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751.Phone A Friend
The Blackdowns look great in white, but maybe you know someone who is living alone and for whom you might have safety concerns. There are elderly people living alone in the Hills around us and your Parish Council is suggesting that we should all be good neighbours and phone a ...
752.New Players for The 2010-11 Season
Hemyock Youth Football are looking for new players for the next season. We are hoping to have age groups for Under 15, Under 13, Under 11, Under 9 and a new team for Under 7's. Anyone interested should contact Mark Jordan on 01884 841030 or Nick Allen on 01823 680520. ...
753.Summer Sports Evening
Following our successful event last summer, The Upper Culm Twinning Association will once again be running a family sports evening on Longmead Field. The event will be held on Saturday 17th July from 4pm until 8pm. There will be a variety of activities including boules, skittles and rounders along with ...
754.Annual Parish Meeting
The well worn phrase “something for everyone” may just be true when applied to the Hemyock Annual Parish meeting. Interest groups represented include speakers from HELIC about the upcoming opening of the Blackdown Healthy Living Centre in Hemyock; Tiverton & District Community Transport Association on their services; and someone from ...
755.Summer Fete 2009
The church fete will be held this year on Saturday 4th July, 11am to 4pm on the Parish Hall Recreation Field. Many stalls including hot food, teas, refreshments, entertainment and much more entertainment. Fun for all the family. If any organisation would like a stall please contact Patricia Fuller 01823 ...
756.Council Hedge Cutting - An Expensive Option
Land owners in the Hemyock area are being advised to cut their hedges in the interests of road safety. Overgrown hedges mean narrow roads and this may lead to accidents says the Parish Council. Farmers are generally good at keeping their hedges trimmed. It appears that it is the house ...
757.Winter Tennis League Results
Sampford Peverell have ended Willand's two years of domination in the Stones Men's Winter Tennis League.
758.70s Style For Hemyock Singers
Hemyock Singers tread the boards once again this autumn with a fast moving and witty production of the musical comedy play 'Crazy Capers Dodgy Deals', written by Chris Goy and Dave Ross.
759.Hemyock History Group
The next meeting of the Hemyock History Group is set for Thursday 14th February. Regular meetings will be arranged on the second Thursday of the month. This meeting will be jointly given by Brian Clist and Chris Dracott and will be on lists. Lists of Hemyock folk over the centuries ...
760.Hemyock History Group
The next meeting of the Hemyock History Group will be on Thursday 12th March in the Church Rooms at 7.30pm. The speaker wil be Mr David Pugsley, past leader of the MDDC and from Exeter University Law School. The subject will be “Sir William Follett of Culm Davy who became ...
761.Friends of St Mary's Church - April 08
The Church Rooms was the venue for the Friends of St Mary’s on Friday March 7. We welcomed another new member, our number has grown to thirteen during the last year. However, if anyone would like to join us in the future you would be very welcome.
762.Parish Meeting
Come and find out what is happening in and around the village - current plans and recent achievents. Ask your questions and listen to interesting speakers. Thursday 30th April at Hemyock Parish Hall 7.00pm. Cheese and wine event.
763.Ice Cream Day
An Ice-cream day will be held on Saturday 5 September at Beamley Bungalow
764.Scrabble Club
Scrabble Club is continuing on the 4th Tuesday in each month at 2.30pm at the Back Room of Hemyock Baptist Church
765.Hemyock Singers News
You will be aware that Hemyock Singers recently made the decision to split and from this a new group has been formed. Hopefully each will continue to provided a variety of entertainment throughout the year with plans already in hand for another Supper Concert in November.
766.Hemyock Launches Ambitious Parish Appraisal
Every home in the Parish of Hemyock has received a 36 page, 98 question Parish Appraisal asking residents to respond to questions and to comment on a wide and varied range of topics from Housing to Employment, Medical Services to Transport Needs and Education to Social Welfare. The document was ...
767.Young Farmers Update - December 2009
Culm Valley Young Farmers held their AGM on 13th October, where it was time to recap on yet another successful year and vote in the new members to take on the various roles as officers leading the club, from chairman down to the very important coffee makers! Thank you was ...
768.Tennis Open Day
Hemyock Tennis Club are holding an Open Evening on Friday 18th May and would welcome anyone (young or old, lapsed player or complete beginner) to come along & have a go. You don’t even have to bring your own racket because Tony Pryce Sports will be bringing a range of ...
769.Summer Fete 2
St Mary's Summer Fete on Saturday 14th July will be opened by ................... Lucy ????? ................... TV actress, film director ................ keep watching here for further information! A well known local person will be in the stocks that day - there will be plenty of wet sponge! Why not come ...
770.Salamanca Band And Bugles Of The Rifles
The Salamance Band and Bugles of The Rifles will be in concert at St. Mary's Church, Hemyock on Saturday 11th July at 7.00 pm. Tickets are £6.00 and available from Patricia tel: 01823 680436 or David tel: 01823 680352.
771.Hemyock Land Owners
There is a keen interested in providing Allotments in Hemyock as evidenced by the recent village Survey. What we lack is land close to the village which can be used for Allotments. The Parish Council is seeking to lease land of between one and one and a half acres for ...
772.Anniversary Celebration!
Saturday 1st June will see St Mary's Charity and Coffee Shop celebrating its 1st anniversary. Thanks to folks support a sum of money has already been donated to our Scout Group and the Pre School We hope to see you at the Church Room between 10a.m. and noon and who ...
773.Annual Parish Meeting
H emyock P arish C ouncil Annual Parish Meeting Hemyock will be holding its Annual Parish Meeting on Saturday 27th April 2013 at 2.30pm in the Parish Hall. There will be various displays around the hall, guest speakers, Neighbourhood Plan/Parish Plan discussion and cream teas. Everyone welcome, please come along. ...
774.Upper Culm Twinning - June Report
The French Enjoyed Their Stay! Thank you to all those who gave their support and hospitality to the French guests, who enjoyed their recent stay with hosts in Hemyock, Clayhidon and Culmstock. Our guests had a great time!
775.Thank You
A big "Thank You" to the staff of the Post Office and Spar shops for helping and caring for all our parishioners, especially the elderly, during the recent spell of icy weather.
776.Hemyock WI - April Meeting Report
The latest meeting of the Hemyock WI was held in Forbes Lounge, Hemyock on April 1 with Lyn Taylor presiding. After the usual business of apologies and minutes, etc, names were taken for those wishing to attend the group meeting on April 10 at Clayhidon. Lyn read the sonnet composed ...
777.Christmas Competition
Hemyock residents and businesses are being encouraged to enter into the festive spirit by externally decorating their homes and offices. The annual competition draws significant interest, with prizes given by the Parish Council for both categories. Devon County Councillor Ray Radford has been asked to judge this years competition. Further ...
778.Tennis Club Newsletter - April 2008
Dear Member, The new season is upon us and, with all our new facilities now in place (courts, pavilion and floodlights), it should be a good one! As you will see below, the committee has been working hard to develop the club and get more people playing tennis.
779.Palm Sunday Service
The congregation of St Mary’s, Hemyock were joined by members of the local Baptist Chapel for the annual village Palm Sunday service held at the parish church. Prior to the service a large number walked through the village from the hall to the church led by Rev David Sherwood. Singing ...
780.Our new programme
Hemyock WI is growing from strength to strength and we have welcomed several new members this year. We have an entertaining new programme and would welcome even more people to our meetings. Details of our programme appear in the calendar section. We have recently enjoyed a wine tasting evening and ...