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571.Vestry Meeting at St Mary's Church
Rev David Sherwood chaired the annual Vestry Meeting of St Mary's Church, Hemyock when Churchwardens for the coming year are elected. Retiring Wardens David Bawler, who had served nine years, and Michael Cooper, who had served one, were thanked for their work.
572.Hemyock WI
Hemyock WI has an exciting new programme for 2011. Talks cover a wide range of topics and more details can be found in the calendar section. Each month we have an informative talk, a competition (optional) flower of the month and a social time. We are a very friendly group ...
573.Christian Aid Week
15th - 21st May is Christian Aid Week. As there will be no house to house collection in Hemyock this year there will be a number of events you are welcome to come along and join in as funds are raised for this charity Weds 18th - Soup and Cheese ...
574.From Revd Sherwood - August & September 07
On the 15th of July, we had a Parade Service at St. Mary's in Hemyock to celebrate the centenary of the Scout Movement. During the service, the scouts read some short poems about different aspect of life, and one of them was called 'Rest' by P Clifton.
575.Proposed Changes To St Mary's Church
Villagers in Hemyock are being invited to a meeting at 10.30am on Saturday 8th March at the Parish Church to hear about possible alterations within the building that are being considered by St Mary's Parochial Church Council. A number of suggestions have been put forward and these plans are on ...
576.Short Mat Bowling
Short Mat Bowling takes place in the Parish Hall, twice a week, on Mondays from 10:15am to 12:15pm and on Thursdays from 2:15pm to 4:15pm.
577.Report on the Annual parish meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Parish Hall on the 30th April. About 60 people came to see and hear what the Parish Council has achieved this year and their plans for the next year.
578.Twinning Association Visit To France May 2012
Over the May Bank Holiday members of the Upper Culm Twinning Association made their biennial visit to our Twinning partners in France . For those of you who are not familiar with the association, we are twinned with a group of villages in the Loire Valley about halfway between Nantes ...
579.Summer Fete
Keep watching this page to see which personality will be opening St Mary's Summer Fete on Saturday 14th July - Recreation Field - 11a.m. - 4pm Don't forget the photo competition!
580.Hemyock Singers - Coffee Morning
The Hemyock Singers will be holding a coffee morning in the Forbes Lounge on Saturday 8th November from 10-12. Tickets will be on sale for the "Songs & Supper" evenings, which will be on 21st and 22nd November, at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall.
581.Parish Pump Reminder
A big thank you for those of you who have kindly made a donation towards the printing costs of the Parish Pump this year. The Parish Pump is completely produced and delivered by volunteers, and aims to break even every year. Your support is essential to keep this magazine running. ...
582.Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Julie and Leonard summers are taking part in a 22 mile sponsored walk in the Cotswolds on the 15th and 16th August for Breakthrough Breast Cancer.
583.Discover some of Hemyock's Past
September 12th is Heritage Sunday and the Friends of St Mary's are organising displays and demonstrations at the parish church to show some of the village history and crafts. Amongst them will be photographs and memorabilia from the Scout Group who are celebrating their 50th consecutive year in the village ...
584.Young Farmers Update - March 2008
In January we entered four teams into the Countryside and Safety quiz. Well done to all who took part, especially Marcus Busch, Carly Veale and Jeremy Turner for coming fifth. We also won the east Devon group dodge ball, which again, representing the group we came first at Okehampton later ...
585.Benefice Service
Sunday 30th December will see a joint Benefice Service of Holy Communion held at Culm Davy Chapel at 10.30a.m. This will be the only service within the parish churches of Hemyock. Clayhidon and Culmstock on that day..
586.Visit by well known personality
Sunday 5th June offers to be a special day at St Mary's Church when the congregation will be welcoming personality Fred Bear to the monthly Family Service. Fred is well known throughout the world for his work with children and adults alike. His other great interest is the care of ...
587.Celebrations as Longmead is officially opened
Grand Opening of the Longmead Sports Field on Sunday 4th November at 2pm
588.Young Farmers Update - August - December 07
Looking back to the beginning of the August saw a very wet and muddy Honiton Show, which many of our members participated at. We had members showing stock, crafts, cookery and our boys pulled Tug-Of-War and even though they didn't take top place, they still managed to appear on Spotlight ...
589.St Mary's - 1st April
April 1st is Palm Sunday and all are invited to join the congregation of the parish church as they process from the Parish Hall to St Mary's. Palm crosses will be distributed and the procession will leave the hall at 11.15a.m. During the service of Holy Communion there will be ...
590.Star of Wonder, Star of....
For many years now the Christmas period at St Mary's has been marked by the erection of a lighted star on top of the tower. This year it will not appear.
591.Look out for Devon Heaven
We want to let you know about a new A4 magazine that will be arriving in St Mary’s in the next few days.
592.Forestry Apprenticeships spring up in the Blackdown Hills
A new forestry apprenticeship scheme is set to start in the Blackdown Hills. The programme is being run by The Forestry Commission, in partnership with The Silvanus Trust, Bicton College, and leading private employers from the forestry sector.
593.Bridge Opening
On Sunday 21st November at 10.00am we shall formally open our new flood plain bridge . This significant project was instigated and funded on behalf of local people by Hemyock Parish Council. Local landowner Geoff Acland will 'cut the tape' and there will be refreshments afterwards. Come along and support ...
594.Cancer Research UK
A Coffee Morning with bring and buy stall in aid of Cancer Research UK will be held at 4 South View on Friday 14th October from 10.00am to noon
595.Farm Family Competition
The search has begun to find Britain's Farming Family of the Year. Families who believe they have what it takes to win the title have until the end of this month to submit their entries for the annual competition.
596.Devon Historic Churches Trust
The DHCT are having their annual "Ride, Stride or Bike Day" on Saturday September 8th. On this day many of the churches in the county will be open and people are encouraged to visit as many as possible, and get some sponsorship for doing it. 50% of any money raised ...
597.From Revd Sherwood - December 07
In the spring of this year, the Rectory received a new resident - a Springer Spaniel puppy called Coco. He was born on Easter Day, is now seven months old and keeping us all on our toes. He's a delightful character and a good companion to whoever he happens to ...
598.Making It Local
Making it Local is a five year European Rural Development Programme offering funding to projects in the Blackdown Hills and East Devon area. Decisions are made locally by a Local Action Group.
599.St Mary’s Guild - Last Meeting
It is with regret that on December 7th 2009 St Marys Guild held its last meeting in the Church Room. The rector David Sherwood led a quietly moving service, and Joan Lawrence played the Guild hymn. Val White gave a broad ranging history of the group from its first days ...
600.CLT AGM Minutes October 2017
Herewith the minutes of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust's AGM October 2017