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151.New Walkway in Sight
For some time now the historic raised walkway which links the Millhayes area of Hemyock with the main village has been falling into disrepair. A responsibility of the Highways Department of DCC, the County Council are not willing to spend money in order to repair and upgrade it to modern ...
152.Bus Route 20 - Hemyock Village
Letter received by Hemyock Parish Council from Cooks Coaches
153.Market Brunch
Why not come along to our Market Brunch at Hemyock Market on Saturday 16th February & 15th March from 10.00 until 11.45
154.Around Hemyock - June 2007
The last Around Hemyock article began with congratulating the Culm Valley Young Farmers' Club on some recent successes and it is good to do that again as they have recently celebrated their 60th anniversary sale and show held at Exeter Market which I believe was featured on a local television ...
155.Prize Draw In Aid Of Hospice
Customers at the Spar store in Hemyock helped to raise £550 for a Taunton hospice following a prize draw.
156.Church Room
Now that the Cameo Club has moved to their new premises the Church Room is available for bookings on Monday and Thursdays. £8 per hr for private bookings eg parties; £5.50 pr hr regular bookings eg Scouts; £2 pr hr prep time. For further details please contact the booking secretary, ...
157.Tick Tock, Tick Tock.....
With the recent work being done on the Hemyock church clock, a few words of history might be of interest.
158.Church Library
Thank you to all the people who have recently offered books for the Parish Church Library. We've go some interesting new titles in stock to offer some thought provoking reading. You'll find the library at the back of the church (near the font and by the Children's Corner). The library ...
159.Fire At Timber Company
Firefighters from across Somerset and Devon attended a fire at a timber yard in Hemyock this morning.
160.Casual Walking Group
Anyone interested in joining a casual walking group? A small group of older people meet once a month on a Sunday morning, and usually drive to a pub, walk for about 2 hours (4 to 5 miles) and end up back at the pub for lunch.
161.Parish Council Meeting
Plenty going on in the village. Read up on snow clearance, Annual Parish Meeting, challenges to MDDC charges and the forthcomoming election.
162.St Mary's Guild - August & September 07
Members and friends of St Mary's Guild left Hemyock at 9:30 Wednesday June 6th for their outing. The venue this year was Crediton Parish Church for their floral tribute to 100 years of broadcasting. We stopped at Bickleigh Mill for morning coffee, the resident peacock at the mill turned out ...
163.From Rev David Sherwood
"…all I want for Christmas, is you!" No, that's not right. "Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way…" Nope, that's not it either. "So here it is merry Christmas, everybody's having fun…" No! This just isn't working! Sorry about this. It's the middle of November and as I sit ...
164.Coffee Morning Success
A highly successful coffee morning held at a Hemyock couple's home has raised more than £600 for the charity Vranch House Exeter.
165.Exeter 1100 Book
We now have some more copies of the book produced to mark the 1100th anniversary celebrations of the Foundiing of the diocese. "A Pilgrims Guide" has details of ALL Devon's churches.
166.From Revd David Sherwood - October 08
As we begin our annual round of Harvest Festivals, I have been thinking about how important 'taste' is to us. As very small babies as soon as we find something new, we put it in our mouth! If it's nice, it stays there, if not we spit it out! As ...
167.Hampton Court Success For Hemyock Nursery
A Hemyock Nursery has won an award at this year's Hampton Court Flower Show. The largest annual flower show in the world showcased its best crop of gardens in 18 years, with 10 RHS gold medals announced earlier this week.
168.Award For Poultry Man
A Hemyock man has received a national award at the House of Commons in recognition of his role in the UK poultry industry.
169.Emmaus group
You may be aware of the fact that Rev Sherwood has brought together a small group from all our churches to help look at some of the ideas that float around the Benefice, and help the Benefice grow.
170.St Mary’s Summer Fayre
It's Music all the Way at St Mary's Summer Fayre so book the date now It's Saturday July 3rd at 11am - 4pm. Lots more details later, but any enquiries re stalls etc to David Bawler (01823 680352)
171.Longmead Management Group Need You
The Longmead Management Group (LMG) is responsible for developing and maintaining the Longmead sports and leisure facilities.
172.Scrabble Club
Scrabble Club is continuing on the 4th Tuesday in each month at 2.30pm at the Back Room of Hemyock Baptist Church. The dates for June and July are as follows: 22.06.10 and 27.07.10
173.Blackdown Hills AONB Meeting
There is a meeting of the Blackdown Hills AONB management group at the Half Moon Inn at Clayhidon on Thursday 11 December at 10am. Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe.
174.Culmstock Post Office Closure Temporary
The closure of Culmstock Post Office should only be temporary, says the Royal Mail.
175.French Lessons
A while ago I offered 4 x 1 hour French lessons at an Auction of Promises in support of Hemyock Preschool. The person who bought them was unable to take them up and expressed her desire that someone else should benefit at no personal cost. GCSE is coming. If interested, ...
176.Around Hemyock - April 09
Many people will, by now, be aware that the Pump's editors Hilary and Matt Clements have a baby daughter, Verity. The birth was not without its complications and Verity arrived 9 weeks early weighing in at 2lbs 10oz on Valentines Day. She is progressing well and we send the family ...
177.Important Notice - Changes to St Mary's Services
The pattern of services in the benefice is changing. This is to make it more manageable and allow the Rector time to see people at earlier services without having to rush off to be on time for the next one.
178.Did You Know… The Pavilion, MUGA and Tennis ...
The pavilion has a kitchen as well as changing rooms, toilets and sitting area, making it an ideal venue for children's parties etc.
179.Hemyock Church Rooms
St Mary's Church Rooms can be hired for parties or regular bookings. Private Functions only £8.00 per hour Regular Bookings £5.50 per hour
180.Summary Of The Longmead Field Meeting Held 14th ...
Play area A sign stipulating ‘do’s and don’ts’ was needed before the playground could be opened. This should be ready in about two weeks time. ROSPA required that the play area be monitored for damage and hazards to children. Trim trail The lottery fund bid had failed. It was agreed ...