Welcome to Hemyock Wednesday, July 03 2024 @ 08:30 am UTC

Search Results

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91.Space Science Made Easier By Hemyock Man
Now Simon Ould can bring the solar system down to earth, his space odyssey service is really taking off. The ex-physics teacher, who lives in Hemyock, has launched a mobile planetarium project which is completely out of this world.
92.Cream tea
Friends of St Mary's are holding a cream tea tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at Golden Orchard, Castle Hill
93.Can the Violet Chapman Trust Help You?
This registered charity was set up by a local parishioner in 1986 for the benefit of elderly and sick residents in Hemyock and district. It can make grants for medical treatment and care, and assist relatives/friends visiting and caring for people at home or in hospital. Grants for research, surgeries, ...
94.Blackdown Community Choir
The Blackdown Community Choir present their FREE Easter Concert on Sat. 20th. March at 7.30 at Clayhidon Village Hall. Refreshments will be available.
95.Brownies raise money for Children with Leukaemia
1st Hemyock Brownies are seen here celebrating with their certificates and rewards for raising £617.75 for Children with Leukaemia, through the Children’s Marathon Challenge and the Cheeky Monkey’s Marathon Challenge.
96.Recorded Crime Falls
Recorded crime in Hemyock has fallen by 31 per cent in the past year, councillors heard at the annual meeting of Hemyock Parish Council. Reporting to the meeting, PC Purkiss congratulated the council on being the most community-focused in the Cullompton district.
97.Farewell to Pastor Steve
Nearly 200 people filled Hemyock Village Hall for a Sunday service to say farewell to Blackdown Hills church minister Steven Reed and his wife Hazel. It was 10 years to the day since Steven began the work of leading Hemyock Baptist Church, during which time many positive things had happened ...
By early evening tonight (Thurs) the parish church had again been partially flooded as water seeped in past the barriers erected yesterday. Extra barriers have now been put in place and a few folk have worked hard baling out the water in the porch - thanks to them
99.Parish Council Casual Vacancy - Notice of Poll
Hemyock Parish Council Casual Vacancy Click here for Notice of Poll
100.Blackdown Community Choir
The Blackdown Community Choir is now recruiting for the summer term, to start after Easter. All voices welcome, especially men! Ability to read music is not required, but you must be able to hold a harmony part. Singers need to commit to Wednesday night practice. For more information ring Gabrielle ...
101.Football Club - News & Update
Hemyock Football Club enjoyed another successful season winning the Intermediate 2 title in their first season in the Devon and Exeter Football League. The club enjoys fantastic facilities down at the Longmead playing field that are the envy of every team that comes to play in Hemyock.
102.Longmead Management Meeting
Committee Meeting, Longmead Pavilion Monday 5th September at 19.00hrs (approx.) AGENDA 1)                 Apologies for absence 2)                 Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising 3)                 Finance 4)                 Pavilion and Sports facilities 5)                 Longmead Environmental Area Project 6)                 Any ...
103.The Organ Builder Entertains
On Sunday 3rd July  the Friends of St Mary's will welcome Michael Farley to the Parish church for an afternoons entertainment when he will play and explain some of the workings of the church organ. There is no admission charge but a retiring collection.  Tea and cake will be available  ...
104.Notes of a Meeting with Hastoe and the ...
Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd Notes of a Meeting Held on 5th November 2012 between Upper Culm CLT, Hastoe Housing Association and the Homes & Communities Agency This was a meeting called by Wessex Community Assets, not a formal UCCLT Board Meeting. The following are summary notes:
105.Pumpkins Playpark Completed!
A campaign to provide Hemyock with a children's play area that started 15 years ago has finally come to fruition. Jayne McLintock, who founded the Pumpkins Playpark committee in 1992, officially presented the new timber playground to the Village on Saturday, July 7. The wooden park, built by Brookridge Timber, ...
106.Lost dog
This dog went missing on 17 March while on a walk with his owners in the woods in Clayhidon between Cordwents and Shepherds Halt, Clayhidon.     His name is Bodie, he's extremely friendly and may have attached himself to another party of walkers.    If you have any information please ...
107.Mary Waldron Trust
This fund can assist students in higher and further education (including Richard Huish College) with purchases of books and equipment, including computer requisites. Those applying should normally be resident in Hemyock or Clayhidon and must have received full time education at one or more of:
This coming Sunday July 5th - 10.30a.m. bring your favourite toy to St Mary's church for a short service to include songs, craft, refreshments and to help look for the missing sheep - whatever your age do join us ......... and don't forget your toy!
109.Blackdown Hills Transition Group Hustings
The Blackdown Hills Transition Group invites you to 2015 General Election Hustings Live Debate Question your Parliamentary Candidates for Tiverton & Honiton
110.The Garages
Youth nights at The Garages continue to be well supported with Tuesday evenings being very popular.  We have room for many more youngsters so if you know any send them along.  Tuesday evenings are for years 7 and 8 and run from 6.30 til 8pm and Friday evenings are for ...
111.Parish Council Responds to the Culm Development Plan
It is widely recognized that Hemyock has had significant housing development over recent years. Members of Hemyock Parish Council held an additional meeting in order to discuss the Culm Development Plan (see here). This was because of their real interest and deep concern about areas of the village which were ...
112.Open Garden at Regency House
Regency House is the original Hemyock Rectory, built in 1855 with a yard and barn much older than that.
113.Erika Jordan's Story
When keen reader Erika Jordan heard of a competition being run by the Fostering Network/Roald Dahl Story Writing Competition she couldn't wait to begin her entry. This week she heard that whilst she is not one of the main prize winner's her story had been selected for the reserve list ...
114.Upper Culm Twinning Association
The villages of Hemyock, Clayhidon and Culmstock are twinned with a similar group of villages on the River Loire in France. In May we will be hosting 67 people from France, several of which are young families new to twinning, would you like to start a friendship? They will be ...
115.DVD Hemyock Then and Now
Everyone is welcome to come along to the Healthy Living Centre on Wednesday afternoon for the Preview Showing of the new DVD Hemyock Then and Now. Preview Screenings will be at 2.30pm and 4.30pm. Complimentary refreshments will be provided.
116.Neighbourhood Watch
Devon and Cornwall Police are trying to revive the lapsed neighbourhood watch scheme. They are looking for a volunteer to help out at Cullompton Police Station, preferably from Cullompton. They would have to have computer skills, a personable telephone manner and be able to liaise with the police. No hours ...
117.Parish Hall Kitchen
HEMYOCK PARISH HALL KITCHEN REFURBISHMENT Hemyock Parish Hall Committee is pleased to invite you to the opening of our refurbished kitchen and AGM on 17th June 2013 at 7pm in the Forbes Lounge Years of fundraising and planning have finally come to fruition, a culmination of hard work at The ...
118.Choral Concert by Hemyock Singers
All Saint’s Church, Culmstock was the venue for a choral concert given by Hemyock Singers with proceeds going to two charities supported by the Blackdown Mothers’ Union who provided excellent refreshments at the end of the evening All of the music and some of the words had been composed by ...
119.Hemyock Cricket Club Close in on Promotion
With three matches remaining it loks almost certain that Hemyock's cricketers will win promotion from Division 5 of the West Somerset Cricket League. This is the club's third season in the WSCL and, after missing promotion by just two points last year, the team are determined to succeed this time ...
120.Blackdown Community Choir
The Blackdown Community Choir is now recruiting for September. Men particularly welcome! We sing a variety of light material such as folk, gospel, African songs and Taize.