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Archived Stories As of 1st January 2009, BHaam (Blackdown Hills Artists and Makers) are renting the old Tennis Court site in Hemyock. We hope to make this an inspiring and exciting space in which all the community can participate and we look forward to creating some highly enjoyable and thought provoking events.

From Ray Radford, Your County Councillor

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Archived Stories It is that time of year again, we have just got over Christmas and the new year, and now we are in budget time, having to fix the Council Tax. As I am sure you already know, all Local Authorities collect the resources (Formula Grant), they need to run the services they provide, mainly in two ways. One we get formula grant from the Government, who collects that from VAT, Income tax, business rates, etc, and the second from the Council Tax we all have to pay. Depending on how much the formula grant they give us, according to their complicated system, will then depend how much we have to collect from Council Tax Payers.

Parish Hall News - February 2009

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Archived Stories The Parish Hall Management very reluctantly decided that unless the vandalism to the Hall roof was halted the razor wire on the east side of the building would have to be re-instated.

Parish Pump

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Archived Stories Another year has gone by so once again you should find an envelope for your donation towards the printing costs in with the latest edition of the Parish Pump.


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Archived Stories It always amazes me the number of different Good causes/charities that are supported in Hemyock. If it were possible to keep track of all of them and add up the total money sent we might all get big headed or complacent so perhaps the Bible has it right that we should not let our right hand know what the left is doing, it also says that we will always have the poor with us.

From Revd David Sherwood - February 09

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Archived Stories At the beginning of January we all went around wishing each other a 'Happy New Year' and I suspect that, given the current climate, there was considerable feeling behind each greeting. The Credit Crunch is has now become a financial crisis and this country, as well as many others in the world are moving into a recession which is set to last for some time. It is a difficult time for all of us. Those who are employed are worried about the security of their jobs. Others have lost their jobs and face an uncertain future. Those who are retired are finding their income restricted as savings or investments show poor returns.

Good Turn Out For Monument Run

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Archived Stories The Blackdown Hills were alive to the sound of pounding feet on Sunday as 193 runners tackled the 24th Wellington Monument Bert King Memorial Road Race.

In mild weather conditions the Taunton-based club Running Forever took the John Cooksley team shield. Taunton AC, who had held the shield since 2003, were beaten into second place.

Christingle Service

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Archived Stories Late on the afternoon of Sunday 7th December the Church was almost full as people of all ages joined together to sing carols at the village Christingle service conducted by Rev David Sherwood. The history of the Christingle was dramatised by youth members from Hi-zone and the Tower Room Club, carols were sung by Hemyock Primary School choir accompanied on guitar by head teacher Mrs Gill Peters and Christingles were distributed amongst the congregation before being lit, as church lights were extinguished and Away in a Manger sung.

St Mary's Christmas Fayre a Great Success!

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Archived Stories

The Christmas Fayre was opened by David Bawler, recently retired Churchwarden, who was presented with a buttonhole by Isabelle Cole. The fayre, in conjunction with Culm Davy Chapel, was held at Hemyock parish hall, and raised over £1309.

Singers Concert of Songs & Supper was Delightful!

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Archived Stories A delightful concert of Songs and Supper was presented over two evenings by Hemyock Singers at the parish hall giving the audiences a programme of songs from musicals mixed with well known folk songs which was followed by a 2 course hot supper provided by Karen Pinder and team. A brief introduction to the history of each section of songs was well presented by Sandy Hannaford, a member of the group.