Welcome to Hemyock Thursday, July 04 2024 @ 07:26 am UTC

From Rev David Sherwood

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Archived Stories As I write, the death toll in the Haiti earthquake has risen to two hundred thousand and is still climbing. Like you, I am shocked by the devastation of this natural disaster and stunned by the misery and chaos being heaped upon a nation already burdened by poverty and depravation.

Like you, I find myself wanting answers to why this has happened and why God would be willing to allow the people of one of the poorest nations on earth to suffer in this way. As I listen for those answers, I hear some saying that this simply proves that God doesn't exist. And I hear those at the other end of the spectrum stating that we are living in the 'end times' and quoting carefully selected verses from apocalyptic scripture to support their argument.

Village Takes Action On Speeding

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Hemyock Parish Council is seeking volunteers to run a speed survey system in the village using the latest technology ‘speed guns’. Most of the village is covered by a 20mph limit whilst other areas within the Parish remain covered by the maximum 30mph limit. But locals complain that ‘thoughtless’ drivers continue to travel through the area at above the proscribed limits bringing fear of accidents.  Volunteers would receive training by Devon & Cornwall Constabulary and would work in pairs. Parishioners who wish to volunteer should contact Parish Clerk Anne Kingston on 01823 680918.

New Village Notice Boards

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Archived Stories There are now three village notice boards in Hemyock located at the Parish Hall, the entrance to Longmead and adjacent to Millhayes Hall. The additional notice boards at Longmead and Millhayes were erected in response to increasing village activities and the need for publicity. The Parish Council hopes that these and not telegraph poles will be used in the future. It was felt that the use of telegraph poles made the village look untidy.

Team play

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Archived Stories Are you interested in playing tennis matches?

Amicable Allotments Debate

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Archived Stories There was a robust but amicable debate about proposals to allocate land to the North of the cemetery for allotments at the February meeting of Hemyock parish Council. With land owners on either side of the cemetery refusing to allow their land to be used for access, allotment holders would need to use the main footpath through the cemetery to entrance their gardens.


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Archived Stories Another year has raced past on the hemyock.org website. I thought I would report progress, especially as I am enormously proud of having kept a log of the number of users all year.   Last year’s report is on this link

Issues of life and faith and humour

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A packed Throgmorton Hall in Dunkeswell revelled in the exceptional humour of author Adrian Plass last Saturday evening. Audience laughter raised the roof as the million selling writer and conference speaker delivered his special brand of thought provoking humour, whilst his storytelling moved them to consider the broader issues of life and faith.

A huge THANK YOU from ShelterBox for the HAITI appeal

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Following the great generosity of local people including Hemyock Market, Hemyock Baptist Church, St Mary’s Church Hemyock, the Men’s group and St Mary’s Church, Upottery, The Evergreens of Culmstock and many individuals who gave to street collection in Tiverton, the Rotary Club of Tiverton has been able to send to ShelterBox enough funds for 13 boxes (@ £490 each) a total of £6370.

Biodiversity Plan for Hemyock

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Archived Stories The Blackdown Hills AONB has commissioned Dr David Allen to produce reports on the biodiversity of six Blackdown Hills parishes including Hemyock. These will include distribution maps showing areas of important habitat or notable species and ideas for nature conservation action that the local community might like to pursue.

Come for lunch!

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Members of Hemyock WI will be cooking a delicious two course lunch on Saturday March 13th in the Forbes lounge of the Parish Hall.  The main course will be sausages and creamy mash followed by a selection of home made desserts and coffee or tea.  The cost will be £5.00 a head and everyone is welcome.  This will be ticket only so we know how many people we are catering for and the tickets will be on sale from members and from the post office.