Welcome to Hemyock Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 03:09 am UTC

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31.Around Hemyock
A warm welcome to all those who have recently moved into the parish. If you are reading the Pump for the first time we know you will find it full of information to help you settle into village life and we look forward to getting to know you.
32.From Revd Chris Hudson - August 08
One man's rubbish. I spend a lot of mental energy and self-discipline trying to stop myself becoming a grumpy old man. In particular I have given up complaining about issues like 'You can't get anyone to mend anything these days' (which isn't really that true anyway) or about the plethora ...
33.Another Great UCTA Event
The Upper Culm Twinning Association (UCTA) enjoyed a great fund raising Burns Night Supper at Hemyock recently. The Haggis was ‘piped in’ and the ceremonial provided by members of the traditionally dressed Caledonian Demonstration Dance Team. The event was sold out with a 5 course dinner being served by members ...
34.Hemyock Community Spirit Rains Supreme!
In a time when many problems are affecting us, both nationally and globally, I thought it would be nice to write about something more cheerful.
35.Violet Chapman Trust
This registered charity was set up by a local parishioner in 1986 for the benefit of elderly and sick residents in Hemyock and districts. It can make grants for medical treatment and care and assist in relatives, friends visiting and caring for people at home or in hospital. Grants for ...
36.NGS Open Gardens Regency House Sunday - June ...
5-acre plantsman's garden approached across private ford. Many interesting and unusual trees and shrubs. Visitors can try their hand at identifying plants with the plant list. Homemade teas or plenty of space to eat your own picnic. Walled vegetable and fruit garden, lake, ponds, bog plantings and sweeping lawns. Horses, ...
37.Around Hemyock
'The life and soul of the party 'is an expression that could easily be applied to Phyl Kallaway who celebrated her 90th birthday at Chapel Cafe on 11th November. Family and friends ensured a steady stream of visitors throughout the morning as Phyl spent her time meeting and greeting and ...
38.The Church Clock - Task Completed!
Many thanks to all people of the Parish who have contributed to the fund dedicated for the renovation of our Parish Clock in the Church Tower.
39.Welcome Our New Rector!
The parish church of St Mary's Hemyock has held the service to welcome their newest Rector Rev Canon Rebecca (Becky) Totterdell to the Upper Culm Valley Mission Community. Rev Totterdell had previously ministered at Exeter Cathedral.The service taken by the Bishop of Crediton, The Rt Rev Jackie Searle saw a ...
40.Blaze Fails To Halt Business At Timber Company
Firefighters spent most of Tuesday at a timber company in Hemyock following a fire in the early morning.
41.Holiday Club 2009 - Jungle Jamboree
Hemyock's 40th Holiday Club has a Jungle Theme and will be held at Hemyock Primary School on the 10th - 14th August
42.Around Hemyock - February & March 2010
Just before Christmas those who went to a concert given by Hemyock Singers may remember them singing 'Winter Wonderland'. Included in the song are the words 'Over the ground lies a mantle of snow.... In the lane snow is glistening ..... A beautiful sight ..... Walking' in a winter wonderland'. ...
43.Around Hemyock.... June 2009
Rev David Aylmer Evans retired to Hemyock following his final living as Vicar of a group of churches on the Somerset levels. His curacies had been in Wales and Maccelesfield, followed by a living in Chester before moving into school work and later becoming a counsellor at South Molton School ...
44.Can the Violet Chapman Trust Help You?
This registered charity was set up by a local parishioner in 1986 for the benefit of elderly and sick residents in Hemyock and district. It can make grants for medical treatment and care, and assist relatives/friends visiting and caring for people at home or in hospital. Grants for research, surgeries, ...
45.Rev Malcolm Beal - 50 Years As A ...
Congratulations and warm applause have been given to the Rev Malcolm Beal by members of St Mary’s Church and Culm Davy Chapel, Hemyock as he celebrated 50 years as a Minister in the Church of England.
46.Space Science Made Easier By Hemyock Man
Now Simon Ould can bring the solar system down to earth, his space odyssey service is really taking off. The ex-physics teacher, who lives in Hemyock, has launched a mobile planetarium project which is completely out of this world.
47.Around Hemyock - February 09
With all the decorations safely packed away for another year, Christmas and all it's celebrations now seem far away but what enjoyment we were able to get from them - Christmas Fairs, parties, discos, sporting activities and a variety of services at St Mary's and the Baptist Chapel. It was ...
48.Blackdown Woodland Fair
This event will be held at Park Farm Wellington (just below the Monument) on the 3rd of July. A family day with the emphasis being every thing "woody", there will be chances to "have a go" at things like hurdle & basket making, green wood working, carving, bodging, tree surgery, ...
49.Blackdown Community Choir
The Blackdown Community Choir present their FREE Easter Concert on Sat. 20th. March at 7.30 at Clayhidon Village Hall. Refreshments will be available.
50.Football Club - News & Update
Hemyock Football Club enjoyed another successful season winning the Intermediate 2 title in their first season in the Devon and Exeter Football League. The club enjoys fantastic facilities down at the Longmead playing field that are the envy of every team that comes to play in Hemyock.
51.Recorded Crime Falls
Recorded crime in Hemyock has fallen by 31 per cent in the past year, councillors heard at the annual meeting of Hemyock Parish Council. Reporting to the meeting, PC Purkiss congratulated the council on being the most community-focused in the Cullompton district.
52.Blackdown Community Choir
The Blackdown Community Choir is now recruiting for the summer term, to start after Easter. All voices welcome, especially men! Ability to read music is not required, but you must be able to hold a harmony part. Singers need to commit to Wednesday night practice. For more information ring Gabrielle ...
53.Pumpkins Playpark Completed!
A campaign to provide Hemyock with a children's play area that started 15 years ago has finally come to fruition. Jayne McLintock, who founded the Pumpkins Playpark committee in 1992, officially presented the new timber playground to the Village on Saturday, July 7. The wooden park, built by Brookridge Timber, ...
54.Blackdown Hills Transition Group Hustings
The Blackdown Hills Transition Group invites you to 2015 General Election Hustings Live Debate Question your Parliamentary Candidates for Tiverton & Honiton
55.Open Garden at Regency House
Regency House is the original Hemyock Rectory, built in 1855 with a yard and barn much older than that.
56.Neighbourhood Watch
Devon and Cornwall Police are trying to revive the lapsed neighbourhood watch scheme. They are looking for a volunteer to help out at Cullompton Police Station, preferably from Cullompton. They would have to have computer skills, a personable telephone manner and be able to liaise with the police. No hours ...
57.Blackdown Community Choir
The Blackdown Community Choir is now recruiting for September. Men particularly welcome! We sing a variety of light material such as folk, gospel, African songs and Taize.
58.Around Hemyock
Christmas will be only a few weeks away by the time you read this. For most it will be a time a great joy and family celebrations but a number of people will be alone and for some people within our community it will be their first without a loved ...
59.History Group - Meeting Reports
Dr John Griffin gave an interesting talk at our June meeting on the colourful local character who lead hunting hounds in the west country, William Pook Collier.
60.Hemyock Student Wins Beauty Therapy Contest
An 18-year-old student from Hemyock wowed judges at an annual beauty therapy contest in London a fortnight ago. Amy Grimshaw won the Sterex Student of the Year Competition 2007 at the Roof Gardens Hotel in Kensington on June 13.