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271.Commons Management Group Meeting
The parish council is looking at the possibility of creating a community orchard/environmental area/allotments. Neil Dixon, from The National Allotment Society is a guest speaker at the Commons Management Group meeting on Thursday 23rd April, 7.30pm Longmead. Come along and find out more.
272.St Mary's Guild - February 08
On Wednesday December 5, members of St Mary’s Guild met for their monthly meeting in the Church Rooms. Christine Brown welcomed members before introducing speakers Malcolm and Mary Beal who entertained us with some tales and anecdotes about their life since Malcolm's ordination in the 1960s. Malcolm started his ministry ...
273.Pilgrim's Guide To Devon's Churches
A reminder that it is not too late to order a copy of "The Pilgrim's Guide To Devon's Churches", a book outlining the Church of England churches in Devon, all 627 of them. It is due to be published in late October. It will cost £7.99. St Mary's will be ...
274.Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Appeal
It’s never too early to……. Start packing a shoebox for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Appeal. Over recent years 100s of shoeboxes packed with gifts for a child in need have left the Culm Valley and Wellington/Tiverton area. Can you help with this year's appeal?
275.'Tour of Britain' cycle race coming through Hemyock.
The largest national cycle race, the Tour of Britain (used to be called the Milk Race) is coming through Hemyock on September 9th 2008. This is one stage of the race, and it will go from Chard to Burnham on Sea. More details, including a map, are available here and ...
276.Station Road closure details
South West Highways have sent through the notice of closure for Station Road while they do work to alleviate the flooding on the far side of the bridge. The closure is from 16th August, aiming to finish on the 27th. The official routes are from the A38 via Culmstock for ...
277.Temporary Traffic Order
Please click here for information about a temporary traffic restriction.
278.Nepal Appeal
Following the horrendous devastation left by the earthquake in Nepal St Mary's Church are organising an appeal to pay for a Shelterbox. The Church Council are to donate £100 and a retiring collection will be taken at services for 3 weeks. If you would like to make a contribution to ...
279.Flavour of France
Hemyock Village Hall was at full capacity for a very different Valentines event last weekend.
280.Young Farmers Update - October 2008
Apologies for the long delay in updating you on what we have been up to within the club. I would like to congratulate Emily York for scoring the highest points in the junior public speaking competition earlier on in the year and her team coming overall 3rd. Other results were ...
281.History Group - Meeting Reports
The 8th October meeting will be given by James Skeggs on the Luttrell Family and on the 16th November Dennis Silk will be talking on Siegfried Sassoon. The August Meeting was a talk from Mac McDonnell who had lived in Uvedale Crescent when working as a youth worker in Croydon.
Come on down to the Parish Hall tonight for the Parish Council's Annual Parish Meeting. Meeting starts at 7pm There will be displays around the hall from local clubs and organisations, presentations and ending with cheese and wine. Everyone welcome, come along. click here for agenda.
283.Poppy Appeal Collection
The total raised in the Poppy Appeal collection was £1438.41. This was slightly down on last year but still a very good amount. My grateful thanks to all those who helped with the collection.
284.Rev David Sherwood's Farewell
Sunday 16th January will be the last service to be taken at St. Mary's Parish Church by Rev. David Sherwood before he and his family leave Hemyock for Ashburton. The service will begin at 11a.m. and be followed by a hot 2 course lunch (with vegetarian option) at the Parish ...
285.Meeting cancelled
Embrace has cancelled the meeting scheduled for 10am on 18th September. Please see email below Good Morning All, We are sorry for the short notice, however we are going to postpone the meeting scheduled for tomorrow, at 10:00. We have taken on board your feedback and we will shortly be ...
286.MP To Attend Breakfast Meeting
The Shadow Agriculture and Rural Affairs Minister, Jim Paice, MP, will be visiting Wallace's Farm Shop, Hemyock, on Wednesday, March 7.
Everyone is welcomed to the village CHRISTINGLE service to be held at 4p.m. at St Mary's Church today - Sunday 9th Dec. This is a short service and families - even those with the youngest of children - are especially welcome..
288.Mary Waldron Trust - Calling students in Higher ...
The Mary Waldron Trust is a small charity set up many years ago to provide financial help to students who have been educated and reside in the Parishes of Hemyock or Clayhidon.
289.Archive Open days
Open days are planned at the Healthy Living Centre when the Community Archives will be Open to the Public.
290.Your Dog, Your Mess! Bag and bin please
There has been a recent increase in the amount of dog mess which has been left around the village. Some of it is bagged, but then thrown into gardens or fields. The Parish Council are appealing to owners to clear up the mess left by their dogs. It is not ...
291.Womens World Day of Prayer
This years Women's World Day of Prayer for the Upper Culm Valley will be held at St Mary's Church, Hemyock on Friday 2nd March at 2pm. All are welcome. The Lent course this year for the Upper Cuilm Valley Mission will be held on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm beginning March ...
292.Councillors Co-opt Leisha
Following a non-contested election at Hemyock when only 9 of the 10 seats were contested, the Parish Council asked for volunteers for co-option and was very pleased to receive 5 excellent written applications from villagers. All of these attended the recent meeting of the Parish Council and were invited to ...
293.Chairman Heather Visits the Queen
A devoted Hemyock community worker got to meet the Queen when she collected her MBE last month. Heather Stallard went to Buckingham Palace with son Guy and Neil and daughter Margaret and said it was 'a day to remember.'
294.Hemyock WI - News Update
In June the members enjoyed a challenging Treasure Hunt around the village. This was organised by Julie and Elaine. Luckily, the weather was favourable as some members took a long time to complete their tasks. The winning team was 'The Young Ones.' All were able to enjoy the meal provided ...
295.Hustings Event - Wednesday 29th April at 7.30pm ...
H emyock P arish C ouncil You are invited to attend to hear Prospective Parish Councillors make short presentations on Wednesday 29th April 2015 at 7.30pm to be held at Forbes Lounge, Hemyock Parish Hall This is an opportunity for you to hear from the candidates for Hemyock Parish Councillors ...
296.Devon Historic Churches Day
This is on September 12th. It's a day when many churches across the county are open giving rise to some interesting possibilities.
297.Nativity Crib Festival
A Nativity Crib Festival will be held at St Mary's Church, Hemyock this weekend. The Festival will feature nativity crib scenes in a variety of materials, shapes and sizes. The Festival, which is being arranged by the Friends of St Mary's ,will be open Friday 11th and Saturday 12th December ...
298.Winners of the Annual Hemyock Christmas Decoration Competiton ...
Devon County Councillor Ray Radford judged this years Christmas Decoration competition in Hemyock and found it a difficult decision to come to a final winner as there were some outstanding displays which really enhanced the whole village. “Overall it was a good effort by all who had taken part, from ...
299.Christmas at St Mary's
Please come and join us at your Parish Church as we celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ Christmas Eve - 5pm - Crib service when the young are particularly welcome 11.15pm - Holy Communion Christmas Day 10am - Family Communion 29th December 10.30am - Joint service at Clayhidon for Upper ...
300.European Funding For Young Traders
Young people setting up new businesses in the Blackdown Hills are being urged to act quickly if they want to get European funding.