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Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

  • Monday, December 28 2009 @ 10:01 pm UTC
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Archived Stories On behalf of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal can I say a hugh thank you for raising £1862.48 a staggering £424.19 up on last year. There were over 200 people at this years Remembrance Service with around 20 at the War Memorial on the 11th.

WI News

  • Monday, December 28 2009 @ 09:56 pm UTC
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Archived Stories Hemyock Women's Institute meet in Forbes Lounge on the first Tuesday at 7.30pm. At the Annual Meeting in October Brenda Calcraft agreed to be President again with Judith Major continuing as Secretary, Sandra Featherstone as Treasurer and Lyn Taylor as Vice President. Most of the Committee were happy to continue with their duties.

Around Hemyock

  • Monday, December 28 2009 @ 09:42 pm UTC
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Archived Stories 'The life and soul of the party 'is an expression that could easily be applied to Phyl Kallaway who celebrated her 90th birthday at Chapel Cafe on 11th November. Family and friends ensured a steady stream of visitors throughout the morning as Phyl spent her time meeting and greeting and moving around the tables chatting to everyone. The active and young at heart noctogenarian is well known throughout the parish and surrounding area. Phyl and her late husband, Ken farmed locally and Phyl has been involved in working for a variety of charities over the years, one of which is the Royal British Legion being a collector for the Poppy Appeal, yes, even at 90 she collects door to door! We send her congratulations and wish her many more happy years.


  • Monday, December 28 2009 @ 09:21 pm UTC
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Archived Stories Please could residents take care when parking their vehicles on the roadside that they do not park near road junctions causing bad visibility. Please use your driveways if possible and help to improve safety around the parish. Thank you for your consideration.

Young Farmers Update - December 2009

  • Monday, December 28 2009 @ 09:12 pm UTC
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Archived Stories Culm Valley Young Farmers held their AGM on 13th October, where it was time to recap on yet another successful year and vote in the new members to take on the various roles as officers leading the club, from chairman down to the very important coffee makers! Thank you was said to Emma Greenslade and Emily York who as Chairman and Secretary along with the other officers had given much dedication and hard work in maintaining the clubs momentum. To start off the new year's competitions Culm Valley presented 3 teams at the group Public Speaking held at Awliscombe where the teams took 1st, 2nd and 3rd place! Michelle Batting, Emily Vallis and Kate Stevens will now progress to represent East Devon at the County Round.

Mollie & Robin Stallard at the Royal Albert Hall

  • Monday, December 28 2009 @ 09:10 pm UTC
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Archived Stories Mollie and Robin Stallard recently performed in the 2009 Schools Prom in front of an audience of 5,000 at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Mollie, aged 12, plays bassoon and Robin, aged 12, plays double bass. They played the Allegro from Mozart's Sonata in B flat major, and were told they were the youngest duo ever to have performed in a Schools Prom. Both Mollie and Robin are members of the National Youth Orchestra and Somerset County Youth Orchestra.

Tennis Club News

  • Monday, December 28 2009 @ 09:09 pm UTC
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Archived Stories We enjoyed the long spell of lovely autumn weather and now the rain and winds have arrived we are still managing to get some tennis in, in between the showers.

Play continues through the winter with the floodlights enabling us to have our evening club sessions and friendlies with Honiton Tennis Club. Club sessions are on Thursday evenings (6.30pm), Saturday mornings (10.30am) and Sunday mornings (10.30 am, advanced).

Thank You

  • Monday, December 28 2009 @ 09:06 pm UTC
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Archived Stories From mid June to mid October David Palmer was absent from Lower Mackham Farm and Hemyock, but not forgotten! It seemed I could not go anywhere without people asking after him and arranging to visit, offering me help - from doing shopping, cutting the lawn, baking cakes, rounding up cattle or driving me to Williton to visit David. We have both been overwhelmed with so much kindness and are so grateful to and for you all - Thank You!

Thank You

  • Monday, December 28 2009 @ 09:05 pm UTC
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Archived Stories The 1st Hemyock Brownies would like to say a very big "thank you" to members of the Culm Vale Gun Club for their very generous donation of £250 towards our funds. We have not yet decided how to spend the money, but we hope to buy equipment which will benefit both present and future members.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

  • Monday, December 28 2009 @ 09:04 pm UTC
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Archived Stories Many thanks to all those who donated boxes to the above appeal.This year we sent 82 boxes plus two very large bags of hats, gloves, scarves and matinee jackets and donations totalling over £70. Over the Christmas period please remember that in another part of the world your gifts will bring untold joy to a child.

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