Welcome to Hemyock Wednesday, July 03 2024 @ 09:24 pm UTC

Concert - Tonight

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Tonight, Maundy Thursday, Hemyock Singers, conducted by Ron White, will be presenting 'Requiem' written by Bob Chilcott.  The concert will begin at 7.30p.m. and last around 35minutes. Soloists will be Jenny Doble (soprano) and Glyn Jones (tenor) with Nigel Atkinson as organist.  Admission is free but there will be a retiring collection which will be equally shared between 1st Hemyock Scout Group and 1st Hemyock Brownies.

For many years Hemyock Singers have given a performance at the Parish Church as part of worship during Holy Week and as usual the concert will be followed by an optional service of Holy Communion.  

Fund raising

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Throughout the period of Lent members of St Mary's organised weekly Frugal Lunches at the Church Room rasisng £580 to support the work of Rev Jenny Green in  Kisoro, Uganda.

A further £100 was raised at the lunch held on Ash Wednesday and this will be donated to The Potters Village where Jenny heads up the work of rescuing and rehabilitating abandoned babies and neglected chidren. If you would like to make a donation towards this or find out further information please contact one of the names on St Mary's Church page.

Life at St Mary's

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Throughout the week leading up to Easter Sunday there will be a number of services in the Upper Culm Valley churches. 

At St Mary's there will be Holy Communion on Tuesday 3rd April at 7p.m. On Thursday at 7.30p.m. Hemyock Singers will be singing 'Requiem' a modern setting by Bob Chilcott and this will be followed by Holy Communion at 8.15p.m. for those who wish to stay.

At 12 noon on Good Friday there will be An Hour At The Cross with music and Easter Sunday will be celebrated with Holy Communion at 11.15a.m. 

The retiring collection at the concert will be donated to Hemyock Scout Group and Brownie Pack.

Tennis Open Day

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Hemyock Tennis Club are holding an Open Evening on Friday 18th May and would welcome anyone (young or old, lapsed player or complete beginner) to come along & have a go. You don’t even have to bring your own racket because Tony Pryce Sports will be bringing a range of rackets to try out. Our coach, Dan Loftus, and existing members will also be there to give help and encouragement if needed. The pavilion will be open for light refreshments.

No need to book.

Further information from Julie Steed (01823 680787)

Computer Course

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If you thought chips and bytes were something you got at a café – think again!

This year, we’d like to offer a selection of useful computer courses – but we thought we’d ask you, rather that tell you, what the courses are.

All the courses are open to any age group – it is a myth that only ‘old people’ don’t know how to use computers!

The Centre is equipped with laptops and the internet, or if you have a laptop of your own, you can simply use that – whatever suits you best.

We aim to keep prices around £5 per session, with a course lasting for around 6 sessions.

Read more and register your vote

St Mary's - 1st April

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April 1st is Palm Sunday and all are invited to join the congregation of the parish church as they process from the Parish Hall to St Mary's.

Palm crosses will be distributed and the procession will leave the hall at 11.15a.m. During the service of Holy Communion there will be a dramatised reading of The Passion.


New Footpath at Burleyhayes

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Devon County Council are reviewing the footpaths in the area, and propose to make the existing route up from Burleyhayes to the Beacon a public right of way instead of a track.  We are seeking people who have walked this route for the last 20 years. If so, please contact Lance Povah or the Clerk at the addresses given.

Bishop Bob at St Mary's

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Sunday 11th March - 11a.m. - St Mary's Parish Church - Upper Culm Valley Mission Community Joint Eucharist Service wth Suffragan Bishop of Crediton, Rt Rev Robert Evens. All are warmly welcome.

 Please note earlier time of service

Donations of books.

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Donations of books are requested for a book sale run by the Rotary Club of Wellington District.

 The Club is planning a re-run of its successful Book Sale from Saturday 14th to 21st April, aiming to raise money in support of Wellington Young People’s Centre and other Rotary charities.

Womens World Day of Prayer

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This years Women's World Day of Prayer for the Upper Culm Valley will be held at St Mary's Church, Hemyock on Friday 2nd March at 2pm. All are welcome.

The Lent course this year for the Upper Cuilm Valley Mission will be held on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm beginning March 1st at the Church Room Hemyock, Following sessions will take place at the Church Room at Clayhidon, Culmstock, Hemyock and Clayhidon.

A short service of Holy Communion will take place at the Parish Church at 11.30a.m.every Wednesday during Lent followed by lunch at the Church Room. All are warmly welcome.