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31.Flooding in Hemyock - May 2008
Hemyock was hit by a terrific storm at 7pm on Thursday 27th May.  The storm was centred on South Somerset with Crewkerne and Ilminster being badly hit; the edge was bad enough. Within minutes the Recreation Field, Bowling Green, the road and gardens of South View and surrounding areas were ...
32.Clayhidon Definitive Map Review
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 requires Devon County Council to keep the Definitive Map and Statement of public rights of way under continuous review and to make modifications where it appears that routes should be added, regraded or deleted. A review is currently being undertaken in the Parish of ...
33.All Change At Hemyock Parish Council
Councillors at Hemyock bid a sad farewell to their Parish Clerk, Anne Kingston at the final council meeting ahead of local elections. Anne had held the post for 24 years and was retiring to spend more time in the garden and with the grand children.
34.Parish Council Minutes - Jul & Aug 2006
Public Question Time The following matters were raised before the meeting by members of the public attending: At Longmead: sewer problem, car parked over manhole cover in car park for months last winter, slow progress over childrens play area. (Mr Lowman).
35.Parish Council Minutes - Jan & Feb 2006
Matters Arising & Public Question Time The new pavement in Fore Street is finished and looks good. School crossing points are being constructed at various places around the village - funded from the “Safe Routes to School” budget. Cemetery shed and railings are in need of repair and redecoration. Mr ...
36.Minutes of Open Meeting Held on 22 June ...
Minutes of an Open Meeting to Launch the Upper Culm Community Land Trust held on 22nd June 2012.
37.Fencing of Forestry Commission land at Culm Davy
The Forestry Commission intend to fence part of the land behind Culm Davy, which many residents of Hemyock will be familiar with. They have only allowed us until the 2nd July for consultation, and they seem to have only put up two small notices on the route to the Culmstock ...
38.Blackdown Archives
This weekend, the 13th and 14th August, will see the next Open Days for the Community Archives at the Healthy Living Centre. The Archives will be on display at the Centre from 12 noon until 3pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Come along to the Centre this weekend for a ...
39.Footpaths, Bridleways and Byways – the Definitive Map ...
Devon County Council are reviewing the Definitive Map & Statement for Hemyock and are seeking proposals from organisations and individuals about footpaths, bridleways and byways. Changes and amendments to the map will be considered where plausible and backed up by sufficient data. Please contact our Parish Clerk, Anne Kingston on ...
40.Culm Valley YFC News Update Oct 2012
Culm Valley YFC as usual have been extremely busy competing in lots of different competitions, learning new skills, playing sports and of course attending lots of social events!
41.Young Farmers Celebrate A Diamond Day
Culm Valley Young Farmers Club has celebrated the 60th anniversary of its sale and show. The event was held at Exeter Market at the Matford Centre, Exeter, on Friday April 27.
42.The newly elected Hemyock Parish Council
Hemyock Parish Council
43.Blackdown Early Music Festival
Blackdowns Early Music Festival has become a mainstream event in the musical calendar for lovers of early music. Every year since 2004 expert singers from all over the UK and Europe have gathered together for occasional weekends in Culmstock to work on programmes of mediaeval, renaissance and baroque vocal music.
44.Parish Council Welcomes Margaret Squires, New Chairman of ...
Mid Devon District Council has been in some turmoil recently , with many new Councillors and the placing of the Council under more direct central government supervision. Margaret Squires has taken over as the new Chairman of MDDC and a completely new structure for the Council looks imminent.
45.Harvest festival supper - report
Harvest Festival was celebrated at St Mary’s Church, Hemyock on Friday evening followed by a bring and share supper.
46.Road Closure
Circumstances and weather permitting on behalf of Devon County Council, SWH will be carrying out the following works under a road closure as shown below: Type of Works: Drainage Location: Five Bridges Cross to Madford Cross Hemyock - click here for map
47.Parish Council Minutes - Oct, Nov, Dec 2006
4th Oct, 1st Nov & 6th Dec 2006 Matters Arising - Re state of road at South View, Mr White of MDDC had visited and found no problem. Query whether he had even visited the right road. To be followed up.
48.Parish Council Minutes - April & May 2007
4th April, 2nd & 9th May 2007 Matters Arising - Re speeding at Symonsburrow, a local resident has obtained the cost of a flashing speed reminder sign £1500 plus £250 to erect. Details to be passed to County Council. Police are to carry out a further speed survey there.
49.Parish Council Minutes - May & Jun 2006
Public Question Time 28 members of the public attended the June meeting to discuss the application submitted by Hemyock Baptist Church to provide a mobile classroom in the grounds of the Church. Mike Eastick from Upper Culm Twinning Association asked whether the Parish Council would give their support to the ...
50.Hemyock.org celebrates three years of activity
It really has been 3 years on Saturday since hemyock.org went live. Since then we have had around 48,000 visitors and have even had a local newspaper ring up to ask if they can use one of our pictures. Hemyock.org was created by Paul Steed and Matt Clements on the ...
51.Housing Needs Survey
Brown envelopes have been dropping onto local door mats and they need your urgent attention. Developed by Hemyock Parish Council and the Devon Rural Housing Partnership, the results will help to assess the future housing needs for the area, including the prevention of unnecessay deleopments. One subject covered by the ...
52.St Mary's Summer Fete
Despite overcast skies and another event being held in the village the annual Summer Fete organised by St Mary’s Parish Church was a great success raising over £1,800.
53.Around Hemyock
Whilst for most of us the Christmas period is a time for joyful celebration with family and friends there have been those saddened by the loss of a loved one. We send love and condolences to the families of Pat Salter, Charles Gilchrist-Fisher, Cyril Vaughan, Peter Cruwys, Margaret Elworthy and ...
54.Parish Council Minutes - Feb & Mar 2007
7th Feb & 7th March 2007 Matters Arising - State of road at South View, no further progress. Clerk & Mr Rosamond to chase the matter up.
55.Road Closures for resurfacing
From the 30th June 2014 South West Highways will be closing a section of the B3391 Main Road Hemyock for resurfacing & Patching works on behalf of Devon County Council; these works should be completed by 2nd July 2014 The diversion will be B3391, A38, Monument Road, Wellington Hill passing ...
56.Community Trust scheme to build more houses
Do you want more housing built on ‘exceptional sites’ (agricultural land bordering the village which would not usually be available for development)? Hemyock plans to join with Clayhidon in forming a Community Land Trust. There is only a short window to apply for funding towards this. (Is this being rushed ...
57.Mind the Gap Conference
‘Mind the Gap’ was a mini conference held in Hemyock recently to consider the provision of increased elderly care services in Hemyock and in particular housing. Hosted by the Parish Council and including representatives from the Abbeyfield Society, WCHA the local housing association and Mid Devon District Council the group ...
58.Dennis Silk CBE talks on Siegfried Sassoon
Dennis Silk gave a moving talk last night on the life and poetry of Siegfried Sassoon. His talk was a perfect example of a clear informative, interesting and entertaining account of one of the 20th century's great literary yet controversial figures.
59.£1m fund for rural micro-businesses in Devon and ...
Entrepreneurs from Devon and Somerset are being given new opportunities to boost profits and create jobs with game-changing grants of over £10,000 each, the Heart of the South West (HotSW) Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) announced today.
60.Result of Election for Directors of the Upper ...
At the Special General Meeting for members of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd held on 22 September 2012 a secret ballot was held to elect Directors, replacing the interim Directors who have been involved in the establishment of the Trust. The result is shown below.