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Mollie & Robin Stallard at the Royal Albert Hall

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Archived Stories Mollie and Robin Stallard recently performed in the 2009 Schools Prom in front of an audience of 5,000 at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Mollie, aged 12, plays bassoon and Robin, aged 12, plays double bass. They played the Allegro from Mozart's Sonata in B flat major, and were told they were the youngest duo ever to have performed in a Schools Prom. Both Mollie and Robin are members of the National Youth Orchestra and Somerset County Youth Orchestra.

Tennis Club News

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Archived Stories We enjoyed the long spell of lovely autumn weather and now the rain and winds have arrived we are still managing to get some tennis in, in between the showers.

Play continues through the winter with the floodlights enabling us to have our evening club sessions and friendlies with Honiton Tennis Club. Club sessions are on Thursday evenings (6.30pm), Saturday mornings (10.30am) and Sunday mornings (10.30 am, advanced).

Thank You

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Archived Stories From mid June to mid October David Palmer was absent from Lower Mackham Farm and Hemyock, but not forgotten! It seemed I could not go anywhere without people asking after him and arranging to visit, offering me help - from doing shopping, cutting the lawn, baking cakes, rounding up cattle or driving me to Williton to visit David. We have both been overwhelmed with so much kindness and are so grateful to and for you all - Thank You!

Thank You

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Archived Stories The 1st Hemyock Brownies would like to say a very big "thank you" to members of the Culm Vale Gun Club for their very generous donation of £250 towards our funds. We have not yet decided how to spend the money, but we hope to buy equipment which will benefit both present and future members.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

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Archived Stories Many thanks to all those who donated boxes to the above appeal.This year we sent 82 boxes plus two very large bags of hats, gloves, scarves and matinee jackets and donations totalling over £70. Over the Christmas period please remember that in another part of the world your gifts will bring untold joy to a child.

News From Hemyock Singers

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Archived Stories The group have enjoyed singing a variety of music over the past months from Gilbert and Sullivan to Jingle Bells via Winter Wonderland and Mistletoe and Wine as we've rehearsed for our two autumn concerts.

The G & S evening with supper welcomed Tony Grosse, Glyn Jones and Jenny Doble as our main soloist and proved to be popular as almost 100 tickets were sold.

From Rev David Sherwood

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Archived Stories "…all I want for Christmas, is you!"
      No, that's not right.
"Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way…"
      Nope, that's not it either.
"So here it is merry Christmas, everybody's having fun…"
     No! This just isn't working!

Sorry about this. It's the middle of November and as I sit down to write this, I'm trying to get into the Christmas mood but all I have running around the inside of my head are Christmas songs from television adverts! And I suppose that's because there are two types of Christmas, the commercial and the spiritual.

Projects Under Way in Hemyock for 2010

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Archived Stories Work is under way on two major projects which will open in early 2010 in Hemyock. Buildings which were once part of the St Ivel milk factory in the village are being re-developed and returned to useful service.

The former social club is being transformed into the Blackdown Healthy Living Centre which will provide a wide range of all age facilities for the Blackdown Hills rural community including a Day Centre for the Elderly, education facilities, a fitness studio, primary care intervention, rooms for complementary therapies and much more.

A Modest Rise to the Village Precept

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Archived Stories
Hemyock Parish Council have approved a modest increase in the Parish Precept for the year 2010/11 which equates to a rise typically of less than 3p per household per week. 
The Council heard that the increase was needed to fund a range of useful initiatives which would be of real benefit to the community.  This included a pedestrian raised footway over the flood plain to the northern end of the village which would cost in the region of £40,000.  In a recent questionnaire, 92% of those responding felt that the footway was necessary especially to those who lived on the northern side of the Culm River.

Carols in the Barn

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Archived Stories An open barn at Culm Pyne Barton, Hemyock, home of the Stallard family, was the venue for Carols in the Barn. Trimmed with coloured lights and a Christmas tree, with hay bales as seats the evening attracted over 100 people from babes in arms to those over 80; and in a pen in the corner of the barn could be found sheep and hens.