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Search Results

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481.Heritage Sunday.
On Heritage Sunday, 11 September, there will be an Exhibition of Needlecraft at St. Mary's Church from 2.00 p.m. until 5.00 p.m. Tea and cakes will also be available. Hemyock Castle next to the church will also be open during the afternoon.
482.Hemyock Artist Selected
An artist from Hemyock has been selected from around 13,000 applicants to contribute to a prestigious art exhibition. Mary Carter is displaying a traditional painting in the small Western Room at the Royal Academy of Arts 239th Summer Exhibition.
483.Church Room Lunches
A time enjoy a meal together and raise some money to help pay for our new kitchen. There will be a simple 2 course lunch with a vegetarian option on Wednesday 24th June, and Wednesday 8th July, from 12.30pm There will be a bowl for donations to help with catering ...
484.Hemyock Under 13’s 2 Budleigh Salterton Under 13’s ...
First win of the season
485.Easter Day
Are you an early riser who is looking forward to celebrating Easter? If so the 7am joint Sunrise service is for you. An informal service at Gray's Lane followed by breakfast begins Easter Sunday. At 11.15am a service of Holy Communion will take place at St Mary's Church Please see ...
486.Remembrance Day
The annual service of Remembrance will be held at the Parish Church on Sunday at 10.15a.m. Prior to this a parade, to which all are welocome to be part of, will leave the Parish Hall at 10a.m. On Tuesday 11th a short Act of Commemoration will take place at the ...
487.Carols/Sam's Legacy
Advance notice for Saturday 20th December - come and sing carols in the Square (by Pump) at 6pm .A collection will be taken for Sam's Legacy in memory of Sam Allen
488.Are You A Football Enthusiast?
Hemyock Senior and Youth Football teams are energetic and very well supported, with two senior teams and over 65 children participating in youth football. Longmead Management Group work in conjunction with the Football Foundation to deliver a progressive and exciting operation with a very dynamic development plan going forward. We ...
489.John Rutter's Requiem - Review
John Rutter's "Requiem" is perhaps not the easiest of works to perform. But Hemyock Singers did it great justice. The large number of people who attended their Easter concert at St Mary's church, Hemyock were so moved that quite a few seconds elapsed before the church was filled with long ...
490.Everyone Back To My Place
In 2004 the Manchester Diocese chose the last Sunday in September as a special day, on which they invited back to church people who had lost their link with a church. Nearly 1000 people responded to the invitation, and the next year the idea spread to neighbouring dioceses.
491.URGENT - Pencil Appeal
An urgent appeal has been launched to supply new pencils and small packets of pencil crayons for a school in Syria where teachers are trying to educate around 5000 refugee children in shifts of 100. The school is built of breeze blocks covered with a tarpaulin and there is no ...
Calling all young and young at heart! The village annual Christingle service will take place at the Parish Church this Sunday, 1st December at 4pm. This is a delightful short service which will involve children from the primary school and the presentation of Christingles to one and all depicting Christ ...
493.Foster Caring Couple Awarded For Good Work
A couple from Hemyock have received a Devon County Council Foster Care Award to mark their 10 years of caring for children. Janice and David Bawler of South View, Hemyock, received their award, along with other long-serving foster carers, at a ceremony held at County Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday.
494.Young Farmers Update - August & September 07
May was a very busy month for many of our members due to Devon county show. We had members taking part in a whole range of classes and activities after weeks of preparation we came home with awards for the club with most points in the cookery section, club with ...
495.Parish Council News
On Police presence, the village going ECO, opening of the Longmead Pavilion and cheaper burials.
HEMYOCK EMERGENCY PLAN (HEP) Do you think you could help if we ever had to activate the village emergency plan? Mr Tim Barton is reviewing the Emergency Plan on behalf of the parish council. Much of the review has been completed and Mr Barton hopes to issue a draft plan ...
497.Chistmas Decorations Competition
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS COMPETITION 2013 Many thanks to Devon County Council’s Chief Executive, Phil Norrey, for judging the competition. Click here for results. The winners will receive their cheques later this month. Clerk Mrs D Evans, Park Farm, Dunkeswell, Honiton, Devon EX14 4RN Tel 01823 680968 Email clerk@hemyock.org
498.More Houses?
Despite the assurances given by Mr Guscott, the Mid Devon District Council’s Chief Planning Officer, that there would be no more developments in Hemyock for 10-15 years, it was revealed by Frank Rosamond, the MDCC elected Member covering this area on the MDDC that MDDC has to consider some possible ...
499.Hemyock Crowned Village of the Year
  Hemyock received accolades and awards (cup, plaque and certificate) as winner of the prestigious title of Calor Devon Village of the Year for 2009 at the Community Council of Devon (CCD) Conference at Teign Valley Village Hall in Christow on Thursday 21 October
500.Scouting Awards
There was warm applause from the large congregation at the service held at the parish church for St George's Day when 9 Scouts were presented with The Chief Scouts Gold Award and 11 Cubs the Silver Award. The Gold Award of a certificate and blue and gold uniform badge is ...
501.I'll Carry the Can
Very many thanks to all who responded to my call for empty drinks cans to be sold for recycling to help finance our grandaughter's venture next year. She plans to go with her college to give sports training to youngsters in South African Townships.
502.Summer Fete 3 - All is revealed
Lucy Akhurst, who has featured in numerous films including Land Girls and many TV series such as Hustle, Inspector George Gently, Monarch of The Glen, Wonderful You and Spaced will be opening the Summer Fete of St Mary's Parish Church on Saturday 14th July which will be held in the ...
503.Commons Management Group
The parish council set up a separate group to look at the management of the commons. The Commons Management Group meet regularly and the next meeting is on Thursday 21st November. The group will be discussing the future management of Shuttleton Common. Ed Hopkinson, from Devon Wildlife Trust will be ...
Saturday 7th December will once again see the Christmas Fair being held at the Parish Hall. Organised by St Mary's Church with Culm Davy Chapel the afternoon, running from 2 - 4pm ,will see a host of traditional stalls including cakes and savouries, preserves, childrens craft and toys, new items, ...
505.Hemyock Singers
Monday night is rehearsal night for Hemyock Singers - why not come along and join (no auditions) and see what fantastic, fun music is being prepared for the Christmas concert on Friday 7th December, Venue - Baptist Chapel : time - 7.30pm. A coffee morning to purchase tickets for the ...
506.Will the Historic Kissing Gate be Scrapped?
The famous 'kissing gate' in Station Road, Hemyock needs a new home or it will soon be scrapped says the Parish Council.
507.Palm Sunday at St Mary's
Palm Sunday, March 28th, will be celebrated at the parish church with a Family Service at 11.15 am A warm welcome is extended to those who would like to join the procession to the church, prior to the service, which will leave the parish hall at 11am
508.Heritage Sunday
The celebration of Heritage Sunday in Hemyock began at the Morning Prayer service at the parish church of St Mary's which was taken by Rev Ron White. The full choral service using the book of Common Prayer included canticles and responses from the Cathedral Psalter, readings from the Alternative Version ...
509.Bedding needed
Do you have any type of bedding in a clean and reasonable condition you no longer require? If so please contact 07773579809 or email jbawler1947@hotmail.co.uk as another collection is being made to go to very poor families in Eastern Europe
510.News from the Parish Council
Frank Rosamond the recently elected Chair of MDDC made Hemyock his first visit to a Parish Council on Wednesday evening where he was congratulated by Heather Stallard and her team. The BMX track beside the Culm River by Millhayes Farm has been transformed by grass cutting and litter picking. Young ...