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Hemyock Launches Ambitious Parish Appraisal

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Archived Stories
Every home in the Parish of Hemyock has received a 36 page, 98 question Parish Appraisal asking residents to respond to questions and to comment on a wide and varied range of topics from Housing to Employment, Medical Services to Transport Needs and Education to Social Welfare.   The document was created by a team of local residents under the auspices of the Parish Council.

Samaritans Purse Christmas Shoebox Appeal

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Archived Stories Many thanks to all those who donated a shoebox of presents which will bring great happiness to a child somewhere in the world this Christmas. 100 were eventually sent from here. Thanks also to those people who over the year have been busy knitting mittens, hats and scarves for the charity as apart from helping keep children warm the mittens - all with faces - may well provide a 'friend' for a child in need.

Around Hemyock

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Archived Stories Christmas will be only a few weeks away by the time you read this. For most it will be a time a great joy and family celebrations but a number of people will be alone and for some people within our community it will be their first without a loved one. Our thoughts are with them all.

I'll Carry the Can

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Archived Stories Very many thanks to all who responded to my call for empty drinks cans to be sold for recycling to help finance our grandaughter's venture next year. She plans to go with her college to give sports training to youngsters in South African Townships.

Blackdown Hills AONB Meeting

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Archived Stories There is a meeting of the Blackdown Hills AONB management group at the Half Moon Inn at Clayhidon on Thursday 11 December at 10am. Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe.

Hemyock Parish Plan Questionnaire

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Archived Stories It is ten years since the Parish Council carried out a Parish Appraisal. Much has happened over those ten years and we now need your help in making the decisions that will affect our future in Hemyock over the next few years. What do you think are the current issues and how would you like to see the Parish develop?

Mince Pies at Halifax House

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Archived Stories To thank you for your business, we will be serving mulled wine and mince pies from 11am until 4pm on Friday 19th December & Monday 22nd December.

Hemyock WI - News Update

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Archived Stories It was all change at the Hemyock WI Annual General Meeting on 7th October.  The retiring President, Lynn Taylor, warmly welcomed Brenda Calcraft the new President. Committee members were elected with Judith Major as Secretary and Sandra Featherstone starting her second year as Treasurer. Heartfelt thanks was given to Lynn for her enthusiasm and commitment over the past years since reforming the WI at Hemyock.

Poppy Appeal Collection

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Archived Stories The total raised in the Poppy Appeal collection was £1438.41. This was slightly down on last year but still a very good amount. My grateful thanks to all those who helped with the collection.