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Search Results

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511.Hemyock Singers Concert
Hemyock Singers will perform 'Eternal Light' by Howard Goodall on Thursday 1st April at St. Mary's Church, Hemock at 7.30 pm The concert will be followed by a service of Holy Communion for those wishing to stay. There will be a retiring collection for The League of Friends of Musgrove ...
512.Parish Pump Thank You Tea!
The Parish Pump postponed Thank You Tea will now be held on Saturday 17th April in the Church Rooms at 3pm.
514.Heritage Sunday
A special service of Morning Prayer will take place this Sunday,9th September, at St Mary's when an augmented choir will sing Choral Matins to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Book of Common Prayer. The service will begin at 11.15am and be conducted by the Rev David Burton A warm ...
515.Relief as sewage works have start date
For some time now residents of Longmead in Hemyock have warned that if an enhanced sewage system was not in place prior to the sales of new properties on the Churchill’s development, overspill into their pathways and gardens would increase with the resultant mess and health hazard.
516.Pumpkin Night
Liz Carman and the BHAAM (the people who brought you 'Border Art' along the ridge road a couple of weeks ago) organized a pumpkin carving workshop for children (and a few adults!) on the Old Tennis Courts in Hemyock on Saturday 31 October 2009.
517.News From Hemyock Singers
The group have enjoyed singing a variety of music over the past months from Gilbert and Sullivan to Jingle Bells via Winter Wonderland and Mistletoe and Wine as we've rehearsed for our two autumn concerts. The G & S evening with supper welcomed Tony Grosse, Glyn Jones and Jenny Doble ...
518.Hemyock Singers
Songs from musicals have been chosen by Hemyock Singers for their concert in December. Joseph, Miss Saigon, Oklahoma, and West Side Story are just some of the shows the songs are from. Do come and join the rehearsals at the Baptist Chapel on Mondays at 7.30pm as we would welcome ...
519.St Mary's Guild
The Guild held two coffee mornings. One on August 4th at 37 Castle Park and on September 1st at 34 Castle Park.
Please could residents take care when parking their vehicles on the roadside that they do not park near road junctions causing bad visibility. Please use your driveways if possible and help to improve safety around the parish. Thank you for your consideration.
521.St Mary's Church Summer Fayre
Saturday 10th July will see St Mary's Summer Fayre held in the Recreation Field 11am - 4pm. This year it will be a Musical Extravaganza featuring local bands and singers throughout the day with Apple AM (Taunton Hospital Radio) providing music and commentary. If you would like a stall please ...
522.Culm Valley YFC News Update Jan 2013

523.Christmas Shoebox Collection
If you would like to pack a shoebox to be distributed by the Christian charity Samaritan's Purse this Christmas to children in need across Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia leaflets will be in local shops and churches within the week. They are also avaliable from 4 South View, EX15 ...
524.Hemyock WI
Hemyock WI - Come And Join Us Hemyock WI is a thriving group of like minded women who meet for social and educational purposes on the first Tuesday of every month at 7.30 in the Forbes Lounge of the Parish Hall. We have a varied and interesting programme with something ...
525.Mothering Sunday
A Family Service to celebrate Mothering Sunday will be held at St Mary's Church at 11.15a.m. om Sunday 10th March to which all are welcome. During this there will be presentations made to local charities from proceeds made at St Mary's Charity Shop. The next Charity Shop/coffee morning will be ...
526.QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 28th September Tickets
TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE FROM THE POST OFFICE Hemyock Cricket Club's Autumn QUIZ NIGHT is being held at the Parish Hall on SATURDAY 28th SEPTEMBER starting at 8 pm. £60 cash prize for the winning team, plus a grand raffle. Entry is £18 per team to include nibbles. Licensed Bar. Minimum ...
527.Hemyock is Village of the Year
Hemyock has fought off competition from around the county to be declared Devon Calor ‘Village of the Year’ award for 2009 and will now progress to the regional finals which will take place on 6th October. In making their decision, the judges highlighted the vibrant life of the village and ...
528.Happy Christmas to all our readers.
Hi everyone, A happy Christmas to all our readers, near and far; and a happy New Year.  Keep those stories coming and keep reading our news.  You know we get it first!  If you would like your Club to be able to put stories on hemyock.org, get in touch.  
529.St Mary's Church
Tomorrow - 5th March - 7.30pm - Auction of Promises at the Church Room - in aid of Organ Fund Frugal Lunches of soup, bread and cheese are being held on Wednesdays at the Church Room during Lent starting at 12.30. The is no charge but donations towards the work ...
St Mary's Parish Church is looking forward to welcoming members of Hemyock Baptist Chapel, along with anyone on holiday in the area, to the 11.15a.m. service on Sunday 18th August.
531.Twinning Association AGM
Upper Culm Twinning Association Skittle evening and AGM - Tuesday 28th September
532.Chamber Music Group
Anyone interested in forming a Chamber Music Group?
533.MP Meets Local Farmers
Road pricing, carbon emissions, and the future of farming were among the issues tackled by the Shadow Agriculture and Rural Affairs Minister in Hemyock last Wednesday.
534.From Revd Sherwood - June & July 07
Recently, I came across a 'thank you' card sent to me three years ago by the children a tiny village school. I had been invited to take their assembly and the whole school was there - all twenty seven of them! The children were alive and buzzing, infused with the ...
535.At Last - We have a Police Person!
After a two year wait, Police Woman Victoria Underhill is the new Beat Manager for the Upper Culm area including Hemyock. She introduced herself at a recent parish Council meeting when delivering the up-to-date crime figures which continue to be on the low side - which is encouraging. Vicki was ...
536.Uffculme School Exchange
A number of local youngsters who attend Uffculme School recently took part in a school exchange visit to Wellington's twin town, Lillebonne, France and a return visit has just been enjoyed. The French visitors have enjoyed visits to Montacute, Glastonbury and the Peat Moors Centre, Explore@ Bristol, and Crealey Adventure ...
537.Millhayes Hall Hold Up – Again!
Millhayes Hall was previously the Social Club of the St Ivel works in Hemyock. It, together with the vehicle garages, is all that is left of the factory which used to produce Utterly Butterly .
538.St Mary's
A service of Holy Communion saw the congregation of the Parish Church celebrating Pentecost (Whitsun), the churches birthday Each member was given a candle which was lit from the Pascal Candle at the end of the service. Under Happy Birthday banners cofee and cake - made especially for the day ...
539.Be A Poppy Collector
Each year our Poppy People numbers drop by thousands, as many of our older collectors decide they can no longer assist us. They have well and truly done their bit, and now we need to focus on new faces to come forward and lend a hand. Can you give two ...
540.Hemyock Under 15
Budleigh 2 Hemyock 1