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781.40-Club December Draw - Result
The December 2007 40-Club Draw was held at the Catherine Wheel on Wednesday, December 5th at 8pm. The lucky winner, and recipient of a cheque for £500, was Ms Sarah Buckingham.
782.Draft article about Hemyock
We have been asked for an article about the village for a feature in the local newspaper. David Barton has collated several people's views, and here is his draft for comment. If you have any suggestions, comments or omissions, please contact him at clerk@hemyock.org. David has now revised it based ...
783.Annual Vestry and Church Meeting
It's that time of year again! - The time for our annual Vestry and Church Meetings. These will take place on April 20th in the Church room starting at 7.30pm. The Vestry meeting elects the Churchwardens and is open to everyone in the parish. Voting at the Annual Church meeting, ...
784.Hemyock History Group News - June 2010
The June meeting at the Church Rooms on 10th June at 7.30pm will be a talk on Nynehead Court, the Sanfords and the Canal given by Denis Dodds. The April meeting was an informative talk with slide illustrations on the subject of Pub Signs, given by Mr Musgrave of Walton. ...
785.Jack Stands Tall For Hemyock
Bradley Jack starred in goal as Hemyock U9s claimed a win and a draw.
786.The Creation By Haydn
This year Hemyock Singers have departed from their traditional Holy Week concert and instead will be performing The Creation by Haydn at the parish church of St Mary's on Friday, April 27 at 7.30pm under the baton of Musical Director Ron White.
787.WI News
The December Meeting of Hemyock WI resulted in some members going home with quite impressive Christmas decorations. Home made mince pies and mulled wine were very welcome. The January Meeting was cancelled due to bad weather but members are hopeful of being able to attend the Reading Group on Tuesday ...
788.Hemyock WI
Hemyock Women's Institute meet in Forbes Lounge at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of each month. Members have tried their hand at painting pottery tiles with the help of Nicola Werner. Some found this easy others quite difficult but most enjoyed the experience. Nicola took the tiles and fired them ...
789.Parish Hall Christmas Trees and Lights
A big thank you to David & Paul Graham of Dobles Garage for the kind donation of the Parish Hall Christmas trees. Also thanks to the members of Hemyock Party Club, Les & Barb Bowden, Derek & Ruth Brooks, John & Barb Churchill, Denis & Pam Gubb, and John & ...
790.Tennis Coaching
Hemyock Tennis Club are hitting off the 2009 season with tennis coaching for all ages from 6 years upwards. You don't have to be a member to take part. All sessions will be in the week from 6th to 10th April with our Coach.
791.Young Farmers Update - February 2010
Yet again it has been a busy couple of months for Culm Valley Young Farmers who have certainly not let the recent cold weather get in the way of the busy schedule! The competitions diary has been full of events with Culm Valley being placed respectively in both the interclub ...
792.Hemyock History Group
The May Meeting is on Thursday 8th May with Chris Dracott presenting "A Family of the RAJ."
793.Come for lunch!
Members of Hemyock WI will be cooking a delicious two course lunch on Saturday March 13th in the Forbes lounge of the Parish Hall. The main course will be sausages and creamy mash followed by a selection of home made desserts and coffee or tea. The cost will be £5.00 ...
794.Hemyock WI - June & July Update
The April meeting was held in the Forbes Lounge where members and a visitor were welcomed by the president Lynn Taylor. The recent group meeting at Uffculme had been enjoyed by the 12 members who had attended, where Hemyock were presented with a large silver cup for winning the group ...
795.From Councellor Ray Radford...
Devon County has passed the parking enforcement on to MDDC as from the 5th May. The Enforcement Officers have been very lenient in the first few weeks, just to let the new arrangements bed in, by now they will be keeping watch on how we all park. This will not ...
796.Our French Friends Have Arrived
Our French friends arrived today (Thursday 21st). The programme of events for the coming weekend can be found by clicking on the Twinning link to the left of this page and then scrolling down. There are no tickets left for the Saturday evening event at Hemyock Parish Hall, but people ...
797.Hemyock Under 11 Have Great Weekend In Butlins
Hemyock under 11 meet former Man Utd and England midfielder Bryan Robson.
798.Tennis Coaching in August
Tennis coaching is being arranged for the week of August 20th to 24th (Monday to Friday) for Adult Improvers and Juniors (over 11yrs).
799.News From Hemyock Singers - February 09
'The Saviour' by Lloyd Webber is the work that has been chosen by Hemyock Singers as they begin a new round of rehearsals. This will be presented on Maundy Thursday, 9th April, at St Mary's Hemyock.
Congratulations to Rodney & Sally Clist on their 50th Wedding Anniversary, to Alec and Ann Smith on their 50th Wedding Anniversary, and finally, to Roy and Doreen Perrott on their 40th Wedding Anniversary. With love and best wishes from St Mary's Ringers.
801.Fund raising Fun
The local Twinning Association saw a good turn out of supporters for their Sports and Social fund raising event at Longmead Sports Field in Hemyock last Friday (7th). Featuring a wide range of activities including the very popular Boules and, for the children, bouncy castle, the BBQ evening enjoyed fine ...
802.Hemyock History Group
The next meeting of the History Group is this Thursday 11th June when the County Archaeologist, Mr Stephen Reed, will give a talk on "Recent Archaeological work in Devon". in the Church Rooms at 7.30pm. At the meeting in May, Mr Donald Richards, who served in the Devon and Dorsets ...
803.Tennis Club News
We enjoyed the long spell of lovely autumn weather and now the rain and winds have arrived we are still managing to get some tennis in, in between the showers. Play continues through the winter with the floodlights enabling us to have our evening club sessions and friendlies with Honiton ...
804.Hemyock Singers Coffee Morning
Hemyock Singers are holding a COFFEE MORNING with Raffle and Bring & Buy stall in the FORBES LOUNGE, HEMYOCK on SATURDAY 26TH NOVEMBER from 10.00am - 12 noon. Tickets for SONGS FOR A SEASON and TURKEY DINNER which is on Friday 16th December at 7.00pm in the Parish Hall will ...
805.Brownie Pack Put On A Delightful Show
A delightful display of entertainment was presented by the girls of 1st Hemyock Brownie Pack at a parents' evening to close the term and to help them obtain their Entertainers badge. The evening included playlets, readings, recorder, guitar, violin and keyboard, tap dancing and magic.
806.Trial by Jury
Hemyock Singers take to the stage once again on FRIDAY 13th November when they will be giving a concert version of Trial By Jury and other Gilbert and Sullivan choruses. The concert takes place at the Parish Hall at 7.30pm and soloists include Glyn Jones, Jenny Doble and Tony Grosse. ...
807.Hemyock Parish Council - Annual Parish Meeting
Come along and see what is happening in your parish, updates on Milhayes Projects. Your input is needed for future developments in the village.
808.Bangers & Boules
Boules is a quintessentially French game which is now on offer in Hemyock at the Longmead sports facility.
809.Fair Trade Fortnight
Did you know that February 22nd to March 7th is "Fair Trade Fortnight"? This is organised by Traidcraft and is being supported by many industries as well as by the Diocese. We are all being encouraged to buy and use "Fairtrade" products, and especially this year, tea. At the moment ...
810.boules - rounders - skittles - bouncy castle ...
If you fancy having a go at any of the above or just a drink, something to eat and a chat with friends, why not come to our Sports and Social evening on Friday 7th August at Longmead Sports field, there will be a BAR and BBQ, please bring along ...