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Hemyock WI - News Update

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Archived Stories January saw Hemyock WI celebrating their birthday with a pie night at the Half Moon, Clayhidon a very enjoyable evening.

In February members were treated to Nicola Werner demonstrating and helping members to paint a pottery tile, the tiles painted by members were imaginative and individual and will be fired and returned. The competition was 'Bring a piece of pottery' and was won by Karen Pinder, Brenda Calcraft won the draw who also won flower of the month with a lovely hellebore.

Around Hemyock - April 09

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Archived Stories Many people will, by now, be aware that the Pump's editors Hilary and Matt Clements have a baby daughter, Verity. The birth was not without its complications and Verity arrived 9 weeks early weighing in at 2lbs 10oz on Valentines Day. She is progressing well and we send the family love and the readerships’ warmest congratulations.

Singers News - April 09

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Archived Stories At our annual meeting when the committee were re-elected the group heard of plans arranged for the remainder of this year - hopefully something for everyone to enjoy varying from a choral concert to Christmas music.

French Lessons

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Archived Stories A while ago I offered 4 x 1 hour French lessons at an Auction of Promises in support of Hemyock Preschool. The person who bought them was unable to take them up and expressed her desire that someone else should benefit at no personal cost. GCSE is coming. If interested, please contact Val White 681020.

Update on Vladimir

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Archived Stories There will be a number of people who will remember that we are friends with a family in Romania and may recall that the family's eldest son, Vladimir, holidayed with us for a month a number of years ago.  Vladimir is reading architecture at a university in Bucharest. He recently entered and won first prize in a national competition. His prize is a trip to Milan.


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Archived Stories Congratulations to Rodney & Sally Clist on their 50th Wedding Anniversary, to Alec and Ann Smith on their 50th Wedding Anniversary, and finally, to Roy and Doreen Perrott on their 40th Wedding Anniversary.  With love and best wishes from St Mary's Ringers.

Coffee Morning for Parkinsons

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Archived Stories As the Coffee Morning we held last year was so successful, we are holding the event again on Saturday June 13th, from 10:00am until 12:30pm. We are also having an evening event in Autumn, the tickets will be on sale from April 30th and will be £6 each.

Blackdown Community Choir

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Archived Stories The Blackdown Community Choir is now recruiting for the summer term, to start after Easter. All voices welcome, especially men! Ability to read music is not required, but you must be able to hold a harmony part. Singers need to commit to Wednesday night practice. For more information ring Gabrielle Newman Turner on 01823 680690.

Advance Notice - Concert

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Archived Stories The Salamanca Band & Bugles of The Rifles. In concert at St Mary's Church, Hemyock. Saturday 11th July at 7.30pm. Tickets £6 Contact Patricia Fuller 01823 680352 for further details. Proceeds to The Friends of St Mary's and The Royal British Legion. More details to follow.

St Mary's Guild - April 09

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Archived Stories We started the New Year with a meal at the Catherine Wheel, enjoyed by all. In February we were all enthralled and amused by Irene and Geoffrey Dearsley telling us about "Nigeria then and now." In March we were entertained by Hazel Partridge who told us about "A Year in Spain." This was accompanied by beautiful slides as well as bangs in the kitchen (a new window was being fitted). We rounded off the afternoon with delicious sweetmeats and nuts.