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121.The Creation By Haydn - A Review
Following a concert at St Mary's church Uffculme when £275 was raised for the Karen Action Group Hemyock Singers returned to their own village the following evening to give a superb performance of The Creation' which raised £280 for St Margaret's Somerset Hospice New Build Appeal.
122.Hurley Is Pick Of The Players!
In wintry conditions at Amory Park, Hemyock under-8s lost 5-2 to well organised Twyford. With the score at 3-2 Hemyock tried hard to get back into the game, but despite going close, left space at the back for Twyford to add to their tally and win in style.Joe Hurley scored ...
123.From Councellor Ray Radford...
Forgive me if you are familiar with the Boundaries Commission, but that is the most talked about topic within DCC at the moment. The Boundaries Commission asked DCC and MDDC to put forward their views on Unitary Council. This means that a Unitary Council would provide all the services that ...
124.Serving those who serve since 1779
It was said of the Duke of Wellington that he was ‘more afraid of his own men than he was of the enemy’. Which perhaps makes his Presidency of the Naval & Military Bible Society in 1816 all the more understandable with its core aim being “to spread abroad Christian ...
125.House Martins
For several years, I have been collecting information about house martins in this area. Such information includes date of arrival and departure of the birds; number of nests being used; address of the site etc.
126.Jobs are at risk says County Councillor
Letters from 13 key businesses were presented at a recent Parish Council meeting in Hemyock demanding action on the need for passing places on Pencross Hill to the North of the village. As the village has grown, there has been a marked increase in the number and size of commercial ...
127.St Mary's Guild - February 08
On Wednesday December 5, members of St Mary’s Guild met for their monthly meeting in the Church Rooms. Christine Brown welcomed members before introducing speakers Malcolm and Mary Beal who entertained us with some tales and anecdotes about their life since Malcolm's ordination in the 1960s. Malcolm started his ministry ...
128.Pilgrim's Guide To Devon's Churches
A reminder that it is not too late to order a copy of "The Pilgrim's Guide To Devon's Churches", a book outlining the Church of England churches in Devon, all 627 of them. It is due to be published in late October. It will cost £7.99. St Mary's will be ...
129.Poppy Appeal Collection
The total raised in the Poppy Appeal collection was £1438.41. This was slightly down on last year but still a very good amount. My grateful thanks to all those who helped with the collection.
130.History Group - Meeting Reports
The 8th October meeting will be given by James Skeggs on the Luttrell Family and on the 16th November Dennis Silk will be talking on Siegfried Sassoon. The August Meeting was a talk from Mac McDonnell who had lived in Uvedale Crescent when working as a youth worker in Croydon.
131.MP To Attend Breakfast Meeting
The Shadow Agriculture and Rural Affairs Minister, Jim Paice, MP, will be visiting Wallace's Farm Shop, Hemyock, on Wednesday, March 7.
132.Flavour of France
Hemyock Village Hall was at full capacity for a very different Valentines event last weekend.
133.Young Farmers Update - October 2008
Apologies for the long delay in updating you on what we have been up to within the club. I would like to congratulate Emily York for scoring the highest points in the junior public speaking competition earlier on in the year and her team coming overall 3rd. Other results were ...
134.Your Dog, Your Mess! Bag and bin please
There has been a recent increase in the amount of dog mess which has been left around the village. Some of it is bagged, but then thrown into gardens or fields. The Parish Council are appealing to owners to clear up the mess left by their dogs. It is not ...
135.European Funding For Young Traders
Young people setting up new businesses in the Blackdown Hills are being urged to act quickly if they want to get European funding.
136.Hemyock WI - News Update
In June the members enjoyed a challenging Treasure Hunt around the village. This was organised by Julie and Elaine. Luckily, the weather was favourable as some members took a long time to complete their tasks. The winning team was 'The Young Ones.' All were able to enjoy the meal provided ...
137.Chairman Heather Visits the Queen
A devoted Hemyock community worker got to meet the Queen when she collected her MBE last month. Heather Stallard went to Buckingham Palace with son Guy and Neil and daughter Margaret and said it was 'a day to remember.'
138.Devon Historic Churches Day
This is on September 12th. It's a day when many churches across the county are open giving rise to some interesting possibilities.
139.Winners of the Annual Hemyock Christmas Decoration Competiton ...
Devon County Councillor Ray Radford judged this years Christmas Decoration competition in Hemyock and found it a difficult decision to come to a final winner as there were some outstanding displays which really enhanced the whole village. “Overall it was a good effort by all who had taken part, from ...
140.The French Are Coming to see us
In May we will formally seal our twinning arrangement when friends from France will be with us. The party arrives on Thursday 21st in the afternoon. Leaving on Sunday morning 24th. The erection of signs denoting the twinning arrangement can now be seen at a couple of locations as people ...
141.Salamanca Band and Bugles of the Rifles
The Salamanca Band and Bugles of The Rifles were welcomed to Hemyock on Saturday (11th July) by a peal of bells rung by the ringers of St Mary's church where the band, conducted by Sgt Martin Wills, gave a concert to a large audience.
142.Garage Sale Success Story
Margaret and Brian Wheaton of Hemyock would like to thank all those who supported their garage sale on Saturday June 30 which raised £600.
143.From Councillor Ray Radford
Christmas has gone and now we are in a new year, hope you all enjoyed yourselves. We are now settling into the new Executive Structure at MDDC from last Nov, it will take time to settle down, we are all on a learning curve. The main difference is that Officers ...
144.St Mary's Summer Fayre
The annual summer fayre will take place on the 4th July on the Recreation Field from 10am - 4pm. This year in addition to the hot food and Bar, Teas and Stalls the Parachute Regiment Freefall Team will be "dropping" in at 2pm! There will also be a chance to ...
145.Exeter 1100
As people may well be aware 2009 marks the 1100th Anniversary of the founding of the Diocese of Exeter, and also that of the Bath and Wells Diocese. The celebrations come to a climax at the end of June.
146.Passion Play
In 2010 the villagers of Oberammergau will perform their world-famous Passion Play. Join Inter-Church Travel to experience this remarkable event, which takes place just once every ten years.
147.Singing Workshops
On Saturday 24th February twenty-four people (fully-booked!) attended the workshop "The Spirit of Taize" at Hemyock Village Hall, led by Gabrielle Newman-Turner.
148.From Reverend David Sherwood - June 2010
At the beginning of last year I wrote about the onset of the Credit Crunch and how that was impacting on the lives of those who had either lost their jobs or who were reliant upon the vagaries of the stock market for their income. But it has taken the ...
149.Holiday 2010
Previously we mentioned the small Bavarian village of Oberammergau where a Passion Play has been performed every 10 years since the time of the Black death. In 2010 they will perform it for the 41st time. The whole village is involved in the show. We have been looking at the ...
150.From Revd David Sherwood - February 08
Christmas is over and a New Year begins, A New Year full of opportunity and expectation which has been rather blunted by various bodies warning of an impending credit squeeze and a fall in the economy. All of us face rising energy charges, from fuel for our cars to the ...