Welcome to Hemyock Wednesday, July 03 2024 @ 03:34 pm UTC

St Mary's Church

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Tomorrow - 5th March - 7.30pm  - Auction of Promises at the Church Room - in aid of Organ Fund 

Frugal Lunches of soup, bread and cheese are being held  on Wednesdays at the Church Room during Lent starting at 12.30. The is no charge but donations towards the work of Rev Jenny Green in Uganda are welcome.

The Parish Church is traditionally decorated with lilies at Easter many given in memory of a loved one. If you would like to donate a lily there is a list at the back of the church with details - lilies cost £3 each. Closing date in Monday 18th March 

Mothering Sunday

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A Family Service to celebrate Mothering Sunday will be held at St Mary's Church at 11.15a.m. om Sunday 10th March to which all are welcome.

During this there will be presentations made to local charities from proceeds made at St Mary's Charity Shop.

The next Charity Shop/coffee morning will be held at the Church Room on Tuesday 12th March from 10 - 12 noon 


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Once again the Upper Culm Valley have responded brilliantly to an appeal - this time for writing equipment for refugee children in Syria. Around 2,000 individual items have been received along with over £60.

To the 5,000 children being taught in groups of 100 and have no equipment and staff teaching in a building made of breeze blocks and covered in in tarpaulin, this will make a huge difference to their lives

Thank you. . 

History Talk by Dr David Pugsley

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The talk this evening in the Church Rooms will be given by Dr David Pugsley who has researched a legal case in 1835 that caused the Home Secretary of the day to refer to it in the House of Commons.   

Bedding needed

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Do you have any type of bedding in a clean and reasonable condition you no longer require?  If so please contact 07773579809  or email jbawler1947@hotmail.co.uk as another collection is being made to go to very poor families in Eastern Europe

Ash Wednesday

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At the start of Lent a short service of Holy Communion will be held at St Mary's at 11.30 today with a service at 7pm at St Andrews, Clayhidon and All Saints, Culmstock at 7p.m

Travelling In Winter

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Devon County Council has issued its latest Travelling in Winter 2012/2013 brochure.

Please click here to view.

Upper Culm Twinning Association

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 The villages of Hemyock, Clayhidon and Culmstock are twinned with a similar group of villages on the River Loire in France. 

 In May we will be hosting  67 people from France, several of which are young families new to twinning, would you like to start a friendship?
They will be here for 3 nights,  Wed 8th May to Sat 11th with trips organised on Thursday and Friday and a party for everyone on the Friday evening.
They will return our hospitality when we visit France in May 2014.
If you are interested in hosting a family or would like more information please contact Karen on 01823 681034 or kazapinder@hotmail.com

URGENT - Pencil Appeal

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An urgent appeal has been launched to supply new pencils and small packets of pencil crayons for a  school in Syria where teachers are trying to educate around 5000 refugee children in shifts of 100. The school is built of breeze blocks covered with a tarpaulin and there is no equipment at all.

The appeal has been launched by the wife of the Bishop of Stepney, who has visited the area, and it is hoped a parcel will be sent to her from the Upper Culm Valley. week beginning 18th February.

 If you would like to make a donation of pencils/crayons please email jbawler1947@hotmail.co.uk for further details. Alternatively gifts may be left at our house. Thank you