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Another Great UCTA Event

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Archived Stories
The Upper Culm Twinning Association (UCTA) enjoyed a great fund raising Burns Night Supper at Hemyock recently. The Haggis was ‘piped in’ and the ceremonial provided by members of the traditionally dressed Caledonian Demonstration Dance Team. The event was sold out with a 5 course dinner being served by members of the UCTA committee, and catering provided by Karen Pinder. "UCTA events are fast becoming the trend setter for social occasions in the area" said one of the revellers.

Phone A Friend

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Archived Stories The Blackdowns look great in white, but maybe you know someone who is living alone and for whom you might have safety concerns. There are elderly people living alone in the Hills around us and your Parish Council is suggesting that we should all be good neighbours and phone a friend.

New Walkway in Sight

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Archived Stories For some time now the historic raised walkway which links the Millhayes area of Hemyock with the main village has been falling into disrepair. A responsibility of the Highways Department of DCC, the County Council are not willing to spend money in order to repair and upgrade it to modern standards of health and safety. Concerned parishioners have raised the issue of its continuing deterioration and dangerous condition with Hemyock Parish Council who regrettably have decided to ask DCC to remove it.

Around Hemyock - February 09

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Archived Stories With all the decorations safely packed away for another year, Christmas and all it's celebrations now seem far away but what enjoyment we were able to get from them - Christmas Fairs, parties, discos, sporting activities and a variety of services at St Mary's and the Baptist Chapel. It was good to see so many children and young people taking part in the services. As always the school carol morning was a delight (and as someone said it wouldn't be Christmas in Hemyock without the 'Innkeeper's Song' sung so enthusiastically by the youngsters), the Christingle afternoon an absolute joy, the Crib service full of warmth and it was standing room only for Papa Popov's Special Christmas.

Neroche Conservation Volunteers

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Archived Stories Can you help to improve and care for wildlife habitats across the Blackdown Hills? The Neroche Conservation Volunteers are a new group who meet on the second Wednesday of each month and are really keen to welcome new members.

The French Are Coming - Again!

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Archived Stories We look forward to our friends from France being with us in May when we will formally seal our twinning arrangements after 11 years of relationship and visits. The signs at the entrances to our village will soon reveal that our Twinning activities have been officially recognised. Twinning is educational, interesting and fun - why not join UCTA and make new friends internationally?

News From Hemyock Singers - February 09

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Archived Stories 'The Saviour' by Lloyd Webber is the work that has been chosen by Hemyock Singers as they begin a new round of rehearsals. This will be presented on Maundy Thursday, 9th April, at St Mary's Hemyock.

Possible Village Allotments

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Archived Stories Would all those who have expressed an interest in having an allotment please register this interest in writing, if they have not already done so, and as soon as possible. The address to send it to is: The Parish Clerk, Mrs A Kingston, Fourways House, Hemyock, EX15 3PF

Parish Hall Christmas Trees and Lights

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Archived Stories A big thank you to David & Paul Graham of Dobles Garage for the kind donation of the Parish Hall Christmas trees. Also thanks to the members of Hemyock Party Club, Les & Barb Bowden, Derek & Ruth Brooks, John & Barb Churchill, Denis & Pam Gubb, and John & Rita Hooper for supplying all the lights and arranging for installation on the Parish Hall, making the village look festive.

Parish Appraisal

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Archived Stories If you still have an uncompleted Parish Appraisal form sitting on the sideboard at home and would like another day or so to complete it, please take it along to the Post Office in Hemyock by 10th February. If you have lost your copy please contact Heather Stallard today on 680237 for another.