Welcome to Hemyock Thursday, July 04 2024 @ 05:16 am UTC

Scrabble Club

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Archived Stories Scrabble Club is continuing on the 4th Tuesday in each month at 2.30pm at the Back Room of Hemyock Baptist Church. The dates for February and March are as follows: 23.02.10 and 23.03.10

WI News

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Archived Stories The December Meeting of Hemyock WI resulted in some members going home with quite impressive Christmas decorations. Home made mince pies and mulled wine were very welcome.

The January Meeting was cancelled due to bad weather but members are hopeful of being able to attend the Reading Group on Tuesday January 19th at Cindy's home and the Birthday meal at the Catherine Wheel on Tuesday 26th.

Thank You

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Archived Stories Blackdown Merrymakers would like to thank everyone who attended our final New Years Eve Party and for making it a great success.

The draw raised £261 which has been donated to the Help for Heroes Fund.

Blackdown Community Choir

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Archived Stories The Blackdown Community Choir present their FREE Easter Concert on Sat. 20th. March at 7.30 at Clayhidon Village Hall. Refreshments will be available.

Make Hay While the Sun Shines

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Archived Stories Make Hay While the Sun Shines & other stories from Hemyock, is a new book by Brian Clist who has lived and worked all his life in the village. Its publication has been made possible by the Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty's Sustainable Development Fund.

Thank You

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Archived Stories A big "Thank You" to the staff of the Post Office and Spar shops for helping and caring for all our parishioners, especially the elderly, during the recent spell of icy weather.

Walks on the Wild-Side

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Archived Stories Do you enjoy a stroll in the countryside?

Hemyock Parish Council regularly arranges for local footpaths to be surveyed to ensure that they are kept in good order and that there are no unauthorised diversions or blockages. A few more volunteers are needed to walk and survey the footpaths.

Parish Pump Thank You Tea!

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Archived Stories The organisers of the Pump are sorry to have postponed the 'Thank You Tea' on 16th January because of the uncertain weather. We hope to have another date in the spring to which all distributors and prospective helpers will be invited. We did try to contact everyone involved by telephone, e-mail or word of mouth, but many apologies if the message did not get through to everybody.

Young Farmers Update - February 2010

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Archived Stories Yet again it has been a busy couple of months for Culm Valley Young Farmers who have certainly not let the recent cold weather get in the way of the busy schedule!

The competitions diary has been full of events with Culm Valley being placed respectively in both the interclub table tennis and badminton. Further fixtures are scheduled with volleyball, hockey and basketball featuring early within the 2010 calendar! Eight members of the club are travelling to Val Thorens in the French Alps along with members from clubs across the region on the annual YFC ski trip - Hopefully the itinerary will not include any trips to A & E!

Thank You

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Archived Stories We have now retired from running the stall at the Saturday morning market for the Blackdown Support Group in Hemyock. We have done this for nine years including the odd Garage Sale and raised over £9,000.