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181.Thank You
For around 23 years John Bimson has lovingly cared for the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Hemyock. To mark his retirement a painting of his house by Brian Doble was presented by Deputy Warden David Bawler at a recent service. Speaking on behalf of the church Mrs Mary Beal, Warden, ...
182.Hemyock Land Owners
There is a keen interested in providing Allotments in Hemyock as evidenced by the recent village Survey. What we lack is land close to the village which can be used for Allotments. The Parish Council is seeking to lease land for this purpose on a long term basis - one ...
183.A huge THANK YOU from ShelterBox for the ...
Following the great generosity of local people including Hemyock Market, Hemyock Baptist Church, St Mary’s Church Hemyock, the Men’s group and St Mary’s Church, Upottery, The Evergreens of Culmstock and many individuals who gave to street collection in Tiverton, the Rotary Club of Tiverton has been able to send to ...
184.Hemyock Church Rooms
St Mary's Church Rooms can be hired for parties or regular bookings. Private Functions only £8.00 per hour Regular Bookings £5.50 per hour
185.Summary Of The Longmead Field Meeting Held 14th ...
Play area A sign stipulating ‘do’s and don’ts’ was needed before the playground could be opened. This should be ready in about two weeks time. ROSPA required that the play area be monitored for damage and hazards to children. Trim trail The lottery fund bid had failed. It was agreed ...
186.Hiring the Church Rooms
St Mary's Church rooms can be hired for parties or regular bookings.
187.Memories of Christmas Fairs Past
"Why me?" was the question I asked when approached to open St Mary's Christmas Fair this year. I was told it was because I had attended a great many and perhaps would have some memories I would like to share. It was later suggested I should put some of the ...
188.Are you prepared for the snow?
There is a warning of snow on the way. Are you prepared? If you follow this link to the DCC Emergency Planning Newsletter you will find sections of interest to help you prepare. http://www.devon.gov.uk/ep_newsletter_dec10.pdf If the snow does come, please check on your neighbours, especially the elderly. Let's plan for ...
189.Hemyock - Some Early Memories
A young chap on a bicycle with a long pole went through the village at dusk switching on the streetlights. Why was the switch up near the lamp? Our neighbour Mr Salter in Station Road, Carpenter and Wheelwright had a workshop full of wonderful wood aromas. His grizzled hair was ...
190.From the Ringing Room at St Mary’s
About 6 years ago we welcomed the first ringing bride to the ringing room. Tower captain Lin Holway and her daughter, Emily, rang together before Emily's wedding. Now we have had the first ringing bridegroom. Our latest learner Tim Barton only started to ring last autumn, and we were delighted ...
191.From Revd Sherwood - Dec 06 & Jan ...
At this time of year the number of people visiting Lapland increases tenfold. There are now regular flights to this icy outpost of northern Europe and many families take the opportunity to visit 'Father Christmas'. It's a sort of seasonal Disneyland for children of all ages to experience the magic ...
192.Mince Pies at Halifax House
To thank you for your business, we will be serving mulled wine and mince pies from 11am until 4pm on Friday 19th December & Monday 22nd December.
193.Norman Leighton
It was with great sadness that Hemyock Singers heard of the death of Norman Leighton just before the Pump went to press. Norman was a fine musician specialising in the violin. Prior to moving to Hemyock he had been invoved with numerous chiors and orchestras. As a past Musical Director ...
194.Can you help our Church in 2010?
St Mary`s Church is for everyone in Hemyock. It is always there for the big events of life like weddings and funerals and also for quiet thought and contemplation. It is there as a landmark and symbol for the village. But although it`s there for everyone, not many contribute to ...
195.Mobile Library
Over the last ten years the number of people using the mobile library service has declined by more than 40%. Devon District Council want to revitalise the mobile library service so that it becomes a better used and more vibrant service within rural communities. The people who still use the ...
196.What Is The Evening With Bishop Bob All ...
It is for you and everyone else in the Cullompton Deanery Bishop Bob will give some short and inspiring talks. Canon Mark Rylands, Diocesan Missioner will chair. Andrew Maries will lead the music.
197.From Rev David Sherwood
As I write, the death toll in the Haiti earthquake has risen to two hundred thousand and is still climbing. Like you, I am shocked by the devastation of this natural disaster and stunned by the misery and chaos being heaped upon a nation already burdened by poverty and depravation. ...
198.St Mary’s Guild - Dec 06 & Jan ...
On Wednesday December 6th, Members of St Mary's guild met to enjoy their Christmas Party which proved to be a very pleasant afternoon. After participating in a light hearted Christmas Quiz, we enjoyed some festive fare including Mince pies, Stollen and mulled wine - scrumptious.
199.Summer Fair Organisers Hope For Fair Weather
Members of St Mary's Church, Hemyock with Culm Davy Chapel are busy preparing for their annual Summer Fair and hoping for a dry day. The event, which will run from 10am - 5pm will be held at the Recreation Field on Saturday, July 14, and will have all the usual ...
200.Hemyock Emergency Plan - Sand Bag Alternative
People looking to protect their home against the results of a heavy downpour often consider sand bags. However, a filled sandbag soon rots. Similarly, having empty sandbags means that sand has to be found.
201.Twinning Mid Summer BBQ
This Twinning Association annual event is at “Pounds”, High Street, Hemyock this Saturday (21st).
202.Tennis Club - Sept 06 Update
We've been at Longmead for nearly 12 months now and all the members, both old and new, have enjoyed playing on the new courts. Our membership has increased substantially and the Club has been very pleased to welcome so many new members.
203.Around Hemyock.... August 2009
The wind dropped, the cloud lessened and before you knew it seven members of the Red Devils had parachuted into the Recreation Field and found themselves being inspected by Churchwarden Mary Beal before handing over an inscribed wooden baton to mark the event.
204.Walk & Talk for Health - in the ...
Walking can improve energy levels and improve mobility, reduce stress and make us feel good, help us to sleep better and be a part of managing our weight. Perhaps the idea of a walk has been out of the question for you because of previous fitness issues. Walk & Talk ...
205.Hemyock Responds to Haiti Disaster
Hemyock resident Roger Lambert is the area Shelterbox organiser for the Exe Valley and Upper Culm and following the earthquake in Haiti moved quickly to tell people what Shelterbox was doing for that country. Roger went along to the Hemyock Market on Saturday morning and on Sunday he attended the ...
206.From Ray Radford, Your County Councillor
It's that time of year again, Christmas, it is a nice time of year, but they come around too quickly. First I should thank all those who turned out and helped with the Big Litter Pick, across the whole District there where 28 Parishes that took part during the Autumn, ...
207.St Mary's Churchyard
One of the joys of Hemyock is the state of the Churchyard. Whether it is in the snowdrop season or with the explosion of roses it is a part of the village which always gets favourable comments from visitors. Along with the dedicated work of the flower bed keepers this ...
208.Mary Waldren Trust
This fund exists primarily to help students in higher and further education, with the purchase of their books and equipment, by making discretionary grants.
209.Biodiversity Plan for Hemyock
The Blackdown Hills AONB has commissioned Dr David Allen to produce reports on the biodiversity of six Blackdown Hills parishes including Hemyock. These will include distribution maps showing areas of important habitat or notable species and ideas for nature conservation action that the local community might like to pursue.
210.From Revd Sherwood - Feb & Mar 07
In the media and in conversation with others I am hearing a constant refrain - the complaint that we now live in a 'nanny' state. It begins with surveillance cameras. If you drive on certain roads, visit any town, city or even railway station your presence is noted and recorded. ...