Welcome to Hemyock Wednesday, July 03 2024 @ 02:19 pm UTC

Search Results

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451.Christmas Shoebox Appeal
It may be the middle of summer as you read this but some people have already begun collection items to put on their shoeboxes for the annual Samaritan's Purse Christmas Shoebox appeal.
452.From Reverend David Sherwood - April 2010
Limbo. Now there's an interesting word. I don't mean the West Indian dance in which one bends backwards to passunder a low bar. Nor do I mean the theology of 'the abode of souls excluded from the presence of God, but not condemned to any other punishment' (which incidentally, is ...
453.Help for Heroes Walk
Mike Cooper set off on his walk from Hemyock to Malmesbury in Wiltshire from St Mary’s Church on Easter Sunday morning with the Easter bells ringing around the valley. The walk is in aid of Help for Heroes which rehabilitates injured servicemen returning from Afghanistan and Sports Aid which assists ...
454.VE Day celebrations 2005
Came across the following today in a Parish Pump dated June 2005 - Hemyock festivities for the 60th anniversary of VE Day - blustery weather - open air service for about 100 - bunting, balloons and Union Flag decorated the Parish Hall where service was held - wreath laid at ...
455.Biodiversity Plan for Hemyock
The Blackdown Hills AONB has commissioned Dr David Allen to produce reports on the biodiversity of six Blackdown Hills parishes including Hemyock. These will include distribution maps showing areas of important habitat or notable species and ideas for nature conservation action that the local community might like to pursue.
456.Roadways activity in Hemyock
A large number of activities seem to be happening on the roads around Hemyock, all at once. The PCs initiative to replace the walkway over the Culm is finally coming to fruition, and Devon County Highways seem to have finally got their act together, though there is a strong suspicion ...
457.Around Hemyock
Well, do you like it or loathe it? - the new size Parish Pump that is. Comments have varied from - much preferred the smaller size to so much easier to handle; it seems to have even more adverts (they help pay costs); it's harder to find news items they ...
458.Tour Of Britain Comes Through Hemyock Again
Once more Hemyock is gearing up to welcome the Tour of Britain, Britain's premier cycle race, and not just for one stage, but for both of the South West stages on 14th and 15th September 2010. At around lunchtime on both days, the Tour will pass through Hemyock.
459.Mary Waldron Trust
This fund can assist students in higher and further education with purchases of books and equipment, including computer requisites.
460.It Never Rains But It Pours!
To say that it has been a wet year (so far!) would be an understatement. Of the first eight months of the year, six have been at least a third more than thefive year average. August wins gold at 71% more, May wins silver at 57% more, with January only ...
461.Parish Plan
HEMYOCK PARISH PLAN Hemyock Parish Councillors were elected in May for a four year term; they are now looking to decide how best to use this time for the benefit of the Parish and Parishioners. One important thread in this will be to develop an updated Parish Plan. It is ...
Are you thinking about who might come for Christmas this year? Some of the adults from overseas who are currently studying at UK universities would love to spend a couple of days in a real home, rather than on a deserted campus.
463.From Revd David Sherwood - April 08
We now stand on the threshold of spring, the season of renewal. I'm sure that all of us will enjoy the longer days, the opportunity to get back outside and nurture our gardens back to new life. Not that they need our help, they are quite capable of doing it ...
464.Around Hemyock
1943 was a very special year for Ken and Audrey Salter as it was the year of their wedding. Now 65 years on we send them warmest congratulations and wish them many more happy years.
465.Old newsreel of Hemyock
The British Pathe organisation that made many of the newsreels of the twentieth century has digitised them and they are online. They include a couple of Hemyock in the early 1920s
466.Christmas concert tickets
Don't forget to buy your tickets for Hemyock Singers Christmas Concert and Dinner at the Forbes Lounge on Saturday 10am - noon. Coffee morning - raffle - bring and buy
467.Big Litter Pick
A special Litter Pick will take place on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th October, starting in the Parish Hall car park from 9:30-10:30am. Rubbish bags, Hi-Viz vests and Pickers will be supplied. For more information, please contact Steve Major 01823 680907
468.A Modest Rise to the Village Precept
Hemyock Parish Council have approved a modest increase in the Parish Precept for the year 2010/11 which equates to a rise typically of less than 3p per household per week. The Council heard that the increase was needed to fund a range of useful initiatives which would be of real ...
469.Scrabble Club
Scrabble Club is continuing on the 4th Tuesday in each month at 2.30pm at the Back Room of Hemyock Baptist Church. The dates for February and March are as follows: 23.02.10 and 23.03.10
470.A Huge Thank You From Shelterbox
Following the great generosity of local people... The Men's group and St Mary's Church, Upottery, Hemyock Market, Hemyock Baptist Church, St Mary's Church Hemyock, The Evergreens of Culmstock, those who gave to the street collection in Tiverton and many individuals. the Rotary Club of Tiverton has been able to send ...
471.ShelterBox - Update
I have received confirmation that our Rotary Club in Tiverton has donated, with your huge support, the following Boxes, numbered 39038, 44708 to 44715 inclusive, 49126 to 49131 inclusive 49971. This is a total of £7840.
472.Harvest Festival
Celebrate Harvest Festival at St Mary's Church at 7pm this evening - Friday 30th. Celebrations continue on Sunday with a Family Service at 11.30am All are welcome
473.Hemyock Calendar 2014
An ideal Christmas present! Orders are now being taken for next years calendar covering Hemyock and The Surrounding Area with photos taken by local residents A copy can be seen at St Mary's Charity Shop/Coffee Morning at the Church Room on Saturday 2nd November 10a.m. - 12 noon or contact ...
474.Temporary Traffic Order
Dear Colleagues, (Click here for map) Circumstances and weather permitting, on behalf of Devon County Council SWH will be carrying out the following works under a road closure: Type of work: Surfacing Location: Wheelbarrow Lane and Lemon’s Hill Hemyock Dates: Thursday 2nd – Thursday 9th July 2015 Details of the ...
Now that Spring is here it would be appreciated if those people not living in areas where our hard working volunteer Litter Pickers operate, could play their part by clearing up rubbish and litter in their patch.
476.From Ray Radford
I am pleased to be re-elected to serve this area for another four years. I do thank everyone for their support and do my best to represent you all. Thank you.
477.Summer Fete
St Mary's annual Summer Fete will take place in the Recreation Field on Saturday 9th July. Running from 11a.m. - 4p.m.the event will be opened by Neil Parish MP for Tiverton and Honiton, Amongst an array of stalls will also be found skittles, beer tent, refreshments, raffle and lots more! ...
478.Hemyock Singers - a final bow?
Friday 19th April may well see Hemyock Singers giving their final performance. Our Musical Director, Ron White, will be retiring after 10 years service and so far no replacement has been found. The concert, Brahms Requiem, will take place at St Mary's church at 7.30pm. No entrance charge but a ...
479.The Election Date is Fixed
It's Monday April 19th. No not that election but the ones at the St Mary's Church's Annual Meeting.
480.Precept, Planning and Protection
Should the village precept be increased, do we need a block of flats in the centre of our village and will pedestrians lack protection?