Welcome to Hemyock Thursday, July 04 2024 @ 09:23 am UTC

Medical Equipment Available

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Archived Stories The Blackdown Practice, the Blackdown Support Group and the Violet Chapman Trust have purchased or been given various items of medical equipment e.g. walking sticks, zimmer frames, wheel chairs, an electric 'buggy', raiser/recliner chairs and beds.

Hemyock WI

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Archived Stories Hemyock Women's Institute meet in Forbes Lounge at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of each month.

Members have tried their hand at painting pottery tiles with the help of Nicola Werner. Some found this easy others quite difficult but most enjoyed the experience. Nicola took the tiles and fired them so everyone has a memento of that evening.

Samariton's Purse Shoebox Appeal

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Archived Stories 'The Power of a Simple Gift' is the heading on the leaflet sent out by this charity and how true it is.

During the years I have been organising the collection for Samaritan's Purse thousands of shoeboxes have been sent from this area to children caught in the midst of wars, natural disasters, and extreme poverty to show them they have not been forgotten.

Celebratory Bells

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Archived Stories The Hemyock ringers are having an anniversary year! With two members celebrating Golden Weddings earlier in the year, they now have a Silver Wedding Anniversary to ring for.

Something Different

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Archived Stories One of the things that the Emmaus group has been looking at is the idea of different forms of worship. They are currently looking at a presentation to mark Epiphany, but before then are planning a service in the spirit of Taize.

Look out for Devon Heaven

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Archived Stories We want to let you know about a new A4 magazine that will be arriving in St Mary’s in the next few days.

St Mary's Guild

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Archived Stories The Guild held two coffee mornings. One on August 4th at 37 Castle Park and on September 1st at 34 Castle Park.

Hiring the Church Rooms

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Archived Stories St Mary's Church rooms can be hired for parties or regular bookings.