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NGS Open Gardens Regency House Sunday - June 20

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5-acre plantsman's garden approached across private ford. Many interesting and unusual trees and shrubs. Visitors can try their hand at identifying plants with the plant list. Homemade teas or plenty of space to eat your own picnic. Walled vegetable and fruit garden, lake, ponds, bog plantings and sweeping lawns. Horses, Dexter cattle and Jacob sheep.

Afternoon Tea at Prings Farm, Madford

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Judy Barton and Sarah Machin will be serving afternoon teas at Prings Farm, Madford on Sunday 27th June from 2.30pm. There will be a delicious selection of homemade cakes along with traditional cream teas. Also, a bring and buy stall. Everyone welcome! In aid of The Blackdown Support Group and St Mary's Church.

From Reverend David Sherwood - June 2010

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At the beginning of last year I wrote about the onset of the Credit Crunch and how that was impacting on the lives of those who had either lost their jobs or who were reliant upon the vagaries of the stock market for their income. But it has taken the best part of a year for us to really start to feel the effects of recession. Prices have crept slowly upwards until, in the last couple of months, we have had quite large bills for electricity, insurance, telephone and fuel costs landing on our doormats. As I write, we have the news that inflation is high and the new government's emergency budget will be full of major cuts to public spending, which will have a knock-on effect in all areas of our lives.

Church Room

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Now that the Cameo Club has moved to their new premises the Church Room is available for bookings on Monday and Thursdays. £8 per hr for private bookings eg parties; £5.50 pr hr regular bookings eg Scouts; £2 pr hr prep time. For further details please contact the booking secretary, Janice Bawler on 01823 680352 or email jbawler1947@hotmail.co.uk

Report on Walk in aid of Injured Servicemen

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Archived Stories Mike Cooper has completed his walk in aid of Injured Servicemen by walking into Malmesbury Abbey Cloister gardens on Sunday 11th April together with a group of friends and representatives from 9 RLC Regiment based at Hullavington 4 miles from Malmesbury.

Annual Parish Meeting

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The well worn phrase “something for everyone” may just be true when applied to the Hemyock Annual Parish meeting.  Interest groups represented include speakers from HELIC about the upcoming opening of the Blackdown Healthy Living Centre in Hemyock; Tiverton & District Community Transport Association on their services; and someone from the Blackdown Hills AONB who will speak on "Making it Local".    Wine and cheese and a warm welcome can be expected on Friday 30th April at 7.00pm.

Your Dog, Your Mess! Bag and bin please

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Archived Stories There has been a recent increase in the amount of dog mess which has been left around the village. Some of it is bagged, but then thrown into gardens or fields. The Parish Council are appealing to owners to clear up the mess left by their dogs. It is not only a health risk, but is unsightly and unnecesary. Dog bins ate located around the village for owners to use. Remember there are substantial fines for not cleaning up after dogs.

Help for Heroes Walk

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Mike Cooper set off on his walk from Hemyock to Malmesbury in Wiltshire from St Mary’s Church on Easter Sunday morning with the Easter bells ringing around the valley.   The walk is in aid of Help for Heroes which rehabilitates injured servicemen returning from Afghanistan and Sports Aid which assists the disabled compete in the 2012 Olympics.

Thank You

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Archived Stories A big "thank you" from the Culm Valley Players to everyone who supported the Pantomime of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs either by coming to see it or sponsoring it or both. We had great fun doing it and  raised £1661.22 which was divided equally between Devon Air Ambulance and St. Margaret's Hospice.