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541.Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations
The Chairman of Hemyock Parish Council, Mrs Heather Stallard will Chair a meeting in the village hall (Forbes Lounge) at 11am on Saturday 10 September 2011 to initiate plans for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations in 2012 and all club members/parishoners are invited to attend.
542.Blackdown Hills Heathland Book
Heathland in the Blackdown Hills and surrounding area is the subject of a new book on sale now.
543.Hemyock Parish Plan Questionnaire
It is ten years since the Parish Council carried out a Parish Appraisal. Much has happened over those ten years and we now need your help in making the decisions that will affect our future in Hemyock over the next few years. What do you think are the current issues ...
544.From Rev David Sherwood
On Tuesday the 21st July, the world celebrated the 40th anniversary of man landing on the moon.
545.News from the Parish Council
The Hemyock Litter Pickers are looking for new volunteers to help keep a stretch of Hemyock road tidy; the more we have, the shorter the area! Find out who your Chief Womble is and volunteer. The Police have issued a report on recent crimes in the area, and request we ...
547.St Mary's Guild - April 09
We started the New Year with a meal at the Catherine Wheel, enjoyed by all. In February we were all enthralled and amused by Irene and Geoffrey Dearsley telling us about "Nigeria then and now." In March we were entertained by Hazel Partridge who told us about "A Year in ...
548.Application to be a Director of the CLT
Application to be a Director of the CLT Applications are invited for the role of Director of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust. Applications must be received by the Company Secretary by Saturday 28th September 2013. Please request a copy of the Application Form from neilpunnett@aol.com ). Directors are subject ...
549.Footpaths, Bridleways and Byways
Devon County Council are reviewing the Definitive Map & Statement for Hemyock and are seeking proposals from organisations and individuals about footpaths, bridleways and byways.
550.Something Different
One of the things that the Emmaus group has been looking at is the idea of different forms of worship. They are currently looking at a presentation to mark Epiphany, but before then are planning a service in the spirit of Taize.
551.Temporary Traffic Order
click here for details of temporary traffic order from Highways (ROAD FROM FIVE BRIDGES CROSS TO NEWCOT CROSS, HEMYOCK)
552.Temporary Traffic Order
Click here for details of traffic order - LOWER MILLHAYES AND FLASHFORD BRIDGE
553.Amicable Allotments Debate
There was a robust but amicable debate about proposals to allocate land to the North of the cemetery for allotments at the February meeting of Hemyock parish Council. With land owners on either side of the cemetery refusing to allow their land to be used for access, allotment holders would ...
554.St Mary's Guild - June & July 07
Our April meeting fell in Holy Week. The Rev. Ron White gave a presentation on the theme 'Easter in Image. Words and music'. A set of slides showing the Cross in various locations around the world was interspersed with poems and music which gave space for personal reflection. Refreshments were ...
555.Council Will Fight Removal Of Only Telephone Box
There is only one telephone box in the Parish of Hemyock and according to Parish Councillors it appears to be used regularly.
556.Devon Historic Churches Day - September 13
As part of Heritage Weekend, and in line with the 900th anniversary of the founding of the Diocese, the Devon Historic Churches Trust is inviting all of us to visit as many churches as possible on September 13th. And if you want to get sponsorship for your efforts, then you ...
557.Samaritans Purse Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Many thanks to all those who donated a shoebox of presents which will bring great happiness to a child somewhere in the world this Christmas. 100 were eventually sent from here. Thanks also to those people who over the year have been busy knitting mittens, hats and scarves for the ...
558.Holiday Club 2009 - 40th!
This year is Hemyock's 40th Holiday Club and we are having a Jungle Jamboree!!!
559.Songs For A Season
Hemyock Singers present Songs For A Season and Turkey Dinner on Friday 16 December at 7.00 p.m. at Hemyock Parish Hall. Tickets are £12 and are on sale at the Post Office - but hurry as tickets are selling fast!
560.Hemyock Parish Council
Click here for results of election on 31st January 2013
561.Annual Parish Meeting
Hemyock Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting Thursday 15th May 7pm Parish Hall Click here
562.From Revd Sherwood - Apr & May 07
Over the past couple of years we have seen a profusion of plastic bracelets adorning people's arms. They are multicoloured and usually demonstrate the support of a particular charity. People of all ages wear them but they seem to be particularly popular with school-children, who often wear so many it's ...
563.Station Road Closure
South West Water is completing some essential works in Station Road commencing 28th July. Click here for details of the Temporary restriction on Station Road from Devon County Council. Click here for some questions and answers from South West Water together with a contact number
564.Storm Batters Hemyock
Storm 'de-fences' were no good against the gale force winds which struck in Hemyock on Thursday. Little was left of Janice Bawler's back fence after the storm had calmed at the end of the afternoon. The wind ripped out two panels, leaving a clear view through to her neighbour's garden.
565.Mozart's Requiem
‘Requiem Mass’ by Mozart was the work chosen by Hemyock Singers for their Spring concert presented at St Mary’s Hemyock and the previous evening at Uffculme parish church.
566.St Mary's Annual Meetings
April 19th sees the two main annual meetings for St Marys. The first is the "Annual Vestry Meeting" for all parishioners. This elects the churchwardens for the coming year. This is an ancient but still demanding role.
567.Report on Walk in aid of Injured Servicemen
Mike Cooper has completed his walk in aid of Injured Servicemen by walking into Malmesbury Abbey Cloister gardens on Sunday 11th April together with a group of friends and representatives from 9 RLC Regiment based at Hullavington 4 miles from Malmesbury.
568.hemyock.org needs you
This website, hemyock.org, is a community-run website for local people to advertise their forthcoming events and achievements. It was designed as a central place where people don't have to search specifically for things and avoid the problems that local groups have in getting people to visit isolated websites. We get ...
569.Fund raising
Throughout the period of Lent members of St Mary's organised weekly Frugal Lunches at the Church Room rasisng £580 to support the work of Rev Jenny Green in Kisoro, Uganda. A further £100 was raised at the lunch held on Ash Wednesday and this will be donated to The Potters ...
570.Samaritan's Purse Christmas Shoebox Appeal
A few weeks ago I received the leaflets reminding me that once again the charity will be running the appeal from now until early November. Many of you have supported the Shoebox Appeal in recent years and been extremely generous in your donations. For those who have not come across ...