Welcome to Hemyock Thursday, July 04 2024 @ 07:26 am UTC

Salamanca Band And Bugles Of The Rifles

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The Salamance Band and Bugles of The Rifles will be in concert at St. Mary's Church, Hemyock on Saturday 11th July at 7.00 pm.  Tickets are £6.00 and available from Patricia tel: 01823 680436 or David tel: 01823 680352.

St Mary's Summer Fayre

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The annual summer fayre will take place on the 4th July on the Recreation Field from 10am - 4pm.

This year in addition to the hot food and Bar, Teas and Stalls the Parachute Regiment Freefall Team will be "dropping" in at 2pm! There will also be a chance to win a weeks self catering Spanish holiday.  See posters for more details.

More Noticeboards for Hemyock

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Archived Stories Hemyock is a thriving community with a large number of events, all of which need to be promoted.  This web site and the village noticeboard are two of the means of advertising.  However the single noticboard is proving too small and it is thought that a further one or two noticeboards in the village would be helpful.  The Parish Council together with the Parish Hall Committee and Longmead Sports Committee are considering the siting of public noticboards at the entrance to Longmead and in the Millhayes Hall area and the enlargement the exiting board at the Parish Hall.  The increase in capacity will reduce the unsightly posting of notices on telgraph poles it is hoped. 

Youth Council for Hemyock

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Archived Stories A meeting which is hoped will be the pre-curser for the setting up of a Youth Council for Hemyock is to be held next Monday 6th July at the Garages of the old St Ivel factory.  The Parish Council have plans to turn the Garages into a Youth Centre and need young people to feed in their ideas on the running of the project.  Young people are invited to attend the meeting which begins at 7.30pm. 

Serving those who serve since 1779

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Archived Stories It was said of the Duke of Wellington that he was ‘more afraid of his own men than he was of the enemy’. Which perhaps makes his Presidency of the Naval & Military Bible Society in 1816 all the more understandable with its core aim being “to spread abroad Christian knowledge and reformation of manners.”

Richard Prendergast is Executive Director of NM&AFBS and as he spoke to a recent meeting of Hemyock Men, he unpacked both the history and the immediate positive impact the society was having on our Armed forces.

Archaeology Talk from Stephen Reed

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Archived Stories At our recent Thursday meeting, Mr Stephen Reed, an archaeologist from Devon County Council, presented a very informative and interesting talk on archaeological activity around Devon including the find of post-mediaeval pottery at the Churchill building site.

Scrabble Club

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Archived Stories Scrabble Club Is continuing on the 4th Tuesday in each month

Blackdown Early Music Festival

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Archived Stories Blackdowns Early Music Festival has become a mainstream event in the musical calendar for lovers of early music. Every year since 2004 expert singers from all over the UK and Europe have gathered together for occasional weekends in Culmstock to work on programmes of mediaeval, renaissance and baroque vocal music.

Open Garden at Regency House

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Regency House is the original Hemyock Rectory, built in 1855 with a yard and barn much older than that.