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361.Exeter 1100 Book
We now have some more copies of the book produced to mark the 1100th anniversary celebrations of the Foundiing of the diocese. "A Pilgrims Guide" has details of ALL Devon's churches.
362.Minutes of Parish Council meetings
It may be news to some readers that hemyock.org carries the draft Minutes of Parish Council meetings, as soon as they are released. You can see what was proposed and agreed here. As local government shifts powers to Parish Council level, the actions of the Parish Council become increasingly important ...
363.Can you help?
I send the Parish Pump to the sister of the late Elsie Board. Her daughter in law is asking if anyone has photos of the Millhayes area from the 1920/30's I could copy and send. If you can help please phone 07773579809 or email jbawler1947@hotmail.co.uk asap. Thanks
364.From Revd David Sherwood - October 08
As we begin our annual round of Harvest Festivals, I have been thinking about how important 'taste' is to us. As very small babies as soon as we find something new, we put it in our mouth! If it's nice, it stays there, if not we spit it out! As ...
365.From Rev David Sherwood
"…all I want for Christmas, is you!" No, that's not right. "Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way…" Nope, that's not it either. "So here it is merry Christmas, everybody's having fun…" No! This just isn't working! Sorry about this. It's the middle of November and as I sit ...
366.Alcohol is no excuse
With the various celebrations in the coming weeks, the Council would like to remind you of this.
This Friday, 26th September , Harvest Festival will be celebrated at the Parish Church at 7pm. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Tony Grosse - a past Rector. St Mary's has been supporting the local Foodbank in recent months and you are invited to bring along donations of tinned ...
368.Temporary Traffic Order
click here for temporary traffic order - (TEDBURROW LANE, HEMYOCK)
369.Open Meeting
Hemyock Parish Council - Open Meeting To discuss a potential 200 new homes in village. 7.30pm Thursday 6th March in Parish Hall Come along and have your say Clerk Mrs D Evans, Park Farm, Dunkeswell, Honiton, Devon EX14 4RN Tel 01823 680968 Email clerk@hemyock.org
370.Hampton Court Success For Hemyock Nursery
A Hemyock Nursery has won an award at this year's Hampton Court Flower Show. The largest annual flower show in the world showcased its best crop of gardens in 18 years, with 10 RHS gold medals announced earlier this week.
371.Emmaus group
You may be aware of the fact that Rev Sherwood has brought together a small group from all our churches to help look at some of the ideas that float around the Benefice, and help the Benefice grow.
372.New Road & Pavement Layout Causes Chaos
The completion of a new pavement beside the Millhayes Farm development at Hemyock is causing chaos on this busy stretch of road between the village and Taunton says local businessman Paul Redwood.
373.Important Notice - Changes to St Mary's Services
The pattern of services in the benefice is changing. This is to make it more manageable and allow the Rector time to see people at earlier services without having to rush off to be on time for the next one.
374.Around Hemyock - April 09
Many people will, by now, be aware that the Pump's editors Hilary and Matt Clements have a baby daughter, Verity. The birth was not without its complications and Verity arrived 9 weeks early weighing in at 2lbs 10oz on Valentines Day. She is progressing well and we send the family ...
375.Blackdown Hills AONB Meeting
There is a meeting of the Blackdown Hills AONB management group at the Half Moon Inn at Clayhidon on Thursday 11 December at 10am. Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe.
376.Culmstock Post Office Closure Temporary
The closure of Culmstock Post Office should only be temporary, says the Royal Mail.
377.Award For Poultry Man
A Hemyock man has received a national award at the House of Commons in recognition of his role in the UK poultry industry.
378.French Lessons
A while ago I offered 4 x 1 hour French lessons at an Auction of Promises in support of Hemyock Preschool. The person who bought them was unable to take them up and expressed her desire that someone else should benefit at no personal cost. GCSE is coming. If interested, ...
379.May 5th at St Mary's
ROGATION SUNDAY - May 5th - 11.30a.m. - St Mary's celebrate during Family Service There will be those who can remember special evening services to bless the crops at Culm Davy and Symonsborough Chapels - why not come along and see how the day will be celebrated at the parish ...
380.MDDC Local Plan Review
Apologies there was an error in the email address to MDDC the correct address is planningconsultations@middevon.gov.uk Clerk Mrs D Evans, Park Farm, Dunkeswell, Honiton, Devon EX14 4RN Tel 01823 680968 Email clerk@hemyock.org
381.St Mary's
This Sunday is recognised as Rogationtide when thanks are given for land and various aspects of our community The 11.15am service at the Parish church will include processing around the outside of the church where short readings will be given, a prayer said and a hymn sung at various stopping ...
382.Longmead Management Group Need You
The Longmead Management Group (LMG) is responsible for developing and maintaining the Longmead sports and leisure facilities.
383.Harvest Festival
Come and join in the Parish Harvest Festival celebrations at St Mary's Church on Friday 24th September at 7.00pm. After the service there will be a supper in the Parish Hall followed by entertainment.
384.Memories of Christmas Fairs Past
"Why me?" was the question I asked when approached to open St Mary's Christmas Fair this year. I was told it was because I had attended a great many and perhaps would have some memories I would like to share. It was later suggested I should put some of the ...
385.The Garages, Millhayes Youth Centre
The project to start some youth facilities in the village has begun. We have a date for the first Under 18 Night Club to help raise funds for your Youth Centre.
386.St Mary’s Summer Fayre
It's Music all the Way at St Mary's Summer Fayre so book the date now It's Saturday July 3rd at 11am - 4pm. Lots more details later, but any enquiries re stalls etc to David Bawler (01823 680352)
387.Scrabble Club
Scrabble Club is continuing on the 4th Tuesday in each month at 2.30pm at the Back Room of Hemyock Baptist Church. The dates for June and July are as follows: 22.06.10 and 27.07.10
388.Did You Know… The Pavilion, MUGA and Tennis ...
The pavilion has a kitchen as well as changing rooms, toilets and sitting area, making it an ideal venue for children's parties etc.
389.Hemyock Land Owners
There is a keen interested in providing Allotments in Hemyock as evidenced by the recent village Survey. What we lack is land close to the village which can be used for Allotments. The Parish Council is seeking to lease land for this purpose on a long term basis - one ...
390.A huge THANK YOU from ShelterBox for the ...
Following the great generosity of local people including Hemyock Market, Hemyock Baptist Church, St Mary’s Church Hemyock, the Men’s group and St Mary’s Church, Upottery, The Evergreens of Culmstock and many individuals who gave to street collection in Tiverton, the Rotary Club of Tiverton has been able to send to ...