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Search Results

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421.Villagers Advised to Raise Petition
Controversy continues to surround planning application for a development in Hemyock which villagers believe will cause further sewage leaks and potential health issues. Frustrated residents of the Longmead estate, where sewage leaks have become a very real issue, attended the Parish Council Meeting and voiced their concerns that they are ...
As part of the 750 year celebration at St Mary's a concert is to be held on Sunday 5th November at 3pm featuring the church choir and guest organist Nigel Atkinson. The free concert will featured music from 9 centuries and be followed by refreshments. Retiring donations will be for the Friends ...
423.Hemyock - Some Early Memories
A young chap on a bicycle with a long pole went through the village at dusk switching on the streetlights. Why was the switch up near the lamp? Our neighbour Mr Salter in Station Road, Carpenter and Wheelwright had a workshop full of wonderful wood aromas. His grizzled hair was ...
424.Twinning Mid Summer BBQ
This Twinning Association annual event is at “Pounds”, High Street, Hemyock this Saturday (21st).
425.Free Training
Get Up To Speed! Click here to find out about free training which may be available to you from Cosmic Peninsula Consortium.
426.Mobile Library
Over the last ten years the number of people using the mobile library service has declined by more than 40%. Devon District Council want to revitalise the mobile library service so that it becomes a better used and more vibrant service within rural communities. The people who still use the ...
427.What Is The Evening With Bishop Bob All ...
It is for you and everyone else in the Cullompton Deanery Bishop Bob will give some short and inspiring talks. Canon Mark Rylands, Diocesan Missioner will chair. Andrew Maries will lead the music.
428.Christingle Service
As darkness fell and with lights switched off, candlelight shone on the faces of excited children as they and the congregation at St Mary's formed a circle within the church to celebrate the annual Christingle service and to sing the well loved carol 'Away In A Manger' Due to the ...
429.Hemyock History Group Talk
Dr David Pugsley wil be giving a talk at the Church Rooms on 14th February at 7.30pm on the famous Moretonhampstead murder in 1835 which he has researched with access to all the relevant papers.
430.Tennis Club - Sept 06 Update
We've been at Longmead for nearly 12 months now and all the members, both old and new, have enjoyed playing on the new courts. Our membership has increased substantially and the Club has been very pleased to welcome so many new members.
431.Summer Fair Organisers Hope For Fair Weather
Members of St Mary's Church, Hemyock with Culm Davy Chapel are busy preparing for their annual Summer Fair and hoping for a dry day. The event, which will run from 10am - 5pm will be held at the Recreation Field on Saturday, July 14, and will have all the usual ...
432.Walk & Talk for Health - in the ...
Walking can improve energy levels and improve mobility, reduce stress and make us feel good, help us to sleep better and be a part of managing our weight. Perhaps the idea of a walk has been out of the question for you because of previous fitness issues. Walk & Talk ...
433.Around Hemyock.... August 2009
The wind dropped, the cloud lessened and before you knew it seven members of the Red Devils had parachuted into the Recreation Field and found themselves being inspected by Churchwarden Mary Beal before handing over an inscribed wooden baton to mark the event.
434.Hemyock Singers
Tomorrow evening (Friday 19th) 7.30pm, St Mary's Church - Hemyock Singers will perform Brahms Requiem with conductor Ron White and organist Nigel Atkinson. Soloists Jenny Doble and Glyn Jones. Free admission with retiring collection for the Cameo Club. This will be Ron's final concert as the choirs Musical Director and ...
435.Jubilee Plantation Opening
Longmead, this Sunday 2nd June at 2pm official opening of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Plantation by Neil Parish, MP Why not be a part of the national Big Lunch and bring along a picnic to enjoy
436.Hemyock Affordable Homes: Lettings and Sales Open Day
Hastoe Housing Association will be holding a Lettings and Sales Open Day event for the twelve affordable homes being built on the Culmstock Road, Hemyock on Tuesday 17th September , from 3 - 7 pm in the Parish Hall, Hemyock. All interested in renting or entering a shared ownership agreement ...
437.From Ray Radford, Your County Councillor
It's that time of year again, Christmas, it is a nice time of year, but they come around too quickly. First I should thank all those who turned out and helped with the Big Litter Pick, across the whole District there where 28 Parishes that took part during the Autumn, ...
438.Life at St Mary's
Throughout the week leading up to Easter Sunday there will be a number of services in the Upper Culm Valley churches. At St Mary's there will be Holy Communion on Tuesday 3rd April at 7p.m. On Thursday at 7.30p.m. Hemyock Singers will be singing 'Requiem' a modern setting by Bob ...
439.St Mary’s Guild - Dec 06 & Jan ...
On Wednesday December 6th, Members of St Mary's guild met to enjoy their Christmas Party which proved to be a very pleasant afternoon. After participating in a light hearted Christmas Quiz, we enjoyed some festive fare including Mince pies, Stollen and mulled wine - scrumptious.
440.Service changes at St Mary's
Due to the continuing clean up operation and drying out period needed at St Mary's church following the recent floods Sundays Christingle service due to be held at 4p.m. has been postponed. It will now be held at 4p.m.on Sunday 9th December. The Family service on December 2nd will be ...
441.Hemyock Emergency Plan - Sand Bag Alternative
People looking to protect their home against the results of a heavy downpour often consider sand bags. However, a filled sandbag soon rots. Similarly, having empty sandbags means that sand has to be found.
442.Hemyock Responds to Haiti Disaster
Hemyock resident Roger Lambert is the area Shelterbox organiser for the Exe Valley and Upper Culm and following the earthquake in Haiti moved quickly to tell people what Shelterbox was doing for that country. Roger went along to the Hemyock Market on Saturday morning and on Sunday he attended the ...
443.Palm Sunday
Members of St Mary's will be marking Palm Sunday by walking from the Parish Hall to the church this coming Sunday at 11am During the service there will be a dramatised reading. All are welcome
444.WW1 Book Launch and Memorabilia Exibition
For the last 6 months a number of people from the valley have been researching the family and service life of those people at the start of the last century who served in the Great War. A book 'The Upper Culm Valley before, during and after The Great War' has ...
445.St Mary's Churchyard
One of the joys of Hemyock is the state of the Churchyard. Whether it is in the snowdrop season or with the explosion of roses it is a part of the village which always gets favourable comments from visitors. Along with the dedicated work of the flower bed keepers this ...
446.Mary Waldren Trust
This fund exists primarily to help students in higher and further education, with the purchase of their books and equipment, by making discretionary grants.
447.Temporary Traffic Order
Click here for Temporary Road Traffic Order on 5-7 August
448.Life at St Mary's and beyond
This coming Sunday, 24th, people are invited to meet at the Parish Hall around 11a.m. for the beginning of the Palm Sunday service which will be continued at St Mary's Church where there will be a dramatisation of Christ's Passion. During Holy Week there will be services of Holy Communion ...
449.Church Doors
Your Parish Church is seeking donations to install a Memorial Door for the porch at St Mary's and to upgrade the access path. We are delighted with the response so far and are over halfway to the £10,000 needed but we still need your support to reach our target Further ...
450.From Revd Sherwood - Feb & Mar 07
In the media and in conversation with others I am hearing a constant refrain - the complaint that we now live in a 'nanny' state. It begins with surveillance cameras. If you drive on certain roads, visit any town, city or even railway station your presence is noted and recorded. ...