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121.Around Hemyock
Christmas will be only a few weeks away by the time you read this. For most it will be a time a great joy and family celebrations but a number of people will be alone and for some people within our community it will be their first without a loved ...
122.Hemyock Student Wins Beauty Therapy Contest
An 18-year-old student from Hemyock wowed judges at an annual beauty therapy contest in London a fortnight ago. Amy Grimshaw won the Sterex Student of the Year Competition 2007 at the Roof Gardens Hotel in Kensington on June 13.
123.History Group - Meeting Reports
Dr John Griffin gave an interesting talk at our June meeting on the colourful local character who lead hunting hounds in the west country, William Pook Collier.
124.Sausage and Mash lunch
The incredibly popular and delicious Sausage and Mash lunch is back!  Hemyock WI will be cooking on Saturday March 14th from 12 til 1.30.  The cost is £6.00 a head to include a main course, amazing home made desserts and tea or coffee.  Wine will be available.  To book your ...
125.Fantastic Fund-Raising For Air Ambulance
A charitable chap from Hemyock has given £2,500 to Devon Air Ambulance. Lionel Bugg, of Hollingarth Way, Hemyock, has been fund-raising and banking donation boxes for the air ambulance for more than 10 years and his 2006 efforts raised £2520.49
126.Barn Dance
Barn Dance 7th February
127.Carol Service
TONIGHT - 7pm - St Mary's Church carol service. Come and sing well loved carols, hear Christmas readings and listen to the choir sing some wonderful music
128.Culm Valley YFC News Update Nov/Dec 2012
Its been yet another busy month in the young farmers calander!
129.Hemyock Singers
Rehearsals for Hemyock Singers December concert start on Monday 14th September, 7.30pm at the Baptist Chapel.  All welcome - no auditions.  Why not simply turn up and see if it is  your type of thing.  Watch out for details of coffee morning when tickets for concert and meal will be on ...
130.Parish Hall - Short Mat Bowls Club
Now that the Pre-school has moved to its own new premises, there is room for new bookings during the day-time at the Parish Hall.
Another year has raced past on the hemyock.org website. I thought I would report progress, especially as I am enormously proud of having kept a log of the number of users all year. Last year’s report is on this link
132.From Revd David Sherwood - June 08
The past month has been an horrendous time for those living in the Far East following the cyclone in Myanmar (Burma) and the horrific earthquake in China. The scenes we have been shown on television or in the newspapers cannot begin to describe the anguish felt by the survivors. We ...
133.Recycle Devon
Annual awards are a chance to nominate Devon's recycling heroes Communities across Devon are being called on to nominate their unsung recycling heroes, whose efforts have helped the county become one of the greenest in the UK. The fourth Recycle Devon Thank You Awards are being held in February and ...
134.Devon County - Tough Choices
Devon County Council's 'Tough Choices - help shape your local services' have several public consultations on-going. Click here to link through to the Tough Choices website where you can find links to the Highway Services consultation (ends 5th December) and Budget Spending Priorities 2015/2016 consultation (ends 30th January 2015)
135.Christine Celebrates 21 Years of Hemyock Spar
21 years of business has flown by for the owner of Spar in Hemyock. Christine Stepney celebrated the shop's coming of age with a food and drink tasting and a giveaway of 21 carrier bags containing ingredients for an English breakfast.
136.More Allotments for Hemyock?
Hard pressed families in the Hemyock area who are finding the cost of fruit and vegetables high and the size of their gardens too small to be productive may welcome the discussions at a forthcoming Parish Council meeting (Wednesday 6th August).
137.Charter Signing Success!
“The marriage is concluded, let the Honeymoon begin” said Chairman Brian Clist on the occasion of the Charter signing between the Upper Culm Twining Association and its French partners from St Herblon and Les Villages des Grees, an area bordering the Loire River in the west of the country.
138.Around Hemyock
'A tangerine and russet cascade of kaleidoscopic leaves creates a tapestry of autumn magic upon the emerald carpet of fading summer' writes J. Lindberg. One of the great joys of living in the countryside is that this is something we may see every day as we move through the coming ...
139.Longmead Management Group AGM
LONGMEAD MANAGEMENT GROUP Annual General Meeting Longmead Pavilion Monday 27th June at 19.00hrs.   AGENDA  1          Apologies for Absence 2          Minutes of the last AGM 3          Matters Arising 4          Chairman’s Report 5          Financial Report 6          Club Reports - Youth and Senior Football and Tennis 7          Any Other Business  
140.Culm Valley YFC News Update Feb 2015
What a busy couple of months it has been for Culm Valley YFC! The new year began with the East Devon Pantomime competition held at Exmouth where we came 3rd place! A massive thank you goes to Mark Davis and Judith Trevelyan for their work directing it and to Alan ...
141.Longmead Management Meeting
 Longmead Management Group have a committee meeting on Monday 25th January at 7pm.  Click here for agenda and click here for last minutes.    
142.Thank You - 40 Commando Royal Marines Christmas ...
I write to thank everyone who so generously donated money and gifts to be sent to the marines of 40 Commando serving in Afganistan. The Royal Marines Association Gibraltar Club of Mid Devon has been the central collection and distribution centre for this operation and we would like you to ...
143.Hemyock Scout group and Brownies
For many years Hemyock youth uniformed groups have travelled to Tiverton for the District St George's Day Parade and Service but this years they have decided to hold this very special service at St Mary's. The parade of Scouts, Cubs and Brownies will be leaving the Parish Hall at 11am ...
144.Christmas at the Parish Church
Whatever your age there will be a service at St Mary's suitable for you during this festive season and all are welcome. Christmas Eve at 5pm sees the village Crib Service . This is a short joyful service especially suitable for families. At 11.15pm there will be the traditional Midnight ...
145.Hemyock Parish Council Christmas Decoration Competition
The results! After careful consideration Dr Jonathan Meads has chosen his winners and they are:-
146.Concerns Over Further Housing Development At Hemyock
Hemyock has seen considerable housing development over recent years – Longmead, Otters Rest, Millhayes farm - and whilst planners have promised that there will be further significant building projects in the years to come, one imminent development is causing concern to residents of the village and their Parish Councillors.
147.Christmas Fayre
This year's Christmas Fayre will take place on Saturday 6th December, from 2:30pm to 4:30pm in the Parish Hall.
148.Celebratory Bells
The Hemyock ringers are having an anniversary year! With two members celebrating Golden Weddings earlier in the year, they now have a Silver Wedding Anniversary to ring for.
149.Palm Sunday
Donkeys will lead the procession through the village this coming Sunday leaving the Parish Hall at 10.30am to walk to the Parish Church for the Palm Sunday service . All are invited to join. The service will include a dramatised reading. .
150.Lent Lunches
Frugal lunches of home made soups, bread & cheese will take place on Wednesdays during Lent in the Church Rooms. Starting Ash Wednesday 6th February, from 12 noon. All are welcome.