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Tonight seasonal illuminations will light up the trees and outer walls of our parish church prior to the annual carol service at 7pm which will be followed by mince pies and mulled wine. Do come and join us.
302.Christmas Decoration Competition
Thank you to everyone who entered the competition and made Hemyock look cheerful and festive. Click here for the results. The winners will be sent their cheques in the New Year!
303.Garage Sale Success Story
Margaret and Brian Wheaton of Hemyock would like to thank all those who supported their garage sale on Saturday June 30 which raised £600.
304.St Mary's Summer Fayre
The annual summer fayre will take place on the 4th July on the Recreation Field from 10am - 4pm. This year in addition to the hot food and Bar, Teas and Stalls the Parachute Regiment Freefall Team will be "dropping" in at 2pm! There will also be a chance to ...
305.Salamanca Band and Bugles of the Rifles
The Salamanca Band and Bugles of The Rifles were welcomed to Hemyock on Saturday (11th July) by a peal of bells rung by the ringers of St Mary's church where the band, conducted by Sgt Martin Wills, gave a concert to a large audience.
306.The French Are Coming to see us
In May we will formally seal our twinning arrangement when friends from France will be with us. The party arrives on Thursday 21st in the afternoon. Leaving on Sunday morning 24th. The erection of signs denoting the twinning arrangement can now be seen at a couple of locations as people ...
307.Christmas fair/ Christingle
St Mary's annual Christmas Fair will be held on Saturday 6th December at the Parish Hall from 2 - 4pm Traditional stalls, raffles, refreshments and lots of other goodies including a visit from Father Christmas will be on ofer. The following afternoon at 4pm a Christingle service will be held ...
308.Dogs Halt Football
A recent football match was halted by the referee until dog mess was removed from the pitch. The Longmead Sports complex is proving a great success particularly for dog lovers, but their presence is proving a nuisance to sports people and a potential heath risk.
309.Blackdown Hills Food and Drink Festival
Hemyock Parish Hall is the venue for the launch of the 2008 Blackdown Hills Food and Drink Festival on Saturday 24th May from 10am to 4pm There will be something for everyone - local producers selling their fabulous food, drink and crafts. Take some refreshments whilst catching up with friends ...
310.Exeter 1100
As people may well be aware 2009 marks the 1100th Anniversary of the founding of the Diocese of Exeter, and also that of the Bath and Wells Diocese. The celebrations come to a climax at the end of June.
311.This week at St Mary's
The coming week will be a busy time for St Mary's with the Christmas Fair, Christingle service and the Licensing of the Rev David Burton. The annual Christmas Fair to be held at the Parish Hall on Saturday 3rd December from 2.30pm - 4.30pm will have the usual range of ...
312.Himalayan Balsam Pull
The Parish Council will be pulling some of the Himalayan Balsam opposite the flood bridge on Tuesday evening 7th July at 7.30pm. Any volunteers would be welcome! Click here for pamphlet giving more information.
313.QUIZ NIGHT Tickets on Sale at Post Office
You can purchase tickets for Hemyock Cricket Club's April Quiz at the Post Office in Hemyock. The Quiz will be held on Friday 26th April 2013 starting at 7.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Come and test your general knowledge against quizmasters Vanessa and Tony. Admission £30 per team to ...
314.From Councillor Ray Radford
Christmas has gone and now we are in a new year, hope you all enjoyed yourselves. We are now settling into the new Executive Structure at MDDC from last Nov, it will take time to settle down, we are all on a learning curve. The main difference is that Officers ...
315.Bishop of Exeter
This coming Sunday, 1st February, will see the Bishop of Exeter at the Parish Church when five people are confirmed into the Church of England. The service, when the congregation from Culm Davy, Clayhidon and Culmstock will join Hemyock parishoners, will start at the earlier time of 10.30a.m. and will ...
316.Passion Play
In 2010 the villagers of Oberammergau will perform their world-famous Passion Play. Join Inter-Church Travel to experience this remarkable event, which takes place just once every ten years.
317.Grand Opening
Official opening of the Longmead Field a great success
318.Singing Workshops
On Saturday 24th February twenty-four people (fully-booked!) attended the workshop "The Spirit of Taize" at Hemyock Village Hall, led by Gabrielle Newman-Turner.
319.Temporary Traffic Order
click here for details of temporary traffic order Madford Cross to Higher Mackham Farm
320.Wimbledon comes to Hemyock
On the Sunday afternoon following Wimbledon finals day, Hemyock Tennis Club held its own version of the great event with a mixed doubles tournament followed by champagne, strawberries, tea and cakes.
321.Hemyock Tennis Club raises funds for Sport Relief
Fortified by home made cakes and warm brews supplied by club members, Hemyock Tennis Club raised over £550 for Sports Relief. Undeterred by the weather, this enthusiastic tennis club - which enjoys the facilities of the Longmead Field Sports Centre with 3 all weather courts and a club pavilion - ...
322.Hemyock Under 15
Countess Wear 1 Hemyock 3
323.Holiday 2010
Previously we mentioned the small Bavarian village of Oberammergau where a Passion Play has been performed every 10 years since the time of the Black death. In 2010 they will perform it for the 41st time. The whole village is involved in the show. We have been looking at the ...
324.From Reverend David Sherwood - June 2010
At the beginning of last year I wrote about the onset of the Credit Crunch and how that was impacting on the lives of those who had either lost their jobs or who were reliant upon the vagaries of the stock market for their income. But it has taken the ...
325.A Day In The Life Of A Summer ...
Waking up at 6am the good news .... sunshine! At 7am Patricia could be seen putting up bunting around the Recreation Field and by 8am David was erecting a gazebo. Around 10am members of the Scout Group were putting up marquees and stallholders could be seen setting out around 40 ...
Organised by the Friends of St Mary's the parish church has been decorated with over 20 Christmas trees by local organisations and is a glorious sight. Tinsel, baubles, lights, stars, seed packets, PO boxes, poppies , beer mats, and knitted goods along with colours of gold, silver and red are ...
327.From Revd David Sherwood - February 08
Christmas is over and a New Year begins, A New Year full of opportunity and expectation which has been rather blunted by various bodies warning of an impending credit squeeze and a fall in the economy. All of us face rising energy charges, from fuel for our cars to the ...
328.Christingle Service
This very special annual service will be held at the Parish Church on Sunday 5th December at 4pm. All are warmly welcome especially those with children.
329.UPDATE: Only 2 dates remaining for £40 Cricket ...
UPDATE: We now have only two dates remaining : Saturday 18th May and Saturday 29th June , if you would like to join our group of tea-makers. We pay £40 per match to include the cost of ingredients. Teas consist of sandwiches, savouries such as sausage rolls, and cake. Please ...
330.QUIZ NIGHT Friday 4th April - Buy Your ...
Hemyock Cricket Club's popular general knowledge quiz is being held this Friday, 4th April, in the Parish Hall at 7.30 p.m. Tickets are now available from the Post Office in Hemyock or by ringing John Hurley on 07891 941306. Tickets are £30 for each team to include food (minimum of ...