Welcome to Hemyock Wednesday, July 03 2024 @ 11:28 pm UTC

Archive Open days

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Open days are planned at the Healthy Living Centre when  the Community Archives will be Open to the Public.  

Hemyock Singers Spring Concert

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For over 30 years Hemyock Singers have given a concert in the week leading up to Easter. This years event, 'Nelson Mass' by Haydn will take place at St Mary's Church  on Thursday 21st April starting at 7.30pm. Admission is free and there will be a retiring collection in aid of the Devon Air Ambulance

Old newsreel of Hemyock

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The British Pathe organisation that made many of the newsreels of the twentieth century has digitised them and they are online.  They include a couple of Hemyock in the early 1920s

Parish Council Meeting

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Plenty going on in the village.  Read up on snow clearance, Annual Parish Meeting, challenges to MDDC charges and the forthcomoming election.

Housing Needs Survey

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Brown envelopes have been dropping onto local door mats and they need your urgent attention.  Developed by Hemyock Parish Council and the Devon Rural Housing Partnership, the results will help to assess the future housing needs for the area, including the prevention of unnecessay deleopments.  One subject covered by the survey is the possible future of Old School Court.   So please complete and return them by 31st March.  Your response will have an impact!

Hemyock: centre of the Universe

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Hemyock's status as the centre of the universe was confirmed today as the International Space Station flew overhead. 

Hemyock WI

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Hemyock WI has an exciting new programme for 2011. 

Talks cover a wide range of topics and more details can be found in the calendar section.  Each month we have an informative talk, a competition (optional) flower of the month and a social time.  We are a very friendly group and arrange theatre trips, outings and beauty days.  We have a monthly book club and meet in each others' homes for a glass (or three!) of wine and there is an extensive list of books from which to choose.

Rev. David Sherwood at Ashburton

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A party of parishoners from the Upper Culm Valley travelled to Ashburton on 2nd February for the Licensing Service of Revd David Sherwood as Priest in Charge of the Ashburton and Moorland Team of churches. The villagers received a very warm welcome to the church of St Andew where there were some beautiful floral arrangements.

Precept, Planning and Protection

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Should the village precept be increased, do we need a block of flats in the centre of our village and will pedestrians lack protection?