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Hemyock WI

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A new year and the WI is celebrating its 5th birthday.  We are a very friendly group and have a new programme which is stimulating and interesting.  Each month we have a speaker and two competitions which are just a bit of fun,  We don't take them too seriously and it is quite easy to enter as most things we already have in the home.  We ask our guest speaker to judge the competition and points are awarded to everyone who enters.  A small prize is awarded at the end of each year.

Hemyock Responds to Haiti Disaster

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Hemyock resident Roger Lambert is the area Shelterbox organiser for the Exe Valley and Upper Culm and following the earthquake in Haiti moved quickly to tell people what Shelterbox was doing for that country.  Roger went along to the Hemyock Market on Saturday morning and on Sunday he attended the Baptist Church where friends from St Mary’s Church were also gathering. 
He told them that 930 boxes had already been sent to Haiti and 1000 more were being packed over the weekend.  The people responded generously to Roger’s appeal for funds so that even more of these valuable aid boxes could be sent.  By Sunday evening pledges and gifts totalled £2000, enough to fund 4 boxes.

Remember Our Neighbours

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Archived Stories Happy New Year from your Parish Council.
Most of us are fit and healthy and are enjoying the snow. Some of our neighbours, especially the elderly, may view this weather with trepidation – not being able to get out to the shops, not having their friends or family come by to see them, etc. Do you have a neighbour who might value a visit today?

Winners of the Annual Hemyock Christmas Decoration Competiton 2009

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Devon County Councillor Ray Radford judged this years Christmas Decoration competition in Hemyock and found it a difficult decision to come to  a final winner as there were some outstanding displays which really enhanced the whole village.
“Overall it was a good effort by all who had taken part, from decorating a tree, a couple of lights in a window, a lit reindeer, etc, no matter how small, it all went towards giving the village a Christmas feel.  Hemyock is a good Community to be part of, well done everybody.”


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Archived Stories For around 23 years John Bimson has lovingly cared for the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Hemyock. To mark his retirement a painting of his house by Brian Doble was presented by Deputy Warden David Bawler at a recent service. Speaking on behalf of the church Mrs Mary Beal, Warden, thanked John for his voluntary dedication and hard work, particularly as he is a member of another church.

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

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Archived Stories On behalf of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal can I say a hugh thank you for raising £1862.48 a staggering £424.19 up on last year. There were over 200 people at this years Remembrance Service with around 20 at the War Memorial on the 11th.

WI News

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Archived Stories Hemyock Women's Institute meet in Forbes Lounge on the first Tuesday at 7.30pm. At the Annual Meeting in October Brenda Calcraft agreed to be President again with Judith Major continuing as Secretary, Sandra Featherstone as Treasurer and Lyn Taylor as Vice President. Most of the Committee were happy to continue with their duties.

Around Hemyock

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Archived Stories 'The life and soul of the party 'is an expression that could easily be applied to Phyl Kallaway who celebrated her 90th birthday at Chapel Cafe on 11th November. Family and friends ensured a steady stream of visitors throughout the morning as Phyl spent her time meeting and greeting and moving around the tables chatting to everyone. The active and young at heart noctogenarian is well known throughout the parish and surrounding area. Phyl and her late husband, Ken farmed locally and Phyl has been involved in working for a variety of charities over the years, one of which is the Royal British Legion being a collector for the Poppy Appeal, yes, even at 90 she collects door to door! We send her congratulations and wish her many more happy years.


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Archived Stories Please could residents take care when parking their vehicles on the roadside that they do not park near road junctions causing bad visibility. Please use your driveways if possible and help to improve safety around the parish. Thank you for your consideration.

Young Farmers Update - December 2009

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Archived Stories Culm Valley Young Farmers held their AGM on 13th October, where it was time to recap on yet another successful year and vote in the new members to take on the various roles as officers leading the club, from chairman down to the very important coffee makers! Thank you was said to Emma Greenslade and Emily York who as Chairman and Secretary along with the other officers had given much dedication and hard work in maintaining the clubs momentum. To start off the new year's competitions Culm Valley presented 3 teams at the group Public Speaking held at Awliscombe where the teams took 1st, 2nd and 3rd place! Michelle Batting, Emily Vallis and Kate Stevens will now progress to represent East Devon at the County Round.