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Hemyock WI

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Archived Stories Hemyock WI - Come And Join Us

Hemyock WI is a thriving group of like minded women who meet for social and educational purposes on the first Tuesday of every month at 7.30 in the Forbes Lounge of the Parish Hall.   We have a varied and interesting programme with something for everyone.   Look at the calendar for details of our meetings.

Each month there are two competitions.  All entries are items which we already have in our homes, (we are all busy  people) and the winner is chosen by our speaker.  The second competition is for flower of the month.  (hastily picked from the garden on the way to the meeting usually!!) The money collected is sent to the ACCW charity annually.

After the speaker, we have refreshments, a fun quiz set by Brenda  and a chance to talk to other members.  Speakers have often remarked on the friendliness of our group so why don't you come along and give us a try.  Ring Lynn Taylor on 01823 680104 for more information or to arrange to be picked up from your home if necessary.

Superfast broadband for Hemyock?

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A campaign is about to start, on the 6th February to canvass opinion on superfast broadband for this area.  In order to be eligible we need to demonstrate lots of support.  Please read the attached letter (pages one and two) from Devon CC and Somerset CC and respond.  There is a website at www.connectingdevonandsomerset.co.uk to register your interest. Here is a BBC article on the subject.


Hemyock Singers

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Are you looking for something to do on a Monday evening? Want to blow away the winter blues and tune up those vocal chords?

Hemyock Singers have just begun rehearsals for their concert to be performed at St Mary's Church on Thursday 5th April.

'Requiem' by Bob Chilcott is the work chosen and is a beautiful modern setting to well loved words.

Hemyock Singers meet at the Baptist Chapel at 7.30pm for around 2 hours and new members are always welcome. Why not come along one evening and meet us, we're a friendly bunch of folk.

hemyock.org needs you

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This website, hemyock.org, is a community-run website for local people to advertise their forthcoming events and achievements.  It was designed as a central place where people don't have to search specifically for things and avoid the problems that local groups have in getting people to visit isolated websites.  We get about 200 people visiting per day, or 6000 a month. 

Christmas at the Parish Church

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Whatever your age there will be a service at St Mary's suitable for you during this festive season and all are welcome.

Christmas Eve at 5pm sees the village Crib Service. This is a short joyful service especially suitable for families. At 11.15pm there will be the traditional Midnight Communion

On Christmas Day a service of Holy Communion will be held at 10am with Rev David Burton

On Sunday 1st January why not see the New Year at 10am with a short Family Service

We hope to see you at one of the services but if you are away or unable to join us we take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and a healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2012

Happy Christmas to all our readers.

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Happy Christmas

Hi everyone,

A happy Christmas to all our readers, near and far; and a happy New Year. 

Keep those stories coming and keep reading our news.  You know we get it first!  If you would like your Club to be able to put stories on hemyock.org, get in touch.


This week at St Mary's

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The coming week will be a busy time for St Mary's with the Christmas Fair, Christingle service and the Licensing of the Rev David Burton. 

The annual Christmas Fair to be held at the Parish Hall on Saturday 3rd December from 2.30pm - 4.30pm will have the usual range of traditional stalls where you will be able to find gifts for family and friends as well as tasty cakes and savouries along with the possibility of winning a prize .  Father Christmas is due to arrive at 3pm and refreshments will be available throughout the afternoon.

Songs For A Season

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Hemyock Singers present Songs For A Season and Turkey Dinner on Friday 16 December at 7.00 p.m. at Hemyock Parish Hall. Tickets are £12 and are on sale at the Post Office - but hurry as tickets are selling fast!

Hemyock Singers Coffee Morning

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Hemyock Singers are holding a COFFEE MORNING with Raffle and Bring & Buy stall in the FORBES LOUNGE, HEMYOCK on SATURDAY 26TH NOVEMBER from 10.00am - 12 noon.  Tickets for SONGS FOR A SEASON and TURKEY DINNER which is on Friday 16th December at 7.00pm in the Parish Hall will be on sale at £12.   Anyone unable to come to the Coffee Morning will be able to buy their tickets for the concert at Hemyock Post Office after 26th.


Armistice Day

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A short commemoration will be held at the War Memorial Friday 11th November at 11.00am to remember all who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.