Welcome to Hemyock Thursday, July 04 2024 @ 09:23 am UTC

Hemyock Land Owners

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Archived Stories There is a keen interested in providing Allotments in Hemyock as evidenced by the recent village Survey. What we lack is land close to the village which can be used for Allotments. The Parish Council is seeking to lease land for this purpose on a long term basis - one to one and a half acres within a two mile radius of hemyock. If you have suitable land available, please contact the Parish Clerk, Anne Kingston on 680918.

Horse Race Night

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Archived Stories Is on Sunday 23rd August at The Catherine Wheel 8:00 start, proceeds to Hemyock Cricket Club.

Fund raising Fun

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Archived Stories
The local Twinning Association saw a good turn out of supporters for their Sports and Social fund raising event at Longmead Sports Field in Hemyock last Friday (7th).  Featuring a wide range of activities including the very popular Boules and, for the children, bouncy castle, the BBQ evening enjoyed fine weather and some good wine.
Picture – Future Twinners?  Local children enjoy the UCTA event.

From Ray Radford

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Archived Stories I am pleased to be re-elected to serve this area for another four years. I do thank everyone for their support and do my best to represent you all. Thank you.

Around Hemyock.... August 2009

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Archived Stories The wind dropped, the cloud lessened and before you knew it seven members of  the Red Devils had parachuted into the Recreation Field and found themselves  being inspected by Churchwarden Mary Beal before handing over an inscribed  wooden baton to mark the event.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

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Archived Stories It may be the middle of summer as you read this but some people have already begun collection items to put on their shoeboxes for the annual Samaritan's Purse Christmas Shoebox appeal.

Mary Waldren Trust

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Archived Stories This fund exists primarily to help students in higher and further education,  with the purchase of their books and equipment, by making discretionary grants.

Ice Cream Day

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Archived Stories An Ice-cream day will be held on Saturday 5 September at Beamley Bungalow

Tennis Club News

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Archived Stories Following on from our press release in the last Pump about a Grant  that we have been awarded, we can report that the Ball Machine should be with us by August - just in time for Club Coach, Dan Loftus to use on our coaching courses in the holidays, which is great!

Scrabble Club

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Archived Stories Scrabble Club is continuing on the 4th Tuesday in each month at 2.30pm at the Back Room of Hemyock Baptist Church