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Tennis Club - News for June & July

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Archived Stories Coaching opportunity! (members or non-members). Mark Tenant, an LTA coach, is coming to coach the primary school children from 4-5pm on various days in the summer and then will be available from 5pm to give coaching to anyone else (junior or senior) who may be interested. (1 to1 or in a group) His charges are £15 an hour. Contact Mark Tenant, 01884 821329 or Julie Steed, 680787

Parish Council Minutes - April & May 2007

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Archived Stories 4th April, 2nd & 9th May 2007

Matters Arising

- Re speeding at Symonsburrow, a local resident has obtained the cost of a flashing speed reminder sign £1500 plus £250 to erect. Details to be passed to County Council. Police are to carry out a further speed survey there.

St Mary's Guild - June & July 07

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Archived Stories Our April meeting fell in Holy Week. The Rev. Ron White gave a presentation on the theme 'Easter in Image. Words and music'. A set of slides showing the Cross in various locations around the world was interspersed with poems and music which gave space for personal reflection. Refreshments were served to end a thought provoking afternoon.

Friends of St Mary’s - June & July 07

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Archived Stories We are planning to hold a Festival of Trees in St Mary's in Advent (15 - 17 December 2007). The festival will last for tree days and it is hoped that many of the decorations will remain for Christmas. Groups, businesses and individuals will be asked to sponsor and / or decorate a tree and we shall be contacting you soon about this.

From Revd Sherwood - June & July 07

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Archived Stories Recently, I came across a 'thank you' card sent to me three years ago by the children a tiny village school. I had been invited to take their assembly and the whole school was there - all twenty seven of them! The children were alive and buzzing, infused with the joy and celebration of spring. As we began our short act of worship, the children surprised me by becoming quiet and attentive. A small girl came forward, lit a candle and turning to the others said "The Lord be with you." to which they replied solemnly "and also with you."

Hemyock Youth Football Club

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Archived Stories Hemyock Youth Football Club held its most successful AGM at the Catherine Wheel on May 11th.  Mark Jordan will continue as chairman, Liz Doble as treasurer and Claire Leach as secretary.  A committee of nine members was also elected so we hope the club will continue to thrive and grow. 

New Road & Pavement Layout Causes Chaos

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Archived Stories The completion of a new pavement beside the Millhayes Farm development at Hemyock is causing chaos on this busy stretch of road between the village and Taunton says local businessman Paul Redwood.

Concerns Over Further Housing Development At Hemyock

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Archived Stories Hemyock has seen considerable housing development over recent years – Longmead, Otters Rest, Millhayes farm - and whilst planners have promised that there will be further significant building projects in the years to come, one imminent development is causing concern to residents of the village and their Parish Councillors.

The Creation By Haydn - A Review

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Archived Stories Following a concert at St Mary's church Uffculme when £275 was raised for the Karen Action Group Hemyock Singers returned to their own village the following evening to give a superb performance of The Creation' which raised £280 for St Margaret's Somerset Hospice New Build Appeal.

Young Farmers Celebrate A Diamond Day

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Archived Stories Culm Valley Young Farmers Club has celebrated the 60th anniversary of its sale and show. The event was held at Exeter Market at the Matford Centre, Exeter, on Friday April 27.