Welcome to Hemyock Wednesday, July 03 2024 @ 11:22 pm UTC

Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations

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The Chairman of Hemyock Parish Council, Mrs Heather Stallard will Chair a meeting in the village hall (Forbes Lounge) at 11am on Saturday 10 September 2011 to initiate plans for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations in 2012 and all club members/parishoners are invited to attend.

Blackdown Archives

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This weekend, the 13th and 14th August, will see the next Open Days for the Community Archives at the Healthy Living Centre. The Archives will be on display at the Centre from 12 noon until 3pm on both Saturday and Sunday.  Come along to the Centre this weekend for a relaxing trawl through the Archives that we have assembled over the last 3 years.  We now have over 3,050 images stored in a database with keyword access.  The images can be expanded and improved and, with approval, printed.  

Summer Fete

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St Mary's annual Summer Fete will take place in the Recreation Field on Saturday 9th July. Running from 11a.m. - 4p.m.the event will be opened by Neil Parish MP for Tiverton and Honiton,

Amongst an array of stalls will also be found skittles, beer tent, refreshments, raffle and lots more!  Music and interviews will once again be provided by apple:am (hospital radio) and there will be fun for all.

The field is large so if you or your organisation  is interested in having a stall please contact 01823 680436 or 01823 680352

We look forward to welcoming you as you enjoy the day and give support to your parish church

Somerset Hills Chorus

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The Somerset Hills Chorus will be in concert at St. Mary's Church, Hemyock on Friday 24th June at 7.30 p.m.  Tickets are £6 and are available by telephoning 01823 680317 or 01823 680436 or at the door.  Tea/coffee will be available during the interval.  All proceeds to for the Friends of St. Mary's Church

Fred and Jonah

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Fred Bear was delighted to attend the monthly Family Service at St Mary's Church with his friend Rev John Stone.

Fred took great delight in meeting his many relatives and other cuddly friends who had brought along their humans to enjoy the day. One of Fred's oldest and smallest relatives had journeyed from Australia in 1943 and this was the first time they had met so they had a lot to growl about.

 The Churchwardens, David Bawler and Jenny Doble, presented the recently refurbished Wardens staves for blessing at the start of the service.

Invitation from Fred

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Fred Bear will be visiting St Mary's Church on Sunday 5th June for a special short Family Service which will start at the later time of 11.30a.m. and  he is inviting all local and visiting bears, cuddlies and humans to join him.

Humans are invited to bring along a picnic to be enjoyed after the service. 

Any queries please contact 680352

Christian Aid Week

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15th - 21st May is Christian Aid Week.

As there will be no house to house collection in Hemyock this year  there will be a number of events you are welcome to come along and join in as funds are raised for this charity

Weds 18th - Soup and Cheese lunch at the Church Room -12.30p.m.

Thurs. 19th - Coffee Morning - 37 Castle Park - 10 -12 noon

        "            - Sponsored Hymn Sing at St Mary's - 6 - 7p.m. - join in, chose your favourite hymn or just listen

Sat. 21st       - Hemyock Market - Parish Hall

Visit by well known personality

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Sunday 5th June offers to be a special day at St Mary's Church when the congregation will be welcoming personality Fred Bear to the monthly Family Service.

Fred is well known throughout the world for his work with children and adults alike. His other great interest is the care of woodlands.

All are welcome to the short service which starts at 11.30a.m.

Further details will be posted here.

All Change At Hemyock Parish Council

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Councillors at Hemyock bid a sad farewell to their Parish Clerk, Anne Kingston at the final council meeting ahead of local elections.  Anne had held the post for 24 years and was retiring to spend more time in the garden and with the grand children. 

Easter Joy at St Mary's

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Join the Easter celebrations at the parish church on Sunday 24th a 11.15am. and await the surprises!

Visit the Easter Garden and beautiful floral decorations  including lilies donated in memory of loved ones