Welcome to Hemyock, Anonymous Tuesday, March 04 2025 @ 10:24 am UTC

Thank You

  • Friday, February 19 2010 @ 08:09 pm UTC
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Archived Stories For around 23 years John Bimson has lovingly cared for the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Hemyock. To mark his retirement a painting of his house by Brian Doble was presented by Deputy Warden David Bawler at a recent service. Speaking on behalf of the church Mrs Mary Beal, Warden, thanked John for his voluntary dedication and hard work, particularly as he is a member of another church.

Can you help our Church in 2010?

  • Friday, February 19 2010 @ 08:07 pm UTC
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Archived Stories St Mary`s Church is for everyone in Hemyock. It is always there for the big events of life like weddings and funerals and also for quiet thought and contemplation. It is there as a landmark and symbol for the village.  But although it`s there for everyone, not many contribute to its costs and we are asking if you can help put that right.

The Election Date is Fixed

  • Friday, February 19 2010 @ 08:04 pm UTC
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Archived Stories It's Monday April 19th.

No not that election but the ones at the St Mary's Church's Annual Meeting.

St Mary’s Guild - Last Meeting

  • Friday, February 19 2010 @ 08:00 pm UTC
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Archived Stories It is with regret that on December 7th 2009 St Marys Guild held its last meeting in the Church Room. The rector David Sherwood led a quietly moving service, and Joan Lawrence played the Guild hymn.

Val White gave a broad ranging history of the group from its first days as the Mothers' Union through its change to St Marys Guild.

Fair Trade Fortnight

  • Friday, February 19 2010 @ 07:58 pm UTC
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Archived Stories Did you know that February 22nd to March 7th is "Fair Trade Fortnight"?

This is organised by Traidcraft and is being supported by many industries as well as by the Diocese. We are all being encouraged to buy and use "Fairtrade" products, and especially this year, tea. At the moment just 10% of the tea we drink is fair-trade. Look out for various "Big Brew" events around that time, one of which will be on March 6th in the Church Rooms at Hemyock when we shall be having a "Big Brew" from 10am till 12noon. Fair-trade coffee and other goods as well - look for the posters!

From Rev David Sherwood

  • Friday, February 19 2010 @ 07:54 pm UTC
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Archived Stories As I write, the death toll in the Haiti earthquake has risen to two hundred thousand and is still climbing. Like you, I am shocked by the devastation of this natural disaster and stunned by the misery and chaos being heaped upon a nation already burdened by poverty and depravation.

Like you, I find myself wanting answers to why this has happened and why God would be willing to allow the people of one of the poorest nations on earth to suffer in this way. As I listen for those answers, I hear some saying that this simply proves that God doesn't exist. And I hear those at the other end of the spectrum stating that we are living in the 'end times' and quoting carefully selected verses from apocalyptic scripture to support their argument.

Village Takes Action On Speeding

  • Monday, February 15 2010 @ 01:04 pm UTC
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Archived Stories
Hemyock Parish Council is seeking volunteers to run a speed survey system in the village using the latest technology ‘speed guns’. Most of the village is covered by a 20mph limit whilst other areas within the Parish remain covered by the maximum 30mph limit. But locals complain that ‘thoughtless’ drivers continue to travel through the area at above the proscribed limits bringing fear of accidents.  Volunteers would receive training by Devon & Cornwall Constabulary and would work in pairs. Parishioners who wish to volunteer should contact Parish Clerk Anne Kingston on 01823 680918.

New Village Notice Boards

  • Monday, February 15 2010 @ 10:44 am UTC
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Archived Stories There are now three village notice boards in Hemyock located at the Parish Hall, the entrance to Longmead and adjacent to Millhayes Hall. The additional notice boards at Longmead and Millhayes were erected in response to increasing village activities and the need for publicity. The Parish Council hopes that these and not telegraph poles will be used in the future. It was felt that the use of telegraph poles made the village look untidy.

Team play

  • Friday, February 12 2010 @ 10:27 am UTC
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Archived Stories Are you interested in playing tennis matches?

Amicable Allotments Debate

  • Thursday, February 11 2010 @ 02:20 pm UTC
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Archived Stories There was a robust but amicable debate about proposals to allocate land to the North of the cemetery for allotments at the February meeting of Hemyock parish Council. With land owners on either side of the cemetery refusing to allow their land to be used for access, allotment holders would need to use the main footpath through the cemetery to entrance their gardens.

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