's Special Christmas.

Neroche Conservation Volunteers

  • Thursday, January 29 2009 @ 10:55 pm UTC
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Archived Stories Can you help to improve and care for wildlife habitats across the Blackdown Hills? The Neroche Conservation Volunteers are a new group who meet on the second Wednesday of each month and are really keen to welcome new members.

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